Sometimes, s*** hits the fan. Whether it’s a seemingly simple bad day, a string of unwanted mishaps, or a drastically unfortunate cloud that’s bigtime raining on your parade, there’s bound to be a time where you find yourself shaking a fist at the sky saying, “Why me?!?” Your coffee order is messed up or you spill it down the front of your new top (been there done that), you trip off the curb and drop your bags, you find a dent in your car after a too-long day at the office – the possibilities are endless for the universe to just not be on your side. We all know what that feels like…some more than others.
I know I’m totally guilty of this sometimes: I let it throw off my whole day.
How easy it is, right? A hurried morning ends with forgetting an important paper. A work day begins with an ugly email or phonecall. A much-anticipated dinner gets burned or you fall in the shower (is that just me?).
When you’re feeling like another character in a Lemony Snicket novel, a simple switch of mindset may help offset the frustrations and leave you feeling better (even if it’s just until you can rush home to a back massage and glass of wine or Netflix and pizza).
Instead of “Why me?”, think “What now?”
We get sucked into our own pools of panic and anxiety. We stress ourselves out by worrying about anything and everything. Am I the only one who gets anxiety from trying to not have anxiety?!? Instead of worrywarting around in self-pity as damsels in distress, take this week to make yourself feel better. Push yourself towards motivation and pro-activity, since simple shifts of thought can do a whole lotta wonder. We talked about this before…sometimes you need to literally look yourself in the eye and change your own mind. Otherwise, it’s waaaaaay too easy to be your own worst enemy time and time again.
“What now?”
It’s innovative. It shows you’re thinking ahead, futuristically, anticipating the next move.
It’s pro-active. Ain’t nobody need a knight in shining whatever. Sometimes you might be your own worst enemy, but you can also be your own best friend. Now’s the time to have your own back and pick up your own pieces.
It’s productive. Crying over spilled milk doesn’t do anything – we all know that. Spoiler alert: Cursing the heavens for a bad day or unfortunate event won’t actually do a darn thing. Get over the useless hypotheticals and get onto figuring out your next steps. You’re savvy, creative, and daring like that.
So now I want to hear from you.
What’s your game plan to get you on the fast track to feeling great and making things happen?
Two important last minute things:
1.) Be sure to not miss out on your chance to win $50 to Ulta! Easiest way to snag some $$$Â and do some rejuvenating to the ol’ makeup stash for spring.
2.) You’re awesome. You know that? Now go live it out and up for the rest of this week.