5 Healthy Skincare Swaps to Make This Summer

Three cheers to summer – it’s finally here! But no cheers for some of the not-so-fun things that might come along with it, from bug bites to sun burns. 2/3 members of our household have suuuuuuper sensitive skin (and mine flares up more depending on what time of the month it is – ha!), so I’m already on high alert for new red spots, bumps, or rashes on Liv. I’m so stoked to be working with a totally classic brand, , to bring you today’s post, to share a few of my favorite healthy skincare swaps to make for summer! They’re simple, easy shifts that can make a big difference, especially when your skin is subject to just so dang much this season. Besides bug bites and sun burns you’ve got sand, surf, SPF products…AND you’ve got everything going INSIDE your body that effects how it feels on the outside, too.

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

  • Gel face cleanser instead of a clay cleanser

In the summer especially, your skin takes a hit – from sunscreens to sunshine, it can be hard to maintain a flawless complexion…and you’re in a season of wanting to wear as little makeup as possible, too. Now’s the time to switch to a gel cleanser, to get a deep clean without over-drying or stripping your skin. (15% off code is always COMINGUPROSES). It’ll go deep into your pores to remove impurities, sweat, oil, sunscreen or other product, etc – which is so important to keep your pores clean and cleared out. BUT, it’s not going to leave your skin feeling too-tight or uncomfortable also has probiotics + superfoods inside for conditioning, which is always a plus. A gel cleanser is kinda like the perfect balancing act for your skin right about now – both gently clearing any gunk in your pores out while keeping things hydrated + healthy.


  • Self-tanner instead of sun

Long gone are the days of baking in a tanning bed or laying out for Vitamin D – it’s all about the fake bake now, baby! I shared in this month’s Cool Sh*t I Lovelovelove – it’s so good for a gradual glow that isn’t reminiscent of an Oompa Loompa. 😉 Thankfully, I think it’s safe to say we all know by now how much SAFER it is to self-tan sans the sun. Sure, a little bit of Vitamin D can do us all good – but UV rays? Not so much.

UV rays can be harmful in a number of ways, from contributing to faster-aging skin (ugh wrinkles, fine lines, dark sunspots and hyperpigmentation, etc), to causing serious health problems like skin cancers. Ain’t nobody got time. It’s just not worth the risk – lather up in sunscreen when you’re out catching rays, and otherwise utilize my now-good friend self-tanner for a good faux tan glow!


  • instead of the usual (and not just summer – truly any season will do!)

Really, this one isn’t even just seasonal – if you’re like us and have some sensitive skin in the fam, it’s worth swapping year-round! (Fun fact: apparently 45% of adults in the US have sensitive skin! So, if you do, too…you’re not alone, sis!). J’s had really sensitive skin his entire life, and the OG got that gene…girlfriend has reaaaaaally sensitive skin. She’s battled eczema spots basically since birth and gets red and splotchy in reaction to anything irritating; even just too much heat can make her all rashy. While I’m all for applying a baby-safe cream to help heal irritations, I’ve also been trying to find other ways to more naturally encourage healing – even just by swapping out some products for better, cleaner alternatives.

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

Most recently, we’ve been using the new – it’s got no dyes, phosphates, brighteners, chlorine, or enzymes inside, so it’s formulated to be hypoallergenic and literally FOR sensitive skin. But – the bonus – without the high cost that often comes with other sensitive-skin brands. #BlessUp.

And YES, this is the same Ivory Soap you probably know and have maybe loveloveloved before, since they’ve been around for literally 140 years! When I brought home the bottle and showed J, he said “Oh my gosh, my dad used that soap growing up!” 

Besides being without harmful ingredients,  IS still tough on dirt, food, stains, etc…very necessary in our house with a toddler who has made spaghetti-slinging a sport. 😉 So for my fellow busy mamas, you can trust that it’s safer for your family and the planet without sacrificing #werk, because it gets the job done!

ALSO SIDE NOTE – it smells *amazing*. I know you’re not supposed to choose your products by smell alone, but like…basically a light cucumber melon-y dream.

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!) 5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)

  • Multi-purposed products with built-in SPF instead of layering a few

Especially in summertime, I think we’re all on the same page in trying to DE-LAYER as much as possible. Ain’t nobody got time for 52 products when you’re just trying to hit the pool – we’ve gotta keep it simple. I’ve shared maybe 32 times before on CUR, so it’s no stranger, but it’s especially invaluable to me this time of year since it’s so multi-purposeful!

My best SPF hack to help your skin tenfold is to swap for multi-purposed products with built-in SPF. My top two faves are with SPF 40 that I use every single morning, and when I want some coverage but still need sun protection.

This ensures you’re protected without needing to worry about products clashing or sliding all over your face if you’re layering too much on a hot summer day.


  • Water instead of…anything not-water 😉

Actually, this is no secret. 😉 But the #1 skincare secret of all time seems to always be to DRINK YO’ WATER.  Fill up at Hydration Station, baby! I know I’m V GUILTY of this – I’m always craving something refreshing + flavored in summertime especially. And while sometimes it’s a good ol’ glass of H2O that I’m reaching for, oftentimes…it’s not. I’m grabbing an iced tea or a fruity lemonade or something that feels fun and blaming it on the season. Problem is…oftentimes, those “fun” drinks are loaded with added sugars, which can leave ya feeling crummy and bloated in the end.

If you’re wanting to get in your daily intake of water, it’s time to chug! No really…drinking a glass of water BEFORE your meal has been proven for years to help keep you hydrated while also helping you not overeat, since you’ve got something in your stomach already. Especially helpful if your brain is bigger than your stomach sometimes, and you find yourself still goin’ on that queso a solid 20 minutes after you’re full. Whoops. 😉 To make chugging more fun, I highly suggest fruitifying your H2O. Still counts as hydrating, with added antioxidants and flavor! Great for clearer skin, staying energized,


5 SKINCARE SWAPS FOR SUMMER - on Coming Up Roses (+ featuring new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry Detergent for sensitive skin!)


Have you tried Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry detergent yet?

And are you making any of these (or other) skincare swaps for summer? Would lovelovelove to know what’s worked for you, especially if your fam has got sensitive skin like ours! And make sure to pick up the new Ivory Gentle Aloe Laundry detergent !


*Thanks to Ivory Soap, a brand I lovelovelove, for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions + thoughts presented are entirely my own. Thank YOU for supporting the brands that support Coming Up Roses!