15 Kitchen Spring Cleaning Tips with Grove (+ a FREE GIFT!)

Spring has sprung, and if your allergies are anything like mine, your nose knows it. 😉 Hay fever aside, spring is truly a great time – trees are blooming, new life is showing, and everything is coming up roses, pun intended. 😉 The season just feels fresh and fun and a warm relief to the few cold, dreary months before it, so it makes sense that everyone and their mother throws open their windows ala Maria in the Sound of Music to breathe new air and just feel alive! Something that always makes me feel alive again is a fresh start. Last spring, we got that via our new house – this year, we’ll get that by spring cleaning said new house. 😉 Friends, the time has come. Time to clean out those closets, purge those camera rolls, pitch the old makeup and spring clean your space! Today, I wanted to share a few spring cleaning tips I’ve learned since diving deeper into “homemaking” and making our house our home, specifically when it comes to the kitchen. There’s something so special that comes with learning how to best take care of your space, and there’s something even more special about learning how to best take care of your planet in the process. In researching + finding products to get the job done better than ever before, I found a cool company that I can’t NOT share with you. I’m so stoked to bring you a few spring cleaning tips with Grove today – one of my favorite brands for stocking up on more sustainable household essentials! And we’re specifically focusing on the kitchen, since there’s more than enough to clean in there amiright?

First up – have you ever heard of Grove Collaborative? It’s basically the best thing to hit your home since virtual assistant AI technology or 2-day shipping, so if you’ve yet to become acquainted – let me do the honors. 😉

Grove delivers healthy household and personal care products right to your doorstep – something I’m sure we all appreciate tenfold after 2020. (They’re also giving you a free starter kit with your first order which is SO AWESOME OF THEM – thanks, Grove! – so click here to grab your free kit + scroll down a bit for more details!). They’ve got over 2,000+ products in their impressive arsenal rated 4 stars and up, and their plan is to be totally plastic-free by 2025. The coolest part? Grove can act as a subscription service, so if you’re someone frequently forgetting to stock up on paper products or to re-fill soap dispensers until you’re running on empty (#BeenThereDoneThat), this is absolutely for you. The last thing I like to do when on Target runs with my toddler is lug massive paper towel packs or gallons of detergent around – just me? 😉 And even though they have subscription perks like free products with purchase and, of course, the convenience of not having to think twice or run an errand, monthly shipments are completely flexible, and you can edit, re-schedule, or cancel your shipment at any time.

ANYHOO – let’s chat some spring cleaning tips with Grove, shall we?

Some of my personal favorite products to stock up on are from the brands Mrs. Meyer’s, method, and Grove’s own in-house brand, Grove Co. (And Grove actually rounds up ALL of their kitchen-specific staples, whether you’re looking to swap out to cleaner cleaning solutions or stock up on more environmentally-friendly paper products.)

15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses

GROVE FREE GIFT - Free starter kit with your first Grove order on Coming Up Roses!  GROVE FREE GIFT - Free starter kit with your first Grove order on Coming Up Roses! 15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses

15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses 15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses 15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses 15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses

15 kitchen spring cleaning tips with Grove:

  1. Make a list and check it twice – of everything that could use some sprucing. Which spaces would be most meaningful + impactful to freshen up this season? Doing everything at once would be entirely overwhelming (+ likely impossible), so breaking it down to individual rooms + tasks is much more manageable. Then, since we’re focusing on the kitchen specifically, break down your tasks for this room by listing out any areas or appliances that deserve attention. (Example: Refrigerator, countertops, backsplash, window, oven, floor, sink, pantry, spice shelf, cabinets, bar space, etc).
  2. Gather any/all clutter and pile it all in the center of the room. Then, tackle it. Whether that means putting it in its home, organizing it elsewhere or donating it to charity, DO SOMETHING with it. In our house, the kitchen island tends to be a throw-zone, so we frequently have to pause and clear out before things pile up too much.
  3. Clean up your products. In cleaning up your house, this year especially, I’ve made a much more concerted effort to clean up the TYPES of products I’m using, from my cleaning products to my makeup, skincare, or other bath and beauty products. Since Grove’s selection are largely plant-derived and/or made with essential oils, they’re more thoughtfully chosen ingredients that still pack a punch without hurting our home or environment in the process.
  4. While you’re using your new Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap in the kitchen sink, if you notice any funky lingering odors, try running a few lemon rinds through the garbage disposal and rinsing with cold water. Should do the trick!
  5. Deep clean your microwave similarly; fill a microwave-safe bowl with water and a chopped up lemon or some vinegar, and turn it on high for a few minutes until the solution is boiling and your microwave is nice and steamy.
  6. Clean out the fridge – the whole fridge. Empty everything, check expiration dates, and use your multi-purpose cleaner or good ol’ soap n’ water to scrub down the removable shelves.
  7. Self-clean your oven. Because when was the last time you did that?
  8. Wipe down stainless steel appliances. Don’t worry – this kit comes with the steel cleaner/protectant and a microfiber cloth, too, so that you can clean, polish, + protect your appliance surfaces sans streaks.
  9. Clean out your cabinets. One by one, take out EVERYTHING. Is it expired? Is it messy? Is it still something deserving the space it holds? If anything got unorganized along the way, group it back together with its counterparts when relevant, or re-label anything that got hidden on a random shelf.
  10. Wipe down your kitchen cabinets. They collect all sortsa grease or grime from fingerprints to cooking residue, so doing a once-over with some multi-purpose cleaner can freshen them up nicely!
  11. Clear out your junk drawer – because we all  have THAT DRAWER. Step 1: Empty it. Step 2: Situate it – with little dividing compartments is my personal favorite method. Step 3: Organize it. Separate pens/pencils from permanent markers, postage stamps from coupons, hand sanitizer from packs of gum.
  12. Tackle the floor – and whether you’ve got tile or linoleum or beautiful hardwood, Grove’s got something for that. Beyond cleaning solutions in bottles, they’ve also got a line of sleeker, simpler tools for your sweeping or mopping. In my last big Grove haul, I grabbed this compact broom with a collapsible handle (which comes with a dustpan, too!).
  13. Schedule out a few deeper-cleans of areas that might not get as much attention in your regular cleaning routine. We all have that one chore that we basically never do because we loathe it like Lucifer – maybe that’s dusting, maybe it’s giving attention to moldings or light fixtures, maybe it’s the windows that haven’t been washed since move-in. Whatever it may be, put it on the calendar to handle this month! Especially since you’re on a roll in the kitchen and probably have the itch to tackle another space next. 😉
  14. Swap out your kitchen towels + dish rags for something brighter and prettier! The season demands it!
  15. The perfect finishing touch: a fresh bouquet + clean-burning candle! This scent from Grove is a new personal favorite – it smells DIVINE. Almost like a grown up warm vanilla sugar from Bath & Body Works – but with no chemicals. Bless up.

15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses 15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products - spring cleaning tips with Grove on Coming Up Roses Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products - spring cleaning tips with Grove on Coming Up Roses 15 spring cleaning tips with Grove for the kitchen! - on Coming Up Roses GROVE COLLABORATIVE HAUL - spring cleaning tips with Grove on CUR 15 spring cleaning tips with Grove for the kitchen! - on Coming Up Roses

Let’s talk about the exclusive starter kit that you can get FO’ FREE right here with your first Grove order.

It features three of the new limited edition spring scents from Mrs. Meyer’s inside, which include: rose, lilac, mint, and fresh cut grass (which is actually an EXCLUSIVE Mrs. Meyer’s scent to Grove!).

If you’re anything like me (which I reckon you are, if you’re hanging out here where everything is Coming Up Roses… 😉 ), you might be thinking, the smell of fresh cut grass is for my yard, not my kitchen thankyoukindly.

And I’d say, you’re absolutely right. But this Mrs. Meyer’s scent isn’t aptly named, in my opinion. Because while it faintly reminds me of of a freshly mowed lawn, it actually smells so much better than that. I wish you could come hang out in my kitchen right now, because I’d hand you a glass of wine and you’d breathe deeply in the scent of Mrs. Meyer’s Fresh Cut Grass and for a moment, all would be right with the world. All three new spring scents smell DELIGHTFUL.

So. There’s multi-purpose cleaner, which of course serves multiple purposes and is a must in every home. Then you also get a dish soap,  hand soap, and a cute Grove Collaborative bubble dish brush set (which you can see me using in the pics above!).

HIGHLY recommend a.) getting on the Grove train if you haven’t already, and b.) grabbing your free starter kit while you’re hopping on board! I hope these kitchen-specific spring cleaning tips with Grove have been helpful and fun to spring into the season (get it? 😉 ) cleaner + better than ever before.

15 Kitchen SPRING CLEANING TIPS with Grove - on Coming Up Roses

Which spring cleaning tips with Grove are your favorite (+ least favorite) to tackle?

For more spring cleaning tips, check out these on:

**Thank you to Grove Collaborate, a brand I lovelovelove, for sponsoring this post with fresh spring cleaning tips. As always, all opinions and thoughts presented are entirely my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Coming Up Roses!