Happy hump day, happy people! Today handed me a nearly-too-full plate of To-do’s and classes and meetings and rehearsals, so it’s only fitting that it brings a grand finale – Part 3 of my Love Story with the now fiancĂ©! We’re talking about our relationship pre-proposal, giving you our best 3 totally unprofessional tips to taking charge of and maximizing your own love life, and hosting a GIVEAWAY (!!!) together…so be sure to stick around until the end of the video to see what’s in store. (;
So there’s that…are you excited about our COUPLES GIVEAWAY??? We hope you enter and tell yo’ friends, because we’re pretty stoked to share our musical love with one of you!
Fun Filming Fact #1: The whole opening piece about the screen? Blame Pumpkin.
Fun Filming Fact #2: We had to film this in multiple pieces because my camera batteries kept malfunctioning. i.e. dying.
Not-So-Fun Filming Fact #3: By the time we finally finished – since we filmed all three parts on the same day (hence the same outfits…did ya catch us??) – it was dark outside. No natural light meant we were looking pretty tan. I guess cheers to summer? May it come, godspeed.
Now we want to hear from you! What are your own tips on getting into a great relationship?Â