Best Bloopers of 2016

Happy hump! If you’ve been around these rosy parts for awhile – like, awhile – you might remember a time when any sort of style-related anything was…really really bad. No professional photography, no professional editing, no professional anything, really. I like to think that things have taken a massive upswing since then (thank the sweet Lord baby Jesus), but one thing that will never totally change? Bloopers.

Back then I thought it was a good idea to have actual bloopers within every style post. HA. We’ve grown up, like, a lot since then, but what better way to end 2016 than laughing? There are a few 2015 bloopers and a few TBD 2017 snapshots sprinkled in here, but I thought they were just too good to pass up. SO. Best bloopers of 2016. It’s not blackmail material if I put it out on the internet myself, amiright?? 😉


Original post: Healthy Hair Tips for Fall

Tryna find the Secret to armpits that smell as good as hair. HA. Get it?


Original Post: 22 Lessons in 22 Years

I’m whimsically staring at my “22” balloons pondering the implications of another year under my belt. But you wouldn’t know, ’cause the damn balloons kept covering my face and wouldn’t stay anywhere for longer than .5 seconds. Womp.


Original Post: 13 Unexpected Ways to Have Fun in your Twenties

My actual reaction upon sliding down a slide meant for 6-year-olds. Big kids have more fun.


Original Post: Broken, Still Beautiful

Ate a bug. Didn’t like it.

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: Never actually made it to CUR!


Part 2: Running into 2017 got me like

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: Coming to CUR in 2017…

I whip my hair back and forth.

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: Accent On: Plaid, Pearls, & Bits of Black

High on academia and nachos.

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: 10 Splurgeworthy Pieces Every Girl Needs in her Wardrobe

Coming Up Roses presents: Swan Lake.

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: Why I’m Late

Feed me and tell me I’m pretty.

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: Coming to CUR in 2017…

MAC lipstick ≠ McDonald’s fries

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

I think I see a Taco Bell!

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Am I Gigi yet.

The Best Bloopers of 2016 - on Coming Up Roses

Original Post: #CoolerInCotton

Be my friend?

For the record tho, this particular shoot was on the hottest day of the year. Just rockin’ out in my sweaty glory.

Now let’s play “caption this” in the comments below…

In other news, I’m spending the day pondering bloopers of 2016 IRL. Bloopers, and the good rosy stuff, too. What a year, amiright?? While this was arguably one of the best years of my life thus far fosho, it was also one of the hardest and most challenging in so many years. Graduating + moving away from friends, starting a new job (or at least pursuing CUR full time and branching out with new avenues within it accordingly), learning #AllTheThings in such a short period of time and still having so so so far to go. Time for some serious reflection + direction for the new year ahead.

What was your biggest “blooper” of 2016, and what most excites you about the new year?

Let’s make it happen in 2017.

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