Today marks THREE YEARS of being married to the very best. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, J! This week *also* marks our dating anniversary – so it’s a grand ol’ lucky number seven years in total together. 🙂
Before going any further, HERE’S OUR WEDDING VIDEO from back in the day. I have feels.
I recently stumbled upon an article where a great-grandfather who had been married for 50+ years spilled the beans on “the secret” to a long, healthy, happy marriage.
And it was…
“Well, if there are two pieces of toast, and one looks better than the other, I give her the better toast.”
And his family member Leslie Means said, “Maybe it really is that simple. In the stress of running a house, working jobs, and raising kids, our spouses can often get the worse of us. When we have nothing left, we tend to feed ourselves instead of each other.
But what if we give our husbands and wives the better portion of what we do have? What would happen if we offer up the better toast, the bigger dinner helping, the better wine pour, the first shower, the last piece of cake, the best spot on the couch?
Maybe if we consistently give more of our small things, it will open up room for bigger things to grow; we’ll see more grace, more affection, and ultimately build a stronger love. If we put our spouses’ happiness above our own, both husband and wife get fed. Well fed people are happier people, happier people have happier marriages. I think that’s what great-grandpa meant.”
So in the spirit of celebrating our third year of being hitched, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate all of the “better toasts” that J has given + continue to give to me every week.
- for giving me the literal better toast, or the better Gwynn family sandwich (which are the best in the world)
- for reminding me (constantly) to reconcile for taxes
- for doing the dishes, even though more often than not you’re also cooking
- for locking the door so the boogy man doesn’t get us
- for pouring me the last glass of wine
- for making sure the dishes and counters are clean before going to bed
- for letting me work as long as I need to without asking questions
- for unboxings things for the internet 😉
- for making me food and ensuring I don’t starve
- for working out with me at 5 am and making it a game
- for encouraging my ambitions, even when you don’t understand them
- for handling the poopy diapers when I just need a mommy break
- for knowing that Bachelor Monday’s are sacred time
- for going on Starbucks runs for pickmeups
- for being the life of the party and ensuring everyone belongs
- for challenging my prayer life and helping my faith
- for playing the part of Instagram husband when need be
- for entertaining my wildest dreams
- for cheering me on
- for supporting our family’s goals
- for giving me space to vent or cry or figure things out and then…
- for trying to make sense of it all, even when I don’t come with an “instructions manual” 😉
We’ve been through so much in our seven years together in total – many of which is more than the average schmucks get thrown. Deaths and betrayals, love and loss, birth and new beginnings. Through the insane highs and horrible lows, I couldn’t picture a better partner to weather the storms and look for the rainbows.
We are by no means perfect and have been to our wits ends with each other more times than I can count, by we at least try to live by a motto that my mom shared with me years ago: In any argument or disagreement, instead of getting on opposite sides of the net to volley back and forth at each other, remember that you’re on the same side. Put the issue on the other side, and go at it together, instead of letting it separate you.
So, J, cheers to the years already in the books, and cheers to the rest of forever. 🙂