Introducing…MANTRA MUGS!

Just about two years ago, Caffeinate Your Soul: 52 Monday Mantras was released into the world. It was born in the pandemic and, in many ways, was an ongoing uphill battle from the start –…
View PostWhat is THRIVING, really?

What does THRIVE mean to you? It’s a question we ask every THRIVE podcast guest to close out an episode, and one that’s shocked the heck out of me to date, because in nearly 100…
View PostRest is where the results happen.

Happy Labor Day! Are you resting today? Historically speaking, Labor Day was created in 1894 to celebrate the “achievements and contributions” of American workers. Especially in a time where many had questionable or unfair working conditions,…
View Post“The grass is green where you water it.”

You know the drill…”The grass is always greener on the other side.” I’m sure you’ve also heard by now (or at least seen on a Pinterest board somewhere down the line) “Comparison is the thief…
View Post“I can do hard things.”

Monday Mantra, it’s good to see ya. Now for some Monday motivation, there’s a four letter dirty word that’s just gotta go this morning. This morning, and every morning. That word? Hard. “Monday mornings are…
View PostYour Mess is your Message

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of the world. Namely, why so much bad sh*t has been happening. I mean really – 2020 has been a hot mess express. It’s like one…
View Post“No rain, No flowers.”

If you’ve been searching for the meaning of “no rain, no flowers,” you’re in the right place. You know why I love the idea of roses and so dubbed this rosy lil’ corner of the…
View Post“Great things take time.”

Great things take time. How many times have ya heard it in life so far??? Chances are, quite a bit. It’s a commonly thrown around phrase that lacks the punch it once packed. It was…
View PostBreathe in…

…Breathe out. Maybe it sounds silly, but with everything going on in our world right now, I’ve found myself literally forgetting to breathe. You, too? Obviously these are stressful times unlike what many of us…
View PostThis too shall pass.

What a week. Really, what a past few weeks. Everything and their mother by now knows well the struggles of quarantine life – and some unlucky ones know the struggles of the sickness itself. I…
View Post“I can’t control IT, so I can’t let IT control me.”

We all have an IT, right? That thing in the back of your brain that sits there, festering, waiting to take control? Maybe others see it – or maybe, it feels like the world’s best…
View Post“All you have is Time.”

“All you have is Time.” Ironic, since it’s also the one thing not guaranteed. Probably the lyrics of some trippy Pink Floyd song or cheesy country love song. 😉 But I mean HEY – it’s…
View PostI’ll Stand Back Up.

One of my favorite things on the planet right now is experiencing Olivia learning to walk. Have you ever done it? Watching a baby try to walk? It’s this hilariously endearing combination of wobbling and…
View Post“I Deserve to THRIVE.”

So I had this crazy realization not too long ago. I realized that I was on a sortof hamster wheel of success. I was always running running running towards something, without ever giving myself permission to reach a…
View Post“Give Yourself Permission.”

Do you ever sit back and take a hot sec to meditate on what you would be doing with your life if someone handed you a big fat permission slip to your fullest potential? I…
View Post“JUST is Just Right.”

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the three little bears? ICYMI (aka, in case you missed childhood? Ha!), a little girl named Goldilocks stumbled upon a cottage in the woods – which just…
View Post“I am a Fire.”

That’s right – I am A fire. Not “I am ON fire,” but I am the freaking fire. Personally, I feel on fire after this weekend; I spent it in Dallas, Texas at Rachel Hollis’ RISE…
View Post“Give Yourself Space.”

Whoa, this post is timely. I woke up this morning and needed this exact message myself, so I hope it hits at least one of you on the right heartstring, too. Do you ever have…
View PostJust Push Up.

Olivia is thiiiiiiis close to full-blown crawl mode. Girlfriend can commando-crawl like a soldier and is the fastest scoocher on the block, but she’s yet to put two-and-two together (or, arms + legs together) for that…
View Post“I Am My Next Choice.”

Happy Monday, friends. It’s been a hot sec since we Monday Mantra’d up in here, so let’s chat choices, shall we? I got to thinking about this as I chowed down on some Cheetos last…
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