A Day in my (Coffee) Life

My morning coffee routine with JMS Smuckers on Coming Up Roses

You know the age-old adage, “But first, coffee“? I don’t know if that was a Ben Franklin original – maybe a US president? – but whoever started the saying knows what’s up.

Coffee is what’s up, always.

I’ve mentioned before that my life is a weeeeee bit nutso right about now, and it’ll be half-past crazy for the next six months, too. I’ve come close to developing the first caffeinated IV, but until that gets a patent, my daily coffee routine will have to suffice. 😉 On a serious note, some folks have thrown “how are you doing it???” questions my way. The answer: coffee. And a lot of coordination, and a lot of laughing at myself and the timing of it all. Oh, serendipity. Here’s a day in my (coffee) life and my own coffee routine.

A Day in my (Coffee) Life - Keurig and Dunkin Coffee morning routine on Coming up Roses

Keurig and Dunkin Coffee morning routine on Coming up Roses

6:45 am. Alarm. Shut the heck up, alarm. Snooooooze.

6:52 am. Serious alarm. It means business. Hops/rolls/falls out of bed, depending on degree of zombie.

6:53 am. Goes to Keurig. This comes before peeing, checking my phone, or kissing the fiance good morning, because #priorities.

6:55 am. Coffee is ready because Keurigs are fast. #blessup. Loads the essentials into my cuppa: creamer (with flavored coffee I love the Land O’ Lakes Fat Free Half&Half), and a splash of sweetener if it needs a lil’ somethin’ (Truvia, plz).

6:56 am. Lets coffee sit for a hot sec so I don’t burn my tongue off thereby ruining my day. Goes back to the aforementioned basics to start the day.

7:30 am. Hit “post” on le blog if it’s M/W/F. Or, more realistically right about now, scramble to finish writing. In dream world after I cross a few biggies off the six month incoming bucket list I’ll be able to gracefully finish all blog work on Sundays, but I don’t have that grace yet and therefore have to suck it up and scramble whilst drinking more coffee.

8:00 am. Share le blog on le social medias with le people. Feeling French this morning, apparently…do le French drink le Hazelnut? Because that’s the Dunkin’ Donuts K-Cup bliss I’m sipping currently, and it’s le delightful.

9-9:30 am-ish. Begins the “real day.” Once the blog is outta the way, I try to turn my attention to more important things: did I watch the Bachelor this week? Do I have a PLL episode to catch up on? HA JK, I’m always caught up on those. My inbox is always a monster, and I don’t like monsters, so at this point I peek inside and see if anything urgently important is happening. If no one died and/or Kate Spade hasn’t dropped a note, I now begin multi-tasking through my day like a champ.

11:00 am. Goes through some blog emails and weeded out the unpersonalized brand ones and spammy attempts at getting bloggers to do company’s marketing fo’ free, because ain’t nobody got time for that. (If you’re a blogger and want a few pointers on tackling that one, grab yo’ coffee and click here). Now either a.) watch a webinar. Get more knowledge! b.) eat a snack, c.) make a call to someone about some wedding-related something, d.) work on a school assignment, e.) work on a backend blog tweak, f.) work on an upcoming blog post and/or brand collaboration, g.) finish any outstanding tasks, h.) drink more coffee. Typically resorts to h.)

12:30 pm. Lunches. Dreams of drinking a mimosa. Wants another cuppa coffee. Ends up having water, because 1 Liter #goals means time to start sippin’. Considers lunching and relaxing and sometimes succeeds, but typically works through it all. Am I a workaholic? Nope, just fueled by coffee.

1:00 pm. Handles second round of emails. Goes back to 11 am routine and tackles any leftover things.

1:30 pm. Begins afternoon round of brand building and client work. I don’t do graphic design – I build strategies.  I dig WAY deep to help peeps understand exactly what your ideal customers are thinking and feeling, and work to build a marketing and communications strategy to speak right to them, establish expertise, and build a brand and business that provides value right to them. But that’s a story for another Coffee Routine, because Lord knows I need more caffeine at this point.

2:07 pm. Is it 3 pm yet? Need more coffee.

2:12 pm. Coffee.

2:15 pm. Distracted wanting more coffee. Starts a more mindless task to distract. Doesn’t work. Still wants more coffee.

2:47 pm. Sitting patiently in front of le Keurig. Godspeed, 3 pm.

2:57 pm. ALMOST.


3:01 pm. Feels like new woman. Proceeds to go into total boss mode and tackles all the things. Checks up on social media, responds to blog comments, answers emails, checks in with clients, calls mom, calls nana, tweets an inspirational quote, impulse buys a house thing, works on upcoming course, writes down goals, reaches goals, writes down more goals, cleans the house, rides a unicorn to the store.

5:30 pm. J gets home. Kiss J.

6:00 pm. Tries to wrap up work. May or may not work. What always works? J offers to make another cup. Quality time by the Keurig catching each other up on life. Bless.



A Day in my (Coffee) Life - Keurig and Dunkin Coffee morning routine on Coming up Roses


Raise your mugs and cheers to that.

ATTENTION: I shop at Shoprite for my own coffee essentials. There’s a hot deal happening at Shoprite right about now: Buy 2 participating coffee products and 1 participating creamer and get a free box of Truvia Natural Sweetener 40ct now thru 3/12, while supplies last. Yes. Please.

What does a day in your (coffee) life look like? What’s your coffee routine?

You know you have one. Share your coffee routine in a comment below…but not before you pour another coffee. 😉

signature blog

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® , The J.M.Smucker Company, White Wave, and Truvia Natural Sweetener, but as always, all opinions and thoughts are entirely my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Coming Up Roses!

 #pmedia #CoffeeRoutine https://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV