15 Easy Ways to Drink More Water

Hello my name is Erica and I am perpetually dehydrated. Or, at least, I used to be – until I started implementing today’s tips. 😉 I was basically always on a mission to drink more water, because your girl was not well-hydrated. Confession time: there used to be days I would go all day without a single glass of water. I mean, that’s straight up BAD. No bueno. The adult human body is about 60% water…so, like, we need to drink more wateryo! Here are 15 of my personal favorite ways to easily, effortlessly drink more water – really.

15 Ways to Drink More Water (EASILY!) - on Coming Up Roses

15 EASY Ways to Drink More Water - on Coming Up Roses

15 Ways to Drink More Water (EASILY!) - on Coming Up Roses

THRIVING TUMBLER CUP - how to drink more water, on Coming Up Roses

15 EASY Ways to Drink More Water - on Coming Up Roses

  • Know the science. None of us are likely strangers to the notion of drinking more water for our health – your body is 60% water, so it only makes sense that we’d need to fuel + fill it often. BUT, did you know that your lungs are about 83% water, your brain and heart are 73% water, your muscles and kidneys are 79% water and your skin is about 64% water?? (Source: H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158). Water does literally ALL THE THINGS for every cell. It regulates your body temperature (via sweating + respiration). It metabolizes carbs and proteins and transports them as fuel through your bloodstream. It flushes waste through urination. It lubricates joints and absorbs shock for your brain and spinal cord and protects the fetus if you’re pregnant. 
  • Tack it onto another habit. What’s something that you do every single day without fail? Go to the bathroom. Or wake up. Or nap after work. Make a personal rule that when X happens, you drink more water. And if X is a no-fail, everyday routinized task, it’ll make hydration an automatic!
  • Set alarms. I have alarms set for everything from drinking more water to picking up Liv from preschool. No shame in that game!
  • Drink BEFORE you eat. Not only will you by hydrating more, but you’ll be filling your stomach – which helps you avoid overeating.
  • Use the THRIVING tumbler cup. Because duh! My personal favorite cup. 😉 The THRIVING cup is my custom-designed, limited edition tumbler of THRIVING Collection. It’s a double-insulated stainless steel cup from my FAVORITE cup brand, and it keeps ice frozen for – literally – 24 hours. If you’re looking to drink more water, you’ll have an ice cold gulp at your fingertips every time. 😉 Besides that, both the straw-lid and hot beverage lid (it comes with both!) are leak-free, and the THRIVING logo is actually *engraved* into the side of the cup so it will never wear or wash off! Word on the street is that shipping is even faster than Amazon Prime thanks to what I have fondly dubbed Ligenza Shipping Co. – aka, our family shipping operation from the Gwynn garage. Ha! 

15 Ways to Drink More Water (EASILY!) - on Coming Up Roses

THRIVING TUMBLER CUP - how to drink more water, on Coming Up Roses

  • Get a FEW tumbler cups. Then leave them strategically throughout your house. Heck, your water will still be cold even if you forget it until the next day…and you’ll have NO EXCUSE since there will always be a cup in sight. 😉 (If you want other colorful options besides the THRIVING cup, we have about 6 others around our house from Amazon by the same brand – simply the best!)
  • Eat more water-rich foods. Lettuce is 96% water – so if you aren’t a fan of salad but wanna up that water intake, there’s some motivation for ya. 😉 Celery is 95% water, as is zucchini, cabbage is 92% water, watermelon is 91% water, and both cantaloupe and honeydew melon are 90% water. So if you don’t want to drink more water…eat it!
  • Ice, ice baby! Four ice cubes equals about a half a cup of water, so you’ll drink more water in the end by the time your cup is totally dry!
  • Add something fun
    • Mint – such a good seasonal addition, especially if you’re growing it in a little summer her garden!
    • A *splash* of lemonade or limeade – J and I do this daily! We get the Simply Limeade + Simply Lemonade, fill our tumblers up with about one inch of room to spare, and then just top it off with a *splash* of sweet!
    • Fresh fruit – never fails!
    • A fizzy boost – I try to do this sparingly, but I’ll occasionally throw in an Arbonne fizzy drink or Verb energy drink packet for a little boost!
    • Waterdrop – I haven’t personally tried this one yet but have heard rave reviews! Waterdrop makes little capsules of fruity flavor + superfood ingredients for a boost in taste AND nutrition without any added sugar (or artificial sweeteners). It’s on my list to try, so I’ll report back! 😉

Mint in water - drink more water easily! 15 EASY Ways to Drink More Water - on Coming Up Roses

  • Alternatively, dilute a sugary drink. You’ll be upping your water intake AND likely lessening your sugar intake – win win!
  • Observe the 1:1 rule for cocktailing. Drinking a cocktail? Next up, a glass of water. For every 1 alcoholic beverage, follow with a good ol’ glass o’ H2O.
  • Make it a rule. Or really, make your own rules. Maybe that means that every time you hit the gym, you take a full bottle and can’t leave until you’ve finished it. Or maybe, it’s 8 ounces gulped down any time you catch yourself complaining. 😉 Ha! Tie this good habit to a BAD habit to break one and bolster the other!
  • Swap out one NON-water drink in your day with H20. Looking at you, Diet Cokers. 😉 Ha! But really, if you’re someone who “HAS to have” that one specific bubbly beverage like clockwork – see if you can swap one for a water. If you have a daily habit, start with one swap per week – then up to two. Then three! You’ve got this!
  • Think of transitions as time to fill up. If I’m not careful, I can accidentally spend my entire work day at my desk, staring at my computer screen. Transitioning between tasks might not ALWAYS involve physically moving, so I try to earmark those transitions as times to intentionally get out of my chair and re-fill my cup. 
  • Reward thyself. We are creatures motivated by reward – it’s just our nature. So set a goal for yourself to drink more water, and watch how much more motivated you suddenly feel! 😉

15 Ways to Drink More Water (EASILY!) - on Coming Up Roses

Do you have a favorite way to drink more water everyday?

If you’ve got a method that works for you that’s not already listed above, let us know in the comments below – we’ll give it a try!