What 3-5 words best describe YOU? What do you wear when you don’t know what to wear? How do you create a closet that brings you joy AND makes you feel fabulous, and when’s the right time to purge those pants that you SWEAR will fit again “someday”…? Creator and CEO of The Style Studio by Keri Blair, Keri is on THRIVE to get real and go there today to help unleash your own personal style – even if you’ve never given it a second thought before. She’s all about helping women tap into their true potential and create a look on the outside that really reflects who they are on the inside. She’s got over 20 years of experience styling executives and high-profile clients, she’s been dubbed “the secret weapon,” and she’s here on THRIVE today to walk us through how to actually uncover your own personal style and add or subtract from your closet accordingly. We also chat about what the word “flattering” really means, what colors you should actually be wearing, and putting together your own go-to outfit “formula” for those days when you just don’t know what to wear.
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