Holy moly, this post has been a looooong time coming. With fabulous fall fashion comes fabulous fall beauty, and I feel like I’ve been trying a new product every other day! I was lucky enough to get some truly *awesome* PR packages, and I picked up a few repeat favorites (aka my serious holy grail beauty products) because somehow I just can’t resist the makeup aisle NO MATTER WHAT. So now, I’m sharing a whole SLUE of what I would collectively define as my absolute ride or die (ala Jaclyn Hill), must-have-at-all-times, holy grail beauty products. For fall and beyond. Y’all. This was seriously HARD to pick favorites, but I’m stoked. Price points range from drugstore to my version of higher end (~$50 max, cos ain’t nobody got time or $$$ for $100 makeup), and I linked as much as possible up so that you can snag any exact products that sound like whatcha want/need/gottahave, too. With these final contenders, I just keep hitting repeat every day, cos all of the below are bomb dot com status. Introducing, my holy grail beauty products for fall.
- Pure Cosmetics Nude Collection – Y’all, this is a near-identical alternative to the Naked palette, at a fraction of the price! This gem was included in the – which, by the way, you should 100% opt into. FabFitFun is a seasonal subscription box, where you receive over $200 worth of goodies…for $50 or less. (Meaning you get $200+ worth of product for 40 bucks, I’m jussssayin’…) This palette alone is worth the price of the entire box, which is cray. Fabulous pigmentation, and I absolutely love the shimmery neutral palette for fall. Definitely a go-to for me (and one of my new holy grail beauty products!).
- – On days you’re not feelin’ shimmery, these matte hues are absolutely gorgeous. I love that with these 9 shades, it runs the gamut of tonality. There are some gorgeous warm tones, a few cool tone colors, too, and whether you want a smoked out date night look or a soft, pretty daytime wear, it’s gotcha covered.
- – My favorite kinda liner is a bold, statement line. I like precision and smoothness, and I am absolutely in love with the inky, flawless finish of this surprisingly easy to use liquid liner. Especially with a bold liquid liner, I like having control over the application. Ain’t nobody got time for a bristley brush where one little out-of-place hair can wreak havoc on yo’ eyeballs and make ya have to start all. over. No way, José. This applicator is a little foam piece, and it really lets you control how much liner is actually on it at all times.
- – I’ve always been a massive mascara queen. If you follow me on Snapchat (erica_lig), you might’ve seen me freaking out in a public bathroom on double date night when somehow, I forgot mascara (and only mascara…the rest of me was all made up), and hysteria ensued. Lately, I’ve been not just a major mascara kick, but a mascara priming kick. This primer from L’Oreal goes on just like a mascara, but it perfectly primes your lashes to hold even more mascara without clumping or sticking together.
- – Such a golden drugstore mascara. I would 100% buy this again and again to always have in the arsenal.
- – One of my all-time favorite holy grail beauty products. This baby is just dramatic, and it’s a repeat in my book! I’ve heard mixed reviews online from others, but I love how much product comes out at once. On the brush, it could be a bit *too* much if you’re not careful, and I could see how some may get clumps. But I love that I can swipe this literal Superhero on in T-minus six seconds and run out the door in typical hot mess fashion. 😉
- – This entire eye pencil line is golden. I received a few in press packages, and now I’m addicted. It’s so dang smooth and easy to apply, but this color in particular is my fave. It’s a goldish bronzey hue that’s just different and so fall festive.
- – I had never tried a lip palette before this one. This came in a PR package, and I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. I always thought of lip palettes or pots as being unsanitary and messy, but boy oh boy – this one just takes the cake. Every shade is gorgeous, and the last pot is a highlighter to help create a fun ombre look on yo’ lips. Also, it’s just over $16 for a palette of 8, meaning each color is just over $2 a pop. #math. L’Oreal for 2 bucks a pop?!?! Um, YES.
- – I thought this was going to be a lot darker on than it actually is. Obviously, this baby looks dark and vampy. It actually applies more sheer (it’s the shade I’m wearing in all of these pics!) with a more berry tone, so I think it’s a perfect shade to try when you’re working yourself up to a more dark, dramatic fall lip. It’s a lot darker looking in person looking at the stick than online or on yo’ face, but I think the online picture is actually more similar to the color that ends up being on yo’ lips!
- – If you want a major pop of pink that lasts all day long, this is for you. I love me a good bright lip (as y’all know), and nothing beats a good hot pink when you’re feelin’ sassy. 😉 Strong application, and one swipe is all you need for major pigment. And $1 of your purchase goes towards breast cancer research, so there’s that.
- – GUYS GUYS GUYS. The Artist Rouge MUFE line is brand spankin’ new and so spankin’ GOOD. This is such a creamy lipstick line with a gorgeous range of colors. I had previewed the collection at a Make Up For Ever boutique pop-up shop (at King of Prussia mall – if you haven’t been but are local to the area, you HAVE to check ’em out!), and I wanted to leave with the whole shebang. Definitely a shade for everyone – my mom ended up walking out with a new favorite color! I also love Make Up For Ever cos their artists in-store are so willing to help you with makeup that works for you, whether it’s shade, product type, application, you name it. They’re all about making makeup artistry more accessible to us everyday Jill Schmoes, so definitely check ’em out if you find a boutique near you!
- – The eye priming potion is a cult classic (although this is my favorite affordable eye primer), and its face counterpart is also fab. It goes on the same as the eye primer in terms of feel, so it’s really comfortable and truly does make yo’ face last all day.
- – This baby claims it’s for face and body, but ain’t nobody got time to be contouring their bodies. I mean, what am I supposed to contour on my body…my elbows? Really tho, whether you’re a contouring newbie or seasoned pro, this palette has the versatility to let you get comfortable or play around. I love that there are a few different shades, so multiple skin colors can vibe with it, and two highlights – matte and radiant – let you play with light whether you’re going for a glowy summery look or just the plain ol’ lit look.
- – This foundation is EVERYTHING it is hyped up to be, in my opinion, so of course it’s one of my holy grail beauty products. I’ve heard mixed reviews, granted, but mah girl Jaclyn loveloveloves it and I do, too (obvi we’re basically besties). I have oily skin, but I just love how easy and natural the application is, it lasts all day for me, and it just feels *good* on my skin.
- – My Anti-Residue Moment: Dry Shampoo Buildup. Honey, I’m a dry shampoo ho. I wash my hair once per week anymore and literally get by with good ol’ dry shampoo. That, and after summer, my hair was MAJORLY in need of a good detox. With oily skin and an oily scalp, it gets to be a weird time of year; I’m producing oil, but my scalp gets so dang dry from being outside, and the dry shampoo life causes product build-up, and by the time the leaves start changing I’m lookin’ like it’s snowing just on me. #NotCool. While I’m detoxing errrrrr’thang for fall, from my wardrobe (donated a few bags o’ stuff!) to my home (bring out the pumpkins!), my hair is one of my #1 priorities. I lovelovelove this for just really clearing out the gunk and starting fresh. Use once-a-week to remove dulling residue, excess oil, and just really cleanse hair thoroughly.
** Wanna WIN your own Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo?? Just share a photo on Instagram or Twitter about a moment that triggered the need for a hair detox, tag @Neutrogena, and leave a comment below linking to your post!) **
- United in Pink Paul Mitchell Stay Strong Express Dry Strong Hold Hairspray – Y’all know I love my PM stuff (they’re always some of my top holy grail beauty products), and I LOVELOVELOVE that for all of October, PM partners with United in Pink to support breast cancer awareness. This hairspray is clutch, but the cause is even more clutch. (*Note: PM products have fake lookalikes made often and are only 100% guaranteed to be PM when sold by a PM certified retailer or PM themselves!)
- United in Pink Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum – This serum is a bit heavier than what I typically grab for since I’ve got more oily hair to begin with, but if you’ve got dry locks it’s a must. I wear this most often when I’m straightening my hair, otherwise it can be a bit too heavy on iron-made curls. But holy shine and holy gloss!
- Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte Nourishing Hand Cream – Just bought two more of these bad boys online. It’s got shea butter and vitamin E, smells HEEAAAAVENLY, and is so moisturizing without being greasy – a biggy for me, so of course it’s one of my ultimate holy grail beauty products.
- – The first nail color I always pull for fall is a good deep burgundy or rich cranberry. Being a cabernet girl through and through, this Wine Not color was an obvious choice for this chica. I feel like most of my nail polish collection is Sally Hansen, just cos it’s so much more affordable
For skincare, stop back in a few weeks for a comprehensive fall skincare post. 😉
What are your holy grail beauty products for fall?
And and and, what’re your all time favorite holy grail beauty products for all year ’round? I’d lovelovelove to know, especially cos I may or may not be dropping by Sephora’s website later today for some casual Friday browsing. 😉
P.S. In case it wasn’t obvious, I’ve just been seriously loving me some L’Oreal, Make Up For Ever, and IT Cosmetics lately! I’ve got more products from each of those brands that I lovelovelove, so if ya want recommendations, hollah at your girl. Just seriously impressed with all of the above’s fall beauty game lately, so had to give some love and respect where respect is due. 😉
P.P.S. In case it wasn’t clear on mah Snapchat (I’m @ erica_lig – come follow me!), I am OB-SESSED with the Bath & Body Works Leaves candle…it seriously smells AMAZEBALLS. If you’re wanting a nice autumn scent that isn’t sickenly sweet and/or pumpking-related, it’s a fabulous option. *praise hands*
TGIF – keep smiling, cos your truest beauty comes from within!
*This post is in partnership with SheSpeaks Media. As always, all opinions and thoughts presented are entirely my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Coming Up Roses!