“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise”

I think it’s due time for another mantra, because who couldn’t use more inspiration on a Monday? This one is near and dear to my heart – and timely – for a few reasons. “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise…”

even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise

  • The obvious: Les Miserables. One of my favorite musicals of all time, this mantra runs throughout the Broadway show and movie and really speaks to hope. When you’re dealing with straight-up s*** – because sometimes, only that word suffices – there is another side. A rainbow after a storm. But for those sometimes when rainbows never come, the sun will still come up and the next day will dawn. (Unless it’s the apocalypse. In which case, you’re just outta luck.)
  • The relevant: Easter weekend. I absolutely love Easter weekend. Not because of the plastic eggs or overly-processed Peeps or plastic-y chocolate bunny rabbits, but because of the actual reason for the season. Reading the Passion of Christ and watching the movie and just reflecting all throughout Lent to get to this pinnacle of Love and hope – it’s so amazing and powerful and moving and important. Good Friday is like the epitome of “darkest night” – an innocent man was brutally tortured and killed by savage people, and here He was to be the Savior of the world. But the sun did indeed rise – as promised all along – and His horrible death brought new life in the Resurrection. For me, there is no better illustration of this quote, and here it takes place in our actual history. #amazeballs
  • The point: No matter what hurdle you’re attempting to jump over, whatever burden you’re bearing or struggle you’re battling – there’s always another day. Lately, I’ve felt my to-do list getting to obnoxious lengths again, and it’s been too easy to wake up with anxiety, stomach already in a knot before hitting off the alarm. Some struggles aren’t struggles that will end; sometimes, we have things that enter our lives that will be there for the long time, and there’s no greener grass on the other side. But when the other side doesn’t even exist, we can still have hope in tomorrow.

Sometimes, everyday feels like a Monday. Sometimes, it can be way too hard to find a silver lining, let alone a white cloud. Sometimes, there’s no easy answer or respite in sight – it might feel uphill all the way and then some. But in those hard times, that is where we need hope the most. No matter how dark the night, sunlight will eventually shine through. It might feel like twelve hours away, it might be twelve minutes ‘til sunrise – either way, we’re hopeful every single night of the coming sun. This week, let’s vow to live during the day how we do at night: always looking towards the sun.

How did you celebrate the Easter weekend? How do you find hope when it’s seemingly lost?

Today, I encourage you to leave some hope in the comment box below for someone else. Because you never know who might read your comment today at a time when it’s  needed most. Cheers to making someone’s day! And cheers to the sunshine, because IT’S FINALLY SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA.
