The 14 Best Tools + Things that I Invest in for my Blog

This post contains affiliate links. The internet is a big place. Even just writing that sentence gave me a chuckle. Like…no duh, E. The internet is a yuuuuuuuuge place, and we now live in a…
View PostMy 10 Favorite iPhone Apps (Photo Editing, Money Saving, + More!)

(under $26! I lovelovelove that the sleeves are 3/4 length – perfect for stacking arm candy) // (under $45! Also come in black.) // // Louis Vuitton MM – c/o // (SUPER classic.…
View Post17 Things Bloggers are Tired of Hearing

There are certain things that nearly every blogger on the planet can (or will) relate to at one point or another. Sometimes…people get pretty ballsy with their comments/questions/requests/etc. As if the whole nine yards of…
View PostHow to Goal Set Effectively as a Blogger

Happy hump! It’s been due time for a meaty blogging resource around these rosy parts, so consider today deliverance day. HA. For my bloggers in the house, I’m sure ya feel me when I say…
View PostWhy You’re (Still) Not Getting Paid your Worth as a Blogger

What a title to start a Monday, amiright??? I’m just gonna hop straight to the chase, since I’m a pretty straightforward kinda gal. You’re not getting paid your worth as a blogger. Still. I say…
View Post8 Mistakes You’re Making when Working with Brands

WOW. This week has been the craziest whirlwind. ICYMI, I hosted a *free* webinar the other night called . And it was fire. Over 400 peeps signed up, which blows my mind – it’s so…
View PostINTRODUCING #BrandOut: 7 Keys to Stand Out to Brands as a Blogger

WOW…This has been a LONG time coming, y’all. For a *while* now, I’ve had something huge on the secret backburner. And now, after what feels like a hike of Everest, we’re finally approaching the summit.…
View PostMy Favorite Instagram Hashtags for Organic Growth

Instagram is the name of the social media game. To be sure your Instagame is strong, especially in light of those pesky recent algorithm changes, it’s important to find a strategy and really nail it.…
View Post10 Things Ive Learned from Blogging: 3 Years of CUR

Sometimes you win some, and sometimes…you’re two and a half months late. I got so hyped in planning fall editorial content (and *ahem* a wedding and honeymoon *ahem*) that I totally missed a very important…
View Post9 Reasons Why People Don’t Come Back to your Blog

Alright alright alriiiiiiiiight, we gon’ learn today! Lots of the Q’s I get through CUR are somehow related to blogging, whether it’s on how to start a “successful” blog in the first place, how to…
View Post8 Productivity Hacks to Totally Transform your Day

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! New studies show that a human’s attention span is officially less than that of a goldfish. A goldfish’s attention span is 9 seconds. …and humans can now only pay attention for 8. HA,…
View PostHow to Write a Standout About Me Page (& why it’s important)

One of the most well-trafficked pages on your website will be your About Me page, and for good reason – if you’re constantly growing and constantly bringing in new peeps, they want to meet the…
View PostHow to Start a Blog

Happy Week-after-Mother’s-Day, to all the mamas and people-with-mamas in the audience. Hope your weekends were full of family and fun. Today, I figured it’s due time to dive into a topic I’ve actually been getting…
View PostMonthly Income Report: $2739.27

Income report, we meet again. If you’re new around these rosy parts (welcome, welcome, welcome!), you might’ve come across this lil’ thing called an Income Report (and/or Traffic Report). So ya know, sometimes I share…
View PostHow to Theme your Instagram (+ FREE growth guide!)

Instagram is the golden rule. It’s the talk of the blogging town, so it’s no secret that everyone is hopping on the Insta-train in the hopes of creating dynamic profiles that rake in followers and interaction…
View PostWhat Brands should know about working with Bloggers

TGIF! In the spirit of kicking off Friyay with a bang, let’s talk shop. Specifically, 8 things that brands should know about working with bloggers. I’ve been working with brands for quite awhile now and have…
View Post13 Mistakes you’re making with your blog (& don’t even know it!)

I’ve been around the blogging block for circa three years now, but only really doing it for about half of that. (Really doing it meaning blogging more than once a week, building community and making money).…
View PostBrand, Branding, and Design: What’s the Difference?

Alright, alright, alriiiiiiight, we gon’ learn today! Guys, it’s killing me. It’s killing me seeing SO MANY people really not get the difference between three mega-important words when it comes to blogging, building a brand,…
View PostDecember Income Report

First things first, a huge thank you to all of you who have already opted into taking my readership survey! One of you will win 25 buckaroos to Starbucks because of it, so cheers to…
View PostNovember Income Report

Alright, alright, alriiiiiiight – we gon’ learn today! After I semi-reluctantly hit “publish” on my first income report back in September, I absolutely loved reading all of your comments and responses. I had no idea…
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