This is the one we’ve alllll been waiting for…it’s time to talk pelvic floor therapy. Erica has been in pelvic floor therapy on-and-off for over a year now, since around her second trimester of pregnancy with Jonah, and it has truly changed her life. One of those thing you want to shout from the rooftops so every woman can know – no gatekeeping here, girlfriends! Knowledge is power, and you need to know these things about your own body. This isn’t just kegels and pee pads, ladies – it can mean less leakage, pain-free intercourse, better workouts, less back and/or neck pain…the list goes on! Your pelvic floor does a LOT, and Erica’s own therapist is joining her on THRIVE today to talk ALL about it. Nothing is off limits, your questions are answered, and they *go there* to help a sista out. Listen up!