COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE – Monthly Favorites, January 2022

I KNOW I KNOW, IT’S FEBRUARY ALREADY, ERICA. Geez E, get it together. I’m finally getting my isht together after last week’s Costa Rican adventures, and finally pressing publish on last month’s Cool Sh*t. Thankfully, it’s pretty dang cool sh*t and totally worth the wait. 😉 Sharing January’s favorite things, from the *best* vacuum system to have on hand (literally), to my new favorite ethical workout wear and more.

Excuse our grainy photos in this month’s roundup; we shot it super last minute before our trip as the sun was going down, so it was practically DARK by the time we were done and it’s a true miracle we had salvageable shots to share. Ha! 

COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022

1.) Louis Vuitton bum bag

WHAT A FAVORITE. Wow. I had half-jokingly requested a Bum Bag from J for Christmas. And when he pushed saying AIN’T NO WAY, WIFEY, I presented him zero other ideas or options. HA. I most definitely had no expectation that he was going to actually get me a designer bag for Christmas, but I am most definitely oh so stoked that he did. The bum bag is SO POPULAR right now, but for good reason – besides Louis Vuittons being ridiculously durable, versatile, timeless and classic, it’s a really functional bag…especially for my fellow toddler mamas in the house. While it’s sold out nearly everywhere, I stumbled upon a listing on Mercari that was the most affordable option I’d ever seen and sent it to J basically saying “This is all I want for the rest of forever, thankyoukindly.” Good ol’ scarcity always does the trick. 😉

While LV’s are obviously an investment, I truly stand by them. They’re my #1 recommendation for a designer bag that you’ll have + use faithfully for YEARS. The coated canvas makes them exceptionally durable to withstand the tests of time + toddlers. 😉 The bum bag has been fabulous to wear under a coat in winter; I’ve been wearing it on day trips into NYC and you feel 100% secure that absolutely no one can jack your bag. Ha!

Louis Vuitton Bum Bag - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


2.) PMD’s Microderm Classic

I’m a sucker for a good pore sucker. 😉 This device had piqued my interest for awhile since it claims to clean your pores out similarly to a spa facial, and since the closest mama’s been to a facial lately is the dishwasher’s steam cycle…I was game to try. 

It’s designed to help reduce the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles, increase hydration levels, diminish the look of dark spots, reduce the appearance of pore size, and generally even out your skin’s tone and texture. It’s got exfoliation functionality, as well as vacuum suction, and in doing so, it helps remove the dull, dead skin barrier to allow for better penetration + absorption of your skincare products. From their studies, 100% of people saw softer, smoother skin, 96% saw better skincare benefits, and 90% said their skin looked healthier overall. 

So far, I loveloveLOVE. You see actual gunk come out of your pores, but the variable speed settings make it so you’re not hurting yourself. I use once a week before applying face masks, typically as part of my #SundaySelfCare routines. They’ve got video tutorials on their website to teach you how to use it correctly, too, if you’re nervous/unsure!

PMD microdermabrasian device - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


3.) Paragon Fitwear 

This was a new-to-me workout wear brand that had reached out just to send a few pieces my way for consideration – and MAN OH MAN, am I impressed. Really, it’s right up there with Lululemon in terms of quality and feel, but at a fraction of the price. Their brand story is all about getting the fairest possible prices on luxury-grade workout wear, and being able to sell at a fraction of the price of competitors (*cough* Lululemon *cough*) thanks to operating online only. AND they’re big on ensuring things like fair pay, clean working conditions, non-discriminatory hiring, as well as being verified child-labor free AND forced-labor free in their factories. They’re a carbon-neutral brand and they give back 1% of profits to various high impact causes to make a difference. So all in all…you can see why I dig ’em, yes? 😉 

The team so kindly passed along code ERICAL10 for you to get 10% off your own purchase, too, if you want to try since they know how much I lovelovelove!

 Louis Vuitton Bum Bag - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022 Louis Vuitton Bum Bag - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


4.) Amazon cloud sandals

DON’T LAUGH – I know they look kinda puffy and like something that would definitely be trending on TikTok with Gen Z’ers, but here me out – they’re the most comfortable sandals, probably on all of planet Earth. They remind me a bit of those slides you get at the spa, but the cusioned soles are next level. They’re made with an environmentally-friendly, high quality material that cleans easily, doesn’t squeak, etc. But they’re WILDLY comfortable. Really feels like bouncing around on a cloud, hence my nickname for them. They almost remind me of the sandal-version of these favorite platform sneakers of mine (that you all lovelovelove too, based on my DMs!). 

Note, I only started to get rub marks when wearing them day in and day out exclusively for about 4 days in Costa Rica, when they were also wet and sandy. So so long as you dry your shoes and vary your footwear (ha), you’ll be fine and blister-free.

Amazon Cloud sandals - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


5.) Tula body moisturizer 

Tula started the year off strong with the highly anticipated launch of two new body products: an exfoliator and this moisturizer. At this point in my life, I’m picky with my moisturizers. Life is too short for crappy ones, you know? I want the most hydrated, wonderful skin possible, and ain’t nobody got time to wait around for greasy or sticky product to absorb. This stuff feels buttery without being sticky and really leaves your skin feeling softer and more supple; it’s got Vitamin C and yuzu inside to help your tone and texture, and hyaluronic acid and ceramides for deep moisture. It’s a really light vanilla-coconutty scent (not too distinct either way – just lovely). My code (COMINGUPROSES) still works on it for 15% off, too – yay!

Tula Body moisturizer - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


6.) Bible in a Year podcast 

This is a really exciting one to me for so many reasons. 1.) I’ve always had it as a goal in the back of my brain to read through the Bible. But like…who has the time. Who has THE ATTENTION SPAN?! Leviticus? Yeah, no. The Bible in a Year podcast is the most approachable way I’ve seen thus far to actually get through the entire Bible. J and I have made it a joint-resolution together to tackle it this year, and it’s been so enriching for us. When your date night conversations end up being about Old Testament drama, you know you’re into it. 😉

We loveloveLOVE the priest who does it, Father Mike – he has such a clear calling on his life. He’s #blessed, man. Apparently this podcast was top of the podcast charts last year above other wildly popular, secular productions, which truly says something (and is so, so good – yay God!). But Father Mike is SO easy to listen to and does incredible recaps + prayer after each passage reading to tie it all together and bring it home to be applicable in our everyday lives, too.

Katie got hooked on it on my recommendation and texted me the following: 

I’ve been listening to the Bible in a year podcast. More to listen as reading through the Bible has been a goal of mine, and more from an anthropological POV rather than religious. And I’m loving it. I love how he breaks it down after reading the chapters. And it doesn’t feel like Catholicism/Christianity being shoved down your thoat. Thanks for the suggestion!”

You are so, so welcome Katie…I can’t recommend it enough. 

Bible in a Year Podcast - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


7.) Big girl bedroom: Liv’s new bed + bookshelves 

Cue the tears…Liv’s room got an upgrade with the new year! She now has a big girl bed and it’s STILL not big enough for her personality. HA. But really, this was a great find at a great price, and I’d definitely recommend to any fellow toddler mamas in need of an upgrade. The pink is precious and I lowkey have FOMO I didn’t go with that one.

Then, these acrylic floating bookshelves were a fabulous way to finish the room off without adding more stuff. I wanted to do something on the blank wall that would be functional sans furniture, so expanding our girl’s library was a clear choice. They’re a great length and made so well. The shelves have been a fabulous way for her to grab her own reading material for IN bed when she inevitably gets OUT of bed, since bedtime with a three-year-old is a bit like purgatory, I’m sure. HA. 😉


8.) Shark wandvac system 

We had a Shark handheld vac under our stove for years before we drove it to its doom (really, I say “we” but it was 100% J trying to pick up large pieces of glass…WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?). It was a beloved cleaning accessory in our household. RIP.

Fast forward to me needing a new cordless vac and discovering that Shark does an entire SYSTEM that includes both the handheld AND the cordless in a vacuum TOGETHER…no brainer yes. It has fabulous suction and it just such a functional thing for the best quick clean. Our favorite!!!

Shark Wandvac System - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022 Shark Wandvac System - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


9.) Birdies

Something clicked in my late 20’s where I just knew that I needed “house shoes.” As if having hundreds of pairs of shoes wasn’t enough already, house shoes clearly needed to be in the weekly work-at-home rotation. Right? Don’t answer that. 😉

But y’all.

Birdies are where it’s at. I had had a pair of Birdies from years ago but wanted to grab this pair with fur detail for a warmer winter slide. I grabbed on sale (which they still are! $40 off! Yay! Treat yo’self!), and I’m SO GLAD I DID. They’re absurdly comfy, soft, and have SOLES…so you can confidently leave your house, go on a Target run or to carpool pickup with zero shame. They’re a beautiful high quality suede and just look classic. 10/10.

Birdies slippers - COOL SH*T I LOVELOVELOVE - Monthly Favorites, January 2022


10.) Wordle 

Is anyone NOT a Wordler yet? (Wordler? Wordling? However ya spell it, I’m on the Wordle train!). Back in high school, I used to do a word machine game online “in my free time” – ha. As of late, I had actually been on the hunt for a similar sorta thing for grown ups that would keep my vocab game ~fresh~, then saw Wordle going viral on social media.

Super simple way to challenge your brain everyday. 


And what have been YOUR Monthly Favorites? Would lovelovelove to know! 

P.S. ICYMI and wanna get caught up on or last month’s favorites, just click here!