By popular request and in hot demand this season, today I’m sharing the FOOLPROOF self tanner I’ve been using on repeat for over a year now for a natural-looking, gorgeous bronzed glow. Spoiler alert: it’s the Botanic Tree self tanner, and it’s gooooooood. This stuff is just about the easiest self tanner for fair skin – and I say that as a recovering Oompa Loompa. 😉 I forgoed self tanner for years after near-traumatic experiences with some that left me streaky, smelly, and straight up carrot-colored. I thought it was simply user error – but turns out, there is most *definitely* a hierarchy of self tanners, and I was trying some that just sucked.
Luckily, this one has changed the game.
Jumping right to it – here’s a before/after, no filters obviously, to share what my skin looked like before any application versus about 24 hours later after one application. It’s a natural-looking bronze glow that’s even and buildable! Bless up! (I also think it helps generally even out your skin tone, which you can see more in the closer up shots belo!)
Note: This is NOT sponsored by the brand (although I wish it was because I lovelovelove them so much – they’re a family-owned Florida-based business that makes quite a few fabulous skincare gems, and they also donate portions of proceeds to various non-profits!). But, BECAUSE of how much I’ve been diggin’ this stuff + A’ing Q’s on it in my DMs, I reached out to ask for a discount code hookup if possible, and they so kindly obliged. 🙂 SO, if you want to try this stuff for yourself, use code ERICATAN25 at checkout for 25% off your tube (in your regular Amazon checkout – just put the code in the box that looks like this!).
OK SO. First thing’s first – why do I lovelovelove the Botanic Tree self tanner so much?
- It’s a plant-based, natural, organic self-tanner – no yucky chemicals. I was never a big ingredient-reader of my skincare or body care products up until more recently in life, and I’m slowly but surely heading down that path. Especially with the release of docuseries like the new HBOMax one called “Not So Pretty,” it’s *alarming* how unregulated so much of the industry is, with so many blatantly bad-for-you chemicals and ingredients in products that we put on our biggest organ – our skin – every single day. Yikes. Stepping off that soapbox and just re-emphasizing that this formula is clean.
- It doesn’t smell bad! Self tanner can be notorious for, well, stinking. I’d say there’s a *faint* smell as the Botanic Tree self tanner develops (because it does develop gradually over about 12 hours I’d say), but it’s not bad at ALL and it’s barely noticeable.
- NOT orange. Ain’t nobody got time for Oompa Loompa status.
- NOT streaky. Also ain’t nobody got time for damage control.
- It applies so easily + effortlessly. If you caught my quick application demo on Instagram Stories last week, you probably noticed I a.) applied it just like body lotion, and b.) wasn’t even wearing a mitt. It goes on like a lightweight white lotion, so so long as you’re intentionally applying it evenly and everywhere, you won’t get ANY streaks or splotches. The only time I’ve ever had an uneven spot was if I blatantly didn’t touch a spot, so like, duh Erica. HA. TRULY a foolproof self tanner!!!
- No need to wear a mitt – just wash your hands after application!
- It’s fast-absorbing. I can throw on clothes immediately after and there’s ZERO transfer. No transfer on clothes, sheets, towels, etc!
- It’s buildable. If you want/need an even darker tan after you’re fully “developed,” you can apply again for a buildable tan.
- It’s got Shea Butter inside, as well as ten organic fruit extracts, so it’s formulated to be hydrating and good-for-you, too!
- Also works on your face as a face tanner!
- Made in the USA! Cruelty-free with zero parabens, sulfates, or toxic chemicals.
- No settling in pores. Katie gives it two thumbs up, too, and I’d say she’s lighter than me naturally – so this is really the easiest self tanner for fair skin, especially without worrying about looking unnaturally dark-for-you after application.
How to apply Botanic Tree self tanner:
- Make sure you’re applying on exfoliated + moisturized skin for best results!
- While I’ve done it same-day and it’s been okay, I’d recommend waiting a few hours at LEAST or next day if possible after shaving your legs to apply. As Katie experienced/said, you do NOT end up with “strawberry legs,” but if you’ve got more sensitive skin especially, it wouldn’t hurt to not do it immediately after shaving. Ha!
- Work in sections! I start with my arms; apply like lotion, literally, but make sure to get alllllll around your arms (backs of upper arms, etc). I try to apply a bit heavier on any area that is disporportionately fairer because of lack of sunshine normally, to “even things out.” My personal order of operations is: arms, neck/chest (I pull any excess from my arms onto my check/neck first, then add more to my hand to get my stomach), stomach, back (with J’s help!), then upper legs, lower legs, and tops of feet/hands to not end up with a farmer’s tan. 😉
- Go lighter on elbows/knees, ESPECIALLY if your skin is drier there. Any self tanner will stick more to dry patches, appearing darker once developed. I typically just go once or twice over the area max, basically just running any excess product over it.
- No need to wait after applying – you can literally get dressed right away and carry on without worrying about product trasnfer (yay!). Their website even says so – and I do that every time!
- It comes out of the bottle looking like this:
REMINDER: Apply promo code ERICATAN25 at checkout for 25% off your bottle – brings it down to about $17!
I had it applied it a few days before my recent day trip with girlfriends to the Jersey shore, and they kept complimenting it and wanted the hookup – it just added a really nice, natural-looking glow that had me feeling summery and beachy, even though it was windy on the beach and freeeeezing in the water. 😉
Here it is, too, next to a spray tan for comparison! I used it before Taylor’s sister’s wedding last May – Tay had gotten a spray tan. So we’re both bronzed and tanner than our usuals, but I’d say it’s a pretty darn similar end result; a whole bottle of the Botanic Tree self tanner is under $20 with the promo code (ERICATAN25), compared to over double that for a one-time spray tan.
Other random foolproof self tanner thoughts:
- I typically apply on Sundays since that’s my bigger “self-care” day where I shampoo + deep condition my hair, face mask, do nails, and self tan. I essentially let it replace my body lotion after my Sunday shower and apply the Botanic Tree self tanner then.
- Rub it all in! It goes on white, quickly absorbs, and then your tan gradually “develops” over the day. Typically, I see the final “result” after about 12 hours I’d say!
- If you accidentally apply some somewhere you didn’t want to or want to “fix” a spot, put some witch hazel or concentrated toner on a cotton pad and apply over the area. It should come off easily!
- Apply a little extra on your lower legs (below the knee), especially if you do shave daily. Since it’s a quickly exfoliated area (especially manually with a razor), you might notice it fade sooner there.
I’ve used the Isle of Paradise self-tanner in the past and do still think it’s great – I just like the Botanic Tree self tanner even more. It’s a bit more of a natural-looking shade on me, I think, and it’s free from any shimmer. Here’s my Isle of Paradise Review from a few years ago!
I hope that’s a helpful rundown – hit me up with any other foolproof selt tanner Q’s, because I’m here + happy to help!
Have you tried the Botanic Tree self tanner yet?
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts if/when you do!