Fall means a lotta things. It means the start of pumpkin-spice-everything season, the start of really good primetime TV season, the start of a cooler temp season…and namely, the start of plaid blanket scarf season. Fall is apparently a “basic” season. But if loveloveloving PSLs + blanket scarves is basic, than I don’t wanna be complicated. 😉 But for as cozy as a big piece of plaid fabric can be, half the time it’s a struggle trying to figure out how the heck to wear a blanket scarf and look cute without suffocating or looking like a marshmallow. SO. How to wear a plaid blanket scarf 101. We’re diving into 10 different ways to wear your plaid blanket scarf, with the step-by-step of actually how to tie the large scarf to achieve said look.
One hot sec to mention the irony here – I’m currently in San Antonio, Texas, where the weather is 80 degrees. My plaid blanket scarf is securely in my carry-on and nowhere NEAR my neck – instead, I’m wearing the dress you saw here today. That doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to all the different ways to wear a blanket scarf when it actually cools down. Fall where u at? OK moving along…
First thing’s first: Pin this for later. No seriously. You’re gonna see all 10 ways and be all OHMYGOSH SO MANY WAYS, and you’re gonna forget one or two goodies when they matter most. So. Just hover your mouse over this here pinnable image, and on the upper lefthand side it’ll let you pin it directly to your Pinterest. I’ll wait. 😉 This way, when you’re getting dressed in a month and and you’re trying to remember the best way to wear a large scarf, I’VE GOTCHU.
{ PIN ME }
How to wear a plaid blanket scarf 10 ways:
Plaid Blanket Scarf (Available in 13 color patterns, all under $12! You can Amazon Prime it, too, to get it by Hump Day. 😉 ) // (sold out currently, but similar option from the same brand available , and another similar, same-brand, ) // (my FAVES – so stinkin’ comfy + ultra flattering! On AMAZING sale right now!!!!! Runs TTS) // (Lovelovelove these – also come in taupe, and they’re under 100 bucks! Runs TTS)
10 Great Methods for Wearing a Big Scarf:
Each method of how to wear a blanket scarf is listed below, along with a quick tutorial to walk you through the step-by-step blanket scarfing process. If at any point confused, don’t hesitate to hollah at me – drop a comment, shoot an email, tweet me, slide in the Instagram DM’s, send a pigeon (or a kitten), etc.
- Belted shawl – Drape open a plaid blanket scarf over your shoulders. Belt it at your waist with skinny belt. Boomshakalaka.
- Knot – Start by folding your plaid blanket scarf in half to form a triangle. Positioning the triangle in front of you, toss each end around your neck so that both ends are dangling in the front. Knot them together!
- Western – Starting in the Knot, simply take the triangular piece and pull it to be in front of the knotted section. Tuck any knots/scarf ends behind the big part of the blanket scarf, so that the look is pretty much just a big triangle ala the cowboys.
- Pretzel – Start by folding your scarf in half to form a triangle. Positioning the triangle in front of you, toss each end around your neck so that both ends are dangling in the front. Give the the triangular section a tug, finding the space between the plaid blanket scarf and your neck in the front. Holding onto the hole, twist the section once or twice. Then, take each end and tuck it in and through the hole you’ve formed.
- Shawl – Super simple – just drape the plaid blanket scarf over your shoulder! It helps to first have it folded side-to-side for this one, instead of corner-to-corner.
- Classic – The basic betch blanket scarf at its finest. Start again by folding your plaid blanket scarf in half to form a triangle. Positioning the triangle in front of you, toss each end around your neck so that both ends are dangling in the front. Aaaaaand VOILA! You know it, you lovelovelove it.
- Fortune cookie – From the classic position, simply take each end and tuck it inside the front triangle. I am looooveloveloving this option – it just feels fun + stays in place so well without being as clunky-feeling as the classic can sometimes feel. Ya feel?
- Loop-de-loop – Roll your plaid blanket scarf into one long log. Fold this in half, then hold behind your head, one end being a “loop” and the other being the loose ends of the scarf. Pull both to meet in front of you, looping the open ends inside the “loop” end.
- Magazine chic – Drape the plaid blanket scarf shawl-style over both shoulders. Take one side and throw it over your shoulder (like a continental soldier?). Aaaaaaaand CHIC.
- Shoulder – Possibly my new favorite style! This one’s a bit funky to figure out at first (at least it was for me? As evident by my documented confusion below trying to get it right – ha!), but start by draping the scarf around your shoulders, pretty much covering them. Then, you’re going to take one end and pull it up to tuck it over/around the opposite shoulder. Just kinda push it in there and get it as taught as possible. Do the same to the other side and VOILA, you’re done.
Click the image below to shop the plaid blanket scarf directly!

Raise yo’ hand if you’re now ready for a PSL??? *raises hand wildly*
Quick random note if you’re not into PSLs and/or coffee in general – the Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks gives ALL THE FALL FEELS. It’s just their version of apple cider, but it’s actually from Jesus. Get the whipped cream.
Which of these 10 ways to wear a plaid blanket scarf is your favorite?
How do you wear a big scarf? If you’ve got a fave place to pick up blanket scarves, too, let a sistah know in a comment down below. Personally, I swear by Amazon – there’s approximately a bajillion, in case you’re in the shopping spirit.