Sometimes, you just need a really good list of happy recommendations to remind ya how many reasons there are to love life, + how to go about falling in love with your own. Especially with V-Day right around the corner (I’m sorry, what? Time? Is that you?), I think it’s oh so important to remember that love is *not* mutually exclusive to romantic relationships! Here are 29 simple ways to fall in love with your life this month.

- Read a book justbecause. Really tho, when was the last time you did that?? The only thing I read in college was for class (alright, alright…+ Buzzfeed. 😉 ), so now my goal is a book a month of whatever I want, justbecause.
- Devote time to cultivating your talent – whatever that talent may be.
- Sing a little louder in the shower.
- Write down all of the things that you love about yourself. Be generous. From your freckles, to your bombdotcom winged liner, to your strong legs or ability to laugh at yourself.
- Ask your friends and family to each send you a quick snippet of something they like/love about you. But DON’T READ THEM! Collect them into a physical or digital folder and label it “for a bad day.”
- Clear out the clutter in your closet and on your desk. Bonus points for donating whatever comes outta your closet to your local women’s shelter.
- Plan a really killer workout. if you need to (*got one!*), and blow off some steam in the healthiest way possible.
- Learn how to cook something fancy AF. The more Barefoot Contessa-meets-Martha Stewart, the better.
- Find a local shop or business that supports something you believe in, and support them.
- Listen to your badass playlist. Proceed to feel like a badass. (P.S. You can follow this specific playlist in Spotify for easy access, if ya want! 😉 )
- Celebrate a good day with champagne.
- Wear your best dress for no specific reason other than feeling beautiful.
- Go for the bold lipstick. is my absolute favorite red (get it in “Ruby Woo,” which is blue-toned, meaning it’ll make your smile look whiter + brighter!).
- Get a mani/pedi in the middle of a Tuesday.
- Write down your wildest dreams, then write down 3 things you can do that would realistically bring you closer to achieving them.
- Re-do a wall in your house. Whether it’s via a gallery (I love the ones in our living room!), new paint, a canvas print…do something fresh that will re-inspire you as you pass the same wall everyday.
- Starbucks unsweetened green tea, with 1 pump of peach. You’re welcome.
- Plan a trip by yourself. It doesn’t have to be far, extravagant, or expensive – it just has to be you, yourself, and you. Intentionally plan a solo getaway and soak up some me-time and peace + quiet.
- Start everyday with a devotional currently, and I lovelovelove – I’d also recommend.
- Hang up a few more pictures with friends. Bonus points for Polaroids.
- Call up your grandparents. They miss you.
- Get a Frosty with french fries. P.S. You can buy a little keyring tag for $1 that gets you a FREE Frosty with *any* purchase for all of 2017. Seriously. And proceeds go to adoption agencies that need it. How cool is that?! My Snapchat fam (erica_lig) knows I’m hooked on Wendy’s…now you do, too. 😉 #Bless.
- Gift a tedious task to someone you love. Meaning, figure out something that they personally loathe doing, but have to get done, and take it off of their plate for them. I swear you’ll love life more alongside them.
- Add two new coffee table books to your collection. I recommend for starters.
- Get grateful. Start and end everyday by writing down (pen to paper) 3 things you’re grateful for in that moment.
- Truly believe that you are a badass.
- Make peace with your body, your mind, and your enemies. Even if that just means learning to not give a flying you-know-what about what your enemies think of you.
- Get the whipped cream.
- Put positive people all around you. They say you become most like the 5 people that you’re around most often. Choose carefully.
What’s your favorite simple way to love life?
I basically want to create a whole long collection of these to keep on hand for a rainy day, so let me know if a comment, wouldja? I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE hearing from you guys, and I read + respond to every single one…currently behind on comments but getting caught up, I swear!