To me, “maximizing moments” feels like a solid mix between a more passive “presence” in a moment, and an active attempt to soak it all up, make the most of it and then some. Above all, a call to intentionally re-center in the present. To do less to feel more, and ultimately find deeper fulfillment and satisfaction in the moments that we’re already living and experiencing.

What I realized was this: Multi-tasking was making me MISS the moment, not maximize it.

Really, maybe this is just a stream of consciousness against multitasking, which might feel like a total no brainer to those of you already on board with the one-track-mind. 😉 For me, a lifelong multipassionate AND multitasker, this is an active, ongoing challenge that takes conscious effort + real brain power. But it’s also been a really life-giving practice to really practice. Because it got me reflecting on the rest of my life, too – on how I spend moments with Olivia, or how I spend a Saturday afternoon with no plans.

I think today of all times, it’s never been easier to attempt “doing it all” with multiple people, tasks, AND screens.  But what I’m learning more and more is that doing it all is absolutely not the same thing as being IN it all.

When we keep our brains on such overdrive, we don’t even realize they’re ON overdrive – we just feel tired faster and generally enjoy each thing less, making it easier to just “go through the motions” instead of maximizing the moments. But, I think there’s a way to increase presence and do less while still honoring the ambitious soul in me that tends to be all for more. One question seems to help me most, and that is asking myself: What would really make this moment mean the most?

For more inspiration:


And all in all, it’s just been a helpful thing to think about, especially as life gets busier and moves faster…since somehow, that just happens. 😉