BOY!!! AHHH!!! Baby Gwynn is a BOY, and this has been the hardest secret to keep for nearly two months now. 🙂 Although ironically, both J + I knew it was a boy this time around, the same way we both just knew that Liv was a girl. No clue what kind of paranormal parental instinct that is, but it’s a funny one!
And apparently, the OG also knew…
“I knew the baby was a boy from the picture, mommy!”
“…ummm *panics inside* and how was that, honey??”
“Because he has no hair!!!” – Olivia Grace 😉
It’s a boy! And we’re all so, so stoked. We actually found out gender via the chromosome test at 10 weeks instead of waiting for the 20 week anatomy scan (although the anatomy scan confirmed it – ha!). J + I looked at the results together ourselves before telling Olivia and my parents.
Based on the ol’ wives’ tales, the Chinese calendar, baby’s heartbeat at appointments and how I’ve been carrying (apparently low?), they all said boy. And from what I experienced with Olivia, the Chinese calendar and heartbeat counter seemed to be the more accurate predictive wives’ tales anyway!
So bring on the boy advice, boy mamas – I’ve known only sparkles, spinny dresses and sass so far, so it’ll be a bit of an adjustment (albeit, a fun one 🙂 ).
Were we hoping for one gender?
I feel like every parent says the cliche “we’ll be happy either way!” because it can feel kinda crummy saying you are hoping for one gender and then finding out it’s the other, just because that’s how we work expectations up in our brains. But, I’ll admit it – I think we were hoping for a boy for a few reasons.
Namely because this baby feels like the completion of our little fam, and getting to experience both genders will be fun.
But really, with there being a 4.5 year age gap between babies, I just feel like that’ll be a bit of an easier age gap to navigate with two different genders versus both being girls. I’m sure there are girls that far apart who would disagree with me (maybe some of you with your sisters! ha!), and I never had a sister myself so what do I know?! At the end of the day, I once heard it said that God designs your family with the perfect age gaps + gender breakdowns for your family, so at the end of the day, that’s really all that matters. Your family was hand-picked + hand-designed by the Creator of the whole Universe, and for as crazy and chaotic as families can feel/be sometimes…there’s also some comfort in knowing that. 🙂
We can’t wait to meet you, little man. Hope you’re ready to join the circus. 😉
You’ll also lovelovelove…
Baby Gwynn Gender Reveal (Liv’s reveal!)