5 Tips to Become a Morning Person (in a week!)

Most people from time to time decide to become a morning person. It's not always easy. You have to want it and eventually, you just have to do it. If you'd like to become a morning person, here are 5 tips.

Adopt a Consistent Wakeup Call AND Bedtime. Consistency is key. Set your alarm and stick to it. To better help yourself succeed, set a reasonable bedtime as well.

Try a Smart Alarm. There are alarms you can download on your phone that you need to use brainpower to turn off, instead of hitting snooze OR turning off your alarm while you're half-asleep.

Ease Into it With a Routine. Routines are key. Routines are filled with habits that keep us going. But ease into it so that you don't get overwhelmed. Your routine can be as easy as: 1) Wake up. 2) Bathroom. 3) Go downstairs. 4) Make coffee. 5) Drink coffee and do devotional.

Prepare Yourself for Sleep.  Especially if you're adopting a different bedtime, it might take your body some time to adjust. Put away blue light screens. Do something to help your mind wind down, like journaling or reading.

Remember: You just have to do it. It won't necessarily be fun or easy at first, but soon you'll pick up the habits you need for this to become routine. You got this!

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