But wait, it isn’t Hump Day! Today’s your lucky Monday. I’m linking up with the lovely Emma from itsemmaelise.com (she’s also a sponsor this month – check her out!) for her series, Manic Mondays.
On Mondays, everyone seems groggy, cranky and in search of holy grail espresso. So, I’ll skip any fluff and cut right to the chase. People say that Mondays stink. But, I disagree – they’re really just Fundays in disguise as ruthless, unbearably long, not-close-to-Friday days. Here are 10 ways to bring Fun to your Mon(day).
1. Pretend it’s Friday.
2. Ignore people today. People complain about Mondays, so eliminate your need to complain by removing yourself entirely and avoid catching a case of “The Mondays.”
3. Pick out one weekend memory to reminiscence upon for the duration of the day. It’ll give you some happiness to reflect on if you’re too tired to create your own today (but it’ll hopefully inspire you to do just that).
4. Skip to work. That’s right – skip. Skipping brings joy unlike any other, and what better way to skip your Monday morning commute then by physically skipping to your day job?
5. Right after you wake up and fall step out of bed, put on your hottest red lipstick and smile. Before you even brush your teeth (yum). Science apparently thinks that most people don’t smile before 11:16 am on Mondays. Let’s beat science.
6. Play hooky. Make your Monday actually fun by nixing it altogether and going shopping instead.
7. Make a list of allllllllll of the stuff you can’t wait to do this week. While it may seem overwhelming at first, think of how productive you’re being by compartmentalizing your life. Bonus points for neon Post-its, organized by topic and point of priority.
8. Eat ice cream for breakfast. Because who couldn’t be happy after having ice cream for breakfast? (We’re embracing our inner kids here people. Get excited).
9. Go all out. By that, I mean two things. First, literally walk around without clothes on (in your own house and away from windows, pleaseandthankyou), just appreciating your body, feelin’ free and lovin’ life. Second, get all dolled up with a kick butt outfit and fabulous makeup picks to get yourself feeling like it’s about to be a great night out – in the middle of Monday morning.
10. When all else fails, at least pretend it’s Hump Day – because Hump Day is the greatest day of them all.
If you’re really looking to vamp up your week start – by, say, getting a hot body, finding your soul mate, or living like a CEO – I’ve got just the thing for you. Otherwise, stay tuned for the best of April come Hump Day, and check out the awesome work by the lovely ladies to the right.
This Monday, stay happy, stay classy, stay manic and stay fun. Monday Funday, remember? (You really can do it. Really).