Happy WEEKEND! My mom + I are at a faith retreat this weekend, so it should be a really restful, prayerful weekend spent pretty unplugged. Bless up. If you have any prayer requests, I’m collecting them over on my Instagram Stories (@ericaligenza) – pleasepleaseplease feel free to shoot me a DM with your request! Otherwise, what do you have on the weekend’s agenda? Weekend Reading ahead…

WEEKEND READING, Vol. 27 - on Coming Up Roses

  1. So you’ve been Marie Kondo-ing your house…but what about your relationships?
  2. It’s my birthday month, so birthday cake cookie butter feels right.
  3. is THE concealer that beauty gurus everywhere swear by (I lovelovelove it)
  4. Got a picture to hang? Try using a fork. (Seriously).
  5. An LOL-worthy Twitter thread of smart people forgetting words.
  6. My fave from the last NSale are now 40% off!
  7. These easy “diet” ideas actually work
  8. If Disney princesses had jobs in 2019 – lovelovelove.
  9. Step inside the new Barefoot Blonde offices
  10. Can’t wait to try this easy, 5-minute dinner recipe from Trader Joe’s
  11. It’s like the !
  12. Why you should give 97% instead of 100% 
  13. Really enjoyed Kelly’s perspective on screen time for her toddler
  14. This is down from $50 to $25!!!

Happy weekend reading!

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