All aboard the ice roller train! This newer-to-me, self-care trend is maybe my new favorite thing. It’s hot on TIkTok and ice cold on your face – and it’s been a saving grace and little luxury in my morning routine. As a busy mom + business owner, ain’t nobody got time for a complicated morning routine; ice rolling feels doable and gives me a moment for me before the circus comes to town (or rather, downstairs for breakfast 😉 ). The past few times I’ve shared my ice roller to Instagram I’ve gotten Q’s: What is that? What does it do??? So, I wanted to compile the full 411 on ice rolling in one place for easy, repeat reference. Let’s talk ice roller benefits
First thing’s first: this is my ice roller. There are many options to choose from, but I have zero complaints about mine!
What is an ice roller? What does an ice roller do?
I’m glad you asked! 😉 It’s a handled facial device with a freezable, rollable cylinder that you, well, roll all over your face. Some have a water or gel-like substance inside (like mine!), some are stainless steel – it depends on your personal preference, as the metal ones get REAL COLD since they’re thermal conductors.
Beyond that, let’s talk…
- De-puffs your entire face
- Reduces inflammation and irritation
- Tghtens pores
- Lessens headaches
- Increases product absorption
- Boosts lymphatic drainage
- Helps other muscle aches and pains, too!
Just like you’d apply an ice pack on a bruise to reduce the swelling, an ice roller reduces redness and puffiness wherever applied – so it’s a fabulous addition to your skincare routine AND something worth keeping on hand in case of injury.
Store your ice roller in the freezer when not in use. I take mine out and can immediately start using it – no need to “warm it up” or anything! I roll it all over my face in an outward motion; I’ll start near my cheeks and go up and out along my cheekbone, between my eyes and upward to my hairline, and near my chin up along the jawline. Ice roll your undereye area to help de-puff down there. I also go side-to-side across my forehead and up and down my temples to help reduce any tension headaches. A quick list of spots to hit:
- Across the forehead
- Up and down the temples
- Along the cheekbone (up and out)
- Along the jawline (up and out)
- Under each eye
Make sure you’re makeup-free if you don’t want your ice roller to get greasy and covered in product (because let’s be real, I don’t actually *clean* mine…ha. But I’d recommend wiping down with light soap and water or using a makeup removing wipe if you’ve got sensitive or acne-prone skin!). I’ve seen mixed reviews + recommendations on whether to ice roller before or after makeup application – before just makes sense to me sinec I don’t want to roll my skincare products right off. 😉 Also, ice rolling helps products absorb better, so doing it right before applying products would hypothetically help everything really sink into your skin well.
I do it first thing in the morning since it helps wake me up, but you can also do it right before bed if that works better for you. You can ice roll as long as you want; as a busy mom, I just carpe diem whatever time I’ve got and do it while getting Olivia’s breakfast ready, making my coffee, packing lunch, etc. It’s such a good me-moment and feels fabulous, so I do it one-handed and focus on the feeling as I roll away any stress before the day even begins.
If you’re not ice rolling your face, it also feels SO GOOD on sore muscles after a killer workout, or all over your body to cool off on a hot summer day – the limit to ice roller benefits doesn’t exist. Really, anything goes. 😉
Just pop back in the freezer when done and you’re good to go!
I got mine for not even 10 bucks on Amazon, and it comes with a second interchangeable roller.
Here are some other top-rated and reviewed ice rollers that won’t break the bank!
Have you tried ice rolling before?
Would lovelovelove to hear your thoughts below if so!