5 Refreshing Starbucks Drinks

With Memorial Day behind us, doesn’t it feel like summer is in full swing now? Let’s chat a few refreshing Starbucks drinks, shall we?

Starbucks hack: Order everything with light ice! I see so many folks order “heavy ice” and it blows my mind, because Starbucks ain’t cheap, yo! You’re paying for water – insanity! Instead, order light ice, but ask for two cups. You pay the same amount, but literally get double the drink then – and if anything, you can add more ice at home into your second cup FO’ FREE

STRAWBERRY REFRESHER WITH GREEN TEA INSTEAD OF WATER, LIGHT ICE I order this on repeat whenever I need a refresh – it truly lives up to its name! It’s the *perfect* degree of sweet – literally chuggable. Ha!

ICED COCONUT MILK MOCHA MACCHIATO An iteration of this is on the menu currently – it’s sweeter than a regular coffee or latte, but not overpoweringly so. A good chocolately flavor from the mocha!

MANGO PASSION FRUIT REFRESHER WITH COCONUT MILK INSTEAD OF WATER AKA, the Dragon Drink (with a twist). When it comes to refreshing Starbucks drinks, this one gets 100%.

PASSION TANGO TEA, NO SWEETENER, 2 PUMPS OF SUGAR FREE VANILLA, A SPLASH OF COCONUT MILK If you’re a big tea girl, this one’s for you! Definitely the strongest tea flavor of the bunch.

ICED COFFEE WITH A PUMP OF RASPBERRY f you enjoy flavors but hate how sweet flavored coffee or fancy coffee drinks, you’ll lovelovelove this one. It’s still the same strong coffee flavor, with just a HINT of raspberry.

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