Mondays can be the worst. Some weeks it seems like the only way to get through the day is a gallon of coffee and a prayer.

Instead of drowning that start-of-the-work-week-bitterness in endless cups of caffeine, pour yourself a cup of encouragement with Caffeinate Your Soul, an insightful guide to making Mondays more manageable and meaningful.

This collection of short, but impactful, Monday Mantras will guide you through a year of Mondays, meeting you where you are and then walking you step-by-step to where you want to be.

“A ‘coffee table book’ worth highlighting on, writing in, and Post-It-noting all over, Caffeinate Your Soul is more than just a book – it’s a practice. Practicing what’s inside will have you waking up day after day, a stronger, kinder, braver you.”

– Ashley LeMieux, Best-selling Author of Born to Shine

As Seen On

Erica provides a year’s worth of lessons, in
sip-sized segments that will teach you how to:

  • Step out in courage and carry on after hardship
  • Grow through what you go through
  • Give yourself grace and give up the personal guilt trips
  • Get comfortable being UNcomfortable
  • Act on your dreams and do hard things
  • Clear out the clutter in your life, say no more often, and fail forward

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Erica provides a year’s worth of lessons, in
sip-sized segments that will teach you how to:

  • Step out in courage and carry on after hardship
  • Grow through what you go through
  • Give yourself grace and give up the personal guilt trips
  • Get comfortable being UNcomfortable
  • Act on your dreams and do hard things
  • Clear out the clutter in your life, say no more often, and fail forward

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Rooted in faith, and packed with practical takeaways, Caffeinate Your Soul will leave you feeling uplifted, energized, and ready to take on your day, just as any good cuppa coffee should.

About the Author

Erica Gwynn is an author, podcaster, teacher, speaker, and successful lifestyle influencer.
Host of the THRIVE podcast, founder of, and creator of online course BossPitch, Erica is a go-to source of daily inspiration, encouragement & education for hundreds of thousands of women (and a few good men 😉 ).

As a thought-leader in the millennial generation, Erica’s online community is rooted in the belief that while not everything in life is pretty and every rose has its thorn, we can still choose to live with a positive perspective where everything is coming up roses.
Her online course, BossPitch, was born in 2016 after Erica successfully made her “little online blog” her full-time, six-figure job and knew she had to teach other aspiring content creators how to do the same.

She has gone on to teach hundreds of students how to know their worth and charge accordingly, in pitching and politely persisting their way to dream brand partnerships.
The podcast, THRIVE, has practical tips and weekly conversations to bring listeners from a life of simply surviving, to thriving.

Erica is based right outside Philadelphia with her husband Jamie, their miracle daughter, Olivia Grace, and the best rescue cat, Purrcy. She went to the Wharton School of Business, but definitely couldn’t tell you a single thing from Corporate Finance class (she was too busy blogging, but hey – it worked out). And she believes in not spending the big bucks to look like a million, laughing at yourself, and using dry shampoo only slightly less than oxygen.

With 52 Monday Mantras inside for a year’s worth of weekly encouragement, Caffeinate Your Soul was a project that was years in the making, so that YOUR next year can be your best yet.

For press & media inquiries please email:

About the Author

Erica Gwynn is an author, podcaster, teacher, speaker, and successful lifestyle influencer.
Host of the THRIVE podcast, founder of, and creator of online course BossPitch, Erica is a go-to source of daily inspiration, encouragement & education for hundreds of thousands of women (and a few good men 😉 ).

As a thought-leader in the millennial generation, Erica’s online community is rooted in the belief that while not everything in life is pretty and every rose has its thorn, we can still choose to live with a positive perspective where everything is coming up roses.
Her online course, BossPitch, was born in 2016 after Erica successfully made her “little online blog” her full-time, six-figure job and knew she had to teach other aspiring content creators how to do the same.

She has gone on to teach hundreds of students how to know their worth and charge accordingly, in pitching and politely persisting their way to dream brand partnerships.
The podcast, THRIVE, has practical tips and weekly conversations to bring listeners from a life of simply surviving, to thriving.

Erica is based right outside Philadelphia with her husband Jamie, their miracle daughter, Olivia Grace, and the best rescue cat, Purrcy. She went to the Wharton School of Business, but definitely couldn’t tell you a single thing from Corporate Finance class (she was too busy blogging, but hey – it worked out). And she believes in not spending the big bucks to look like a million, laughing at yourself, and using dry shampoo only slightly less than oxygen.

With 52 Monday Mantras inside for a year’s worth of weekly encouragement, Caffeinate Your Soul was a project that was years in the making, so that YOUR next year can be your best yet.

For press & media inquiries please email:

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