8 Mistakes I’ve Made Pitching Brands as a Blogger

Wowee, time flies. I mean, I think we all know that fun fact right about now, seeing as somehow Thanksgiving is next week, Christmas is a month away, and 2018 is SO SOON. Oy vey.…
View PostHow to Write a Good Email that People Actually Respond to (+ FREE WEBINAR ALERT)

If there’s one thing I reaaaaally don’t lovelovelove, it’s jerks. Jerks, and bad emails. Sometimes the two go hand-in-hand. Usually, jerks send bad emails. But often, good people send bad emails. Bad emails typically won’t…
View Post20 Lessons I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Full Time Blogger

Happy HUMP, yo! This post has been a long time coming, namely cos it started with one or two notes inspired by specific happenings where I thought to myself, DANG, this is SO RELEVANT as a…
View PostBossPitch is Back! What you Need to Know:

BOSSPITCH’S BACK, ALRIGHT! *sung like the Backstreet Boys* YO, I am STOKED. Yannnno why I’m stoked???? Cos I’ve been waiting SIX MONTHS to relaunch this project o’ mine that is changing. people’s. lives. I’m all jazzed…
View Post7 Keys to Work with Brands & Stand out as a Blogger

May is so surreal to me. It’s the month I graduated from UPenn, it’s the month I officially moved in with my then-fiance (here’s how that’s going after a year’s worth of reflection + marriage LOL).…
View PostWhy You’re (Still) Not Getting Paid your Worth as a Blogger

What a title to start a Monday, amiright??? I’m just gonna hop straight to the chase, since I’m a pretty straightforward kinda gal. You’re not getting paid your worth as a blogger. Still. I say…
View Post8 Mistakes You’re Making when Working with Brands

WOW. This week has been the craziest whirlwind. ICYMI, I hosted a *free* webinar the other night called . And it was fire. Over 400 peeps signed up, which blows my mind – it’s so…
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