Happy Monday, yo. I’m sitting here sipping my cuppa coffee and staring out the window at a sunshine-y day – bless up. But as we know far too well, not every day has sun (duh, amiright?). When my intern and I were in Mexico (read about it here!), blustery winds and sideways rain hit us two days in a row. Zero complaining over here, cos we were still #blessed enough to be in Cancun for 4-5 days. But rain…it can be a bit of a bummer sometimes.
We’ve talked before about the upside of rain, though, when it comes to growth – everything can’t be coming up roses if the roses don’t have the right care to grow. Rain makes things beautiful – cliche, but true. With it, literally everything beautiful in the natural world has the ability to become what it was always meant to be. And it’s the same for rain in our everyday lives.
Real rain can be seen as a buzzkill or a blessing.
A buzzkill if you had other plans or expectations that get “ruined” because of it.
A blessing if you needed it and knew it.
Similarly, rain in our everyday lives are the obstacles and challenges we face. If you’re going off of your own agenda and trying to push full steam ahead with Plan A, the slightest challenge off course can throw a serious loop.
But if you welcome the obstacles and challenges as opportunities to learn, better yo’self, and push forward with Plan B as gracefully as you had intended Plan A…you’re just getting better at the dance o’ life.
You’re learning to dance in the rain. Enter, today’s Mantra:
The word “WILL” is a powerful one.
It’s powerful, and it’s active – just like rainfall.
I will dance. It’s all about attitude. It’s about choosing your perspective – choosing to see the good and find the joy. To have fun regardless of circumstance, and to actively pursue sunshine regardless of cloud coverage in life.
“I will dance in the rain.”
I will choose to seek glimmers of sunshine in seemingly grey situations (of which there are plenty in this whirlwind called life).
Recognize the power of rain. Acknowledge and respect that it can be destructive, yes. But without it comes no new growth, either. This isn’t just about embracing the growth, though, since in the moment it can be hella hard to see the light on the other side of the tunnel. Sometimes, we don’t see the potential for good to come out of an otherwise crappy situation. Sometimes, we don’t WANT to see that potential, because life can be hard and things can be hard and we need to fully feel our pain before being able to move forward into true acceptance of what’s to come.
But that’s the thing.
Rain happens, in nature and in life. You can’t always predict it, and you can’t control it.
So buy an umbrella, rain slicker, cute glossy boots – whatever makes you smile and feel prepared to start dancing in the rain. Take the same approach with the rain in life – the losses, disappointments, hurts. Be prepared to face them, and hold on until the sun breaks through. It’s not saying it makes it any easier…it just makes it a bit more bearable throughout.
Choose the positive perspective.
There are those who anxiously watch the Weather Channel, complaining the second a stormcloud approaches, letting their entire day be derailed, and sitting passively fixated on the TV to just watch what’s coming and react accordingly.
And then there are those who opt to respond actively, pushing onward and refusing to let a little unexpected rainfall ruin their mood – regardless of how it may change their plans.
At the end of rainstorms comes a rainbow. But if you’re too busy focused on the negativity that the storm brought with it, you might miss the rainbow altogether. Choose to remain as positive as possible and dance yo’ way through.
Be like Gene Kelly – the guy who made a name for singing in the rain. While you’re dancing in the rain, feel free to sing along, too. 😉
Yes, you may get wet. But that may be half the fun if you just give into it and enjoy. And lastly, for my fellow Christian gals in the house, there’s a Bible verse *perfect* for the occasion. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” God doesn’t call us to be thankful and joyful FOR all of the bad stuff – He calls us to be thankful IN SPITE OF it, living in and through it instead of *because* of it.
Whether it’s your own mindset practice, self-pick-me-up, or through the helps of others, dancing through the rain is what it’s all about, peeps!
How will you be dance through the rain this week?
Do you guys have a favorite way to stay encouraged, motivated, inspired, positive, etc when harder times and rainclouds appear? I’d lovelovelove to hear what works for you – leave a comment below, and let’s chat about dancing in the rain!
Happy Monday – may this be the start to one helluvah dance-worthy week.