In the name of spreading positivity on the internet, I’ve been collecting + organizing my own personal favorite accounts to follow along and favorite on Instagram. With how many folks have commented on this viral reel saying things of the likes of how tired they are seeing the same kindof content on their feeds, yadda yadda yadda, figured I’d share my two cents from knowing a WEE bit about how the algorithm works. I say “wee” since Lord knows they change it every 32 seconds and it never seems to make a whole lot of practical sense ANYWAY, but I’m happy to share a hot tip regardless. 😉 The algorithm rewards your behavior and likes to think that it “knows” and/or can “predict” what kindof content you’ll want to see in your feed in the future. If it sees you mostly sharing funny memes or primarily engaging on videos of alpacas, chances are, you’re going to end up with more memes and alpacas when you’re mindlessly scrolling on a Tuesday night.
Especially as it changes and shows more “recommended” content over the people we’ve chosen to follow anyway (don’t get me started there), I’ve made it my personal mission to fill my feed with goodness that I really lovelovelove. I want more smiles and seratonin when I log on, and less of anything not. Ya feel?
So, I went through my own Favorites to find my go-to accounts, then broke them down by category below (speaking of, you know you can mark your own “favorites” on Instagram and switch to a feed of JUST those, right? Right?!? Not here to tell you what to do…but you should *totally* add me to your faves so our feed friendship is rock solid 😉 ).
- @iceland – I mean, it’s stunning. Truly stunning. They’ve got incredible video content + drone coverage from all over the country, but really focusing on natural beauty, from volcanic activity to northern lights to stunning waterfalls.
- @travelling.tropical – Warning: will inspire wanderlust.
- @aggie – This chick just seems to live the wildest life in the most wanderlust sense. She’s always got such cool travel content that has my full *respect* as a creator especially!
- @uniquehotels – I would stay at literally every single hotel shared by this account. They’re all EPIC.
- @kjp – Less tropics, more New England USA – but such beautifully edited, they don’t even look REAL. (Are they? Can anyone confirm??)
- @disneyfoodblog – Worth following for your Disney food planning – but they do share some other random “insider” Disney tips, too!
- @camillestyles – Camille’s account just feels like a warm, cozy, Pinterest-perfect hug.
- @sazan – Sazan has always been one of my faves – she’s got cute babies, a great podcast, and keeps it real. My kinda gal.
- @hannah_neese – Just a cute fellow mama account!
- @sundayswithsharon – An ~aesthetic~
- @farahjmerhi – Farah’s restock + reset videos are addicting to watch – I need her to come clean (and decorate) my house while she’s at it.
- @the_broadmoor_house – Stephanie’s decor style is awesome, but she also shares great affordable home finds to get looks for less!
- @ambitiouskitchen – I mean, drool.
- @thefoodbabe – Vani’s account is one I find myself recommending the most offline, too! She is an *incredible* resource for cleaning up your eating with realistic swaps and healthier alternatives. A WEALTH of information in a non-overwhelming way.
- @foodforgoodnesssake – Plant-focused whole foods + recipes. Everything just looks NOM.
- @halfbakedharvest – I’m sure you’ve heard fo this account – their bio just says “good food” and THEY AIN’T WRONG.
- @brunchwithbabs – Such a wholesome account. The mom and/or grandmom you always wanted with family recipes and motherly advice.
- @healthygirlkitchen – Vegan recipes, but everything looks INCREDIBLE.
- @hnicholsillustration – ASMR fashion artwork.
- @p0ncikler – Cat videos. Enough said.
- @dr.subbio – The plastic surgeon who does mine + Mimi’s Dysport (when I’m not pregnant, obvi) – he’s an incredible top surgeon, but his Instagram is outright hilarious. Creative genius, truly.
- @kelladactyl – You can’t watch Kelly dance and NOT smile.
- @nasa – For my fellow space nerds. 🙂
- @risenmotherhood – Beautiful musings on parenting + motherhood in particular.
- @bonnie_blooms – Gorgeous flowers. I screenshot + save for my phone backgrounds and vision boards!
- @biglittlefeelings – One of my faves for parenting tips for toddlers.
- @destini.ann – One of my faves for parenting advice in general. Destini was also one of my personal favorites episodes on the podcast!
- @joymarilie – Literally found Joy’s account YESTERDAY thanks to my mom passing one of her reels my way – she’s absolutely brilliant and breaks down conscious parenting in such a clear, practical way.
- @resilientlittlehearts – All about empowering kids’ resilience + emotional health, and I always find myself saving their posts as little reminders.
- @morganharperninchols – One of my all-time, long-time faves. Morgan is just so sage, and her beautiful words paired with her beautiful art just speaks to my soul (and might to yours, too!)
- @itspeaceamadi – Peace’s account is like one big pep talk merging mental health with faith.
- @beckythompsonauthor – Fellow Christian author + mama with great words on hope + healing in God’s presence
- @jamievaron – I find myself hearting + sharing Jamie’s words near-weekly at this point. She and I share a lot of similar views on growth, rest, and becoming content outside of performance or productivity.
- @upworthy – For when you’ve lost faith in fellow humans.
- @theiamjournal – Daily Mantra Messages + prayers for today!
- @poptimism_ – Simple words in fun fonts + brights colors.
- @michellcclark – An awesome author with words on healthier self-love
- @poetryofdhiman – Another personal favorite for daily thoughts + quotes that I often re-share!
- @oceanloversco – Absolutely stunning sunset + sunrise scapes with inspirational quote captions.
- @adventuring_into_lettering – More simple words with fun fonts and a smiley, happy aesthetic.
- @cleerelystated – I’m putting it out there now – I NEED CLEERE TO COME ONTO THRIVE. I reshare her content probably twice a week – she writes such beautiful prayers + reminders for remaining in grace and pursuing peace.
- @_she_rises_ – Easy, simple prayers for quick bursts of grace.
- @shejourneyswithhim – Quick, empowering reminders for walking with Christ.
- @writtentospeak – Poems + prayers – Tanner is another one I’d lovelovelove to get on the podcast. Let’s put in a word.
- @therealsweetspot – For finding the “sweet spot” with Jesus everyday – which I lovelovelove.
- @elyse_myers – Elyse blew up on TikTok with her hilarious storytelling of everyday events and things that happened to her. Adore her authenticity.
- MEME ACCOUNTS (many from which I source Friday Funnies content!)
- @minaa_b – Self-care + mental health educator with great tips for genuine self-care (beyond bubble baths LOL)
- @doc_amen – A psychiatrist who tells it like it is with easy explanations + quick tips for a healthier brain
- – Dr. Abbey is another with great, easy-to-digest brain tips to live healthier + happier starting now
- @amymigdalia – Great resource on “cleaning up” your eating + environment
- @mannfamfitness – Tanner and Chandler are a FIT couple – but I like their fitness account most for its specific workout breakdowns.
- @irina_ireadlabelsforyou – One of the most HELPFUL resources I’ve found for “cleaning up” your life, from how to read ingredient labels to “worst, bad, better, best” product category breakdowns to give options for whatever you need
- @_brittanyluption – Would lovelovelove to just copy/paste this chick’s body – ha! But really, I lovelovelove that she gives specific workouts in posts. Super helpful.
What are your favorite Instagram accounts to follow?
Who should I add to my feed?