How to find the right Side Hustle for YOU.

Remember NYNB? ICYMI for all of 2015, New Year, New Blog is a series I’m doing with this gal to tackle a different blogging topic every month to just teach you the stuff you need to know to do things like triple your pageviews and make $2K all in one month. We’re not like those bloggers who I’m *sure* you’ve seen who share “all you need to know” about something when really, it’s not at ALL all you need to know. Like those posts that say just write better content to attract more people, or install Google Analytics to track your progress. Uhhh…le duh. We’re sick of people saying they’re helping you without painting the full picture; they’re just showing you a tiny piece of the puzzle. Through this series, we’re giving you *actual* advice (fo’ free!) that other people charge major bucks for, because we want to help you get some knowledge that will truly help you build a brand and grow your blog and turn your side hustle into something great. While NYNB VIP membership is closed for the rest of the year, there’s something in the works to really rock your blogging socks for 2016, so get on the list to stay in the know!

Now, speaking of side hustle…if you’re already a blogger, or you’re thinking about starting a blog or online forum, chances are you’ve got a creative spark in you. To really succeed in this space, it takes so much more than many people credit, so you’ve probably also got some chutzpah and a passion that’s fueling your work. That passion translates well into other things, too, because let’s face it – you’re a buddening rockstar, and you’re good at a lot of things.

If you’re trying to pick up a new hobby and aren’t quite sure which side hustle is right for you, no worries – like usual, we’re here to help you with some real advice. Think of it as a life chat over coffee with your best friend. Do you have your mug filled? Fill ‘er up and let’s begin.

How to find the right side hustle for YOU. - on Coming Up Roses

If you love to write and want to work really hard to create something really cool…

…consider blogging. A no brainer for some of you that have already taken the leap, but for any hobbyist writers, journalists, or people with thought-provoking opinions and reflections, there are people out there who would wholeheartedly appreciate and benefit from your point of view.You don’t need to have a whole business plan or growth strategy laid out to start a blog; you can just write for your own sake at first, then share with family and friends and go from there. But if you’ve got a knack for writing (and a knack for correct grammar and punctuation), join the blog party! Just know that to create something that grows takes hard work, money, more time than we’d care to admit, and enough coffee to fuel an office. If you’ve got a passion for it, though, we know you can do it. So start your Keurig and get crankin’.


If you love to write, but go with the inspiration flow…

…consider freelancing. This is the perfect side hustle for the folks out there who only write when inspiration strikes, but when they do, they strike literary gold. You’ve got great things to say and write in a compelling way that really inspires thought and action in others, so start freelancing out your services to companies and publications that could use more compelling content. This 12-step guide to becoming a freelance writer is an awesome starting point.

If you’ve got a creative eye with visual art, aesthetics, and design…

…consider graphic design. Anyone can use a free online software and whip up a quick graphic, but not everyone can understand how to cohesively create a visual brand. Note: “graphic design” and “branding” are not the same thing. Common misconception, I know. True branding, involves strategic planning of the actual communications, messaging, content…even who it’s being told to and when and how. Branding is not just a logo or the visual appearance of something – that’s where graphic design comes into play. Think about it: Apple is not just known for a fruit picture with a bite outta it. Apple is known for innovation, sleek product design, status, and a technological revolution. Branding is what takes the customer to the next level, creating those associations and a reason behind hitting “purchase.” So next time you’re at drinks and someone asks the difference between graphic design and branding, #yourewelcome.

If you know coding of any kind…

…consider website design. Lord knows my patience skills are nil, so if you’ve got what it takes and can work through HTML or Java like a pro, than more power to ya – make it an official side hustle! People from bloggers to business owners need a website, and anyone who needs a website should probably have a nice website. If you’ve got the skills to make that happen, then call it a gig and make money putting your talents to good use! It’s a side hustle for people who are just more technologically gifted than the rest of us. #bless.


If you can sell the shirt off your back…

…consider becoming a brand ambassador. Shops ranging from little Instagram boutiques to huge companies have brand ambassadorship programs, and let me tell you, there are some #perks. If you’re good at selling things, you’re exactly what these places need, because the whole POINT of brand ambassadorships is to ultimately make sales through people who are just stellar at telling brand stories and selling a product they love. First thing’s first: Write down a list of shops, stores, and products that you really love and could talk about to anyone. Next, make a plan of action! Start small and find contact information for the big bosses in charge, then reach out, explain your genuine love for the brand and how you know you can help generate more business for them. Brand ambassadorships typically involve product for you, too, so this is the ultimate side hustle for those who want a fun gig with free stuff.

If you enjoy crafting, knitting, making prints, or other sorts of product creation…

…consider opening an Etsy shop. You’ve got the thumb for arts n’ crafts, and you make really cool stuff. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have people buying your stuff to decorate their homes and offices? To gift to friends for the holidays? To make their own days brighter? Heck yeah it would be! Opening up an Etsy shop can be done in these 7 steps, according to Etsy itself. If you want to take your product-making to the next level, go fo’ it. This side hustle is great for those creative darlings who got all the A’s in art class, create homemade Christmas cards, calligraphy for fun, and design your own clothes.


The list of side hustles can really be endless…there are professional coupon clippers and pro giveaway enter-ers out there, folks. If they can do it, so can you. And you know the best part? Everyone’s side hustle can be different, because no one else is YOU. Work with your own unique skill sets, talents, and passions, because that’s how you’ll become closer and closer to finding a monetizable hobby that you just really love. Ya know?

What’s your dream side hustle? What side hustle sounds right for YOU?

I’d love to hear what you’ve got goin’ on in a comment below! Once you’ve shared, go pour yourself another cuppa something good. It’s FriYAY. Happy weekending!

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