There are few things in this life of which I would consider myself exceptionally skilled. One of those things, however, is making playlists. Whether you need some jams for an event, an occasion, or a general ~mood~, I’m your girl. Sometimes I blatantly forget about the power of music – and it’s really freaking powerful, my friends. Such a beautiful way to elicit emotion or convey feeling for better or worse, and such an effective way to change your own mood. Especially in recent years as I’ve become all the more intentional about, well, everything, I’ve curated some playlists specific for various life circumstances or #moods, to be used as a literal tool in those times. So today, I’m sharing my own mood boosting playlist in the hopes of helping boost your mood, too. 🙂
Whenever I’m in a funk, it can be all too easy to stay there (I know you’ve been there too, yes?). If we’re not careful, one bad moment can spiral into a bad day, with our mood taking a total downard dip. I’ve found a key to keeping my own upbeat personality on the UP is having a few go-to GOOD MOOD jams that are essentially foolproof ways to put a smile on my face, re-center and shift directions as needed. Even if you can’t change what’s happening around you, you CAN change what’s happening IN you, which can start with what’s coming through your AirPods and into your brain space.
Feel free to follow along/save this playlist on Spotify if you like it – happy to share! 🙂
Do you have a mood boosting playlist, too?
Any favorite, go-to songs that instantly put a smile on your face?