I put bee venom on my face. Here’s what happened. (Venofye Review – Bee Venom Skincare!)

Oh, honey have we got a post for you!

Honey has been a fad in the world of skincare for quite some time now. Honey masks, for example, are one of the most nourishing + hydrating treatments out there. Honey also has antimicrobial + anti-acne properties, so it’s a bit of all do-it-all skincare product. Eating local honey right before spring blossoms appear (specifically local to you is key) can help lessen your seasonal allergies, since it likely has some local pollen inside, lowering your sensitivty to it. (How COOL is that?!)

But bees are really a do-it-all kinda bug.

Most people just assume that honey is where it’s at. The honey is the good, and the stinger/venom is the bad. Every rose has its thorn, amiright?

…not necessarily.

Bee venom is actually an increasingly popular ingredient in skincare – and for good reason. I mean, Kate Middleton reportedly used bee venom skincare before the royal wedding, so there’s that. It’s been picking up in popularity because of some solid tried n’ true benefits, so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some to try firsthand. For the past month+, I’ve been using an entire collection from Venofye nearly exclusively. The only exceptions have been when traveling – otherwise, it’s been solely Venofye. So today’s post is a bit different + fun; I’m sharing the 411 on bee venom skincare, as well as my own personal experience, favorite products from the line, and my morning + nighttime bee venom skincare routine.

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Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses

Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses


First thing’s first, a disclaimer: If you’re allergic to bees, do not try this. I mean, that’s probably self-explanatory, but even if you THINK you’re allergic, it’s just not worth the risk. I’m not allergic to bees and have ZERO issues whatsoever (more on my thoughts below..), but to be safe, steer clear if you’ll have a reaction! Alternatively, consult with your doc, and/or do a little patch test on your skin first to make sure you don’t react negatively upon full application.

Second thing’s second, a clarification: bee venom skincare products are not JUST straight up venom. Maybe that goes without saying, but seeing as I was confused and slightly terrified to try it out at first, figured it was worth saying. 😉 Venofye products in general are formulated with a combo of venom + other high quality skincare ingredients, like collagen, vitamin A, and green tea. Too much of anything is typically no bueno, so it’s juuuuuuust enough bee venom to get the job done, with then other goodforyou ingredients alongside it.

Another clarification: I’m obvi no doctor. While I’ve been using this stuff religiously for solid testing purposes myself AND I’ve been researching out the wazoo to know my stuff as much as possible for y’all, of course my degree is in economics, marketing, + business management…not biology. So if you’re at all concerned about anything before trying a more unique skincare product yourself, pleasepleaseplease consult your doc first to make sure it’s right for ya!


Scientically, bee venom is called apitoxin. As an ingredient in skincare, it’s been increasingly popular since it essentially “tricks” your skin into thinking it’s been stung by a bee. How crazy is that?! Your skin then increases its production of collagen – another buzz word in skincare lately, since it’s directly linked to your skin’s strength, elasticity, and how your skin ages (we’re talkin’ WRINKLES, peeps). You also see increased blood circulation. One of the product developers for Venofye, Natalie Zinder, explained that “This rush of blood may also help skin’s appearance and lead to a gentle plumping effect.” #bless

It’s all a sortof inside-out regimen, meant to increase all of the good things happening inside + right underneath your skin, to then create this ripple effect that smooths everything out ON your skin.

SO. The general low-down on bee venom skincare + Venofye.


  • “Nature’s botox”. Bee venom is anaphylactic, which means it can temporarily relax your facial muscles (like Botox), break down cell membranes, + improve circulation, which can create a tighter + smoother complexion (which I learned from Bustle – such a cool fact amiright??)
  • Plumps + tightens, since your skin is being tricked into thinking it’s been stung by a bee
  • Encourages production of elastin + collagen, which works to reverse the signs of aging (wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, the works). Beauty mogul Maria Hatzistefanis has said, “Collagen strengthens body tissue, while elastin is the protein that helps the skin to remain taut and bounce back into shape after being pressed or pinched.” Collagen synthesis happens during wound healing, so since your body thinks it’s been stung, it’s stimulating small bits of inflammation that are then healed in your dermis via collagen regrowth.
  • Increases blood circulation, which also works to plump out + firm up the skin, and smooth fine lines!
  • Helps eliminate acneincluding cystic acne deeper down! – because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Can be used alongside your other fave skincare products, to double down on benefits. No need to switch routines entirely – I only tried to switch over entirely for a month to test, so that I could really gauge how Venofye and Venofye alone impacted my skin.

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Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses


Like I said, Venofye IS bee venom skincare, but it’s not just about the bee venom! Other goodness inside includes:

  • Green tea It’s anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, AND a powerful antioxidant, even when applied topically – especially a specific antioxidant, EGCG, that can reduce UV damage + prevent the breakdown of collagen.
  • Collagen – We’ve already talked about it, but to reiterate, it’s also important since our body’s natural collagen production *decreases* as we age, hence the onset of fine line, wrinkles, and all that bad jazz. It’s up to us to add more into our routines!
  • Retinyl Palmitate – The “ester” of Vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant AND so good for anti-aging
  • Sodium Hyaluronate – SO GOOD for hydration! (Remember my lovelovelove for hyaluronic acid?) It can attract + hold water up to 1,000x its weight!)
  • Snake Venom – YUP – but not in all Venofye products. They have a line specifically with Snake Venom – the ViperLift Collection – which features venom from a Temple Viper. Has similar anti-aging properties when applied topically!)

More on their ingredients here!


Does it hurt the bees in any way?

Nope! Venofye does an AWESOME job of explaining how the bee venom collection process works. They say:

Usually, when a bee stings a person, it loses its stinger, which ultimately results in its death. However, collecting bee venom is neither stressful for the bees, nor is it harmful. Bee venom is usually collected using a glass sheet which encourages the bees to pump out a small amount of venom into the glass. This sheet is then removed from the beehive and the venom is sent for purification. The bee continues with its normal life because stinging the glass doesn’t force it to lose its stinger.

Venofye is 100% cruelty-free and doesn’t test ANYTHING on animals.

When is it best to wear?

While you can (and I do) wear day AND night, bee venom skincare is most recommended for nighttime for the ingredients to best work without any interference of makeup, the sun, etc.

Is it safe to use while pregnant?

While some doctors have said it’s safe to use bee venom skincare while pregnant (alongside honey!), consult your own doc before starting anything to be 100% you’re doing what’s right for you!

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I went into this with not a CLUE of what to expect. Bee venom skincare…what happens if I end up in the hospital? Will I end up allergic to bees? Will I be a red, puffy mess? WILL MY FACE BE RUINED?!?


I think my skin has truly been in one of the *best* states it’s ever been. TBH, I’m not 100% sure which product of the line I can thank for that, but I’m guessing it’s a combo since I’ve been using them all together as my routine.

I’ve had maybe 2 pimples total, period. Including during “my time.” (Which is crazy for me, since normally I feel like there are only 2-3 days a month where my skin is TOTALLY clear!)

I’ve had pretty darn even complexion.

I’ve had minimal texture.

My skin has felt brighter, smoother, + glowier.

Really, I’m impressed. Now, Venofye is definitely a treat yo’self kinda item – bee venom skincare ain’t cheap, cos a cruelty-free, eco-friendly process ain’t cheap. The Wall Street Journal quotes, “One gram of venom from New Zealand, a major producer, is the equivalent of 10,000 bee stings and costs about $304.” So of course, this isn’t something you can run and grab quick at CVS. BUT, it IS something you can + should add to your wishlist, your treat yo’self list, your goals list, etc. 😉 I’m also sharing some of my own personal faves below, so if you’re looking to try SOMETHING but not drop the big bucks on the full line just yet, you can pick + choose whatever sounds best for your skin needs!

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VENOFYE REVIEW – My product routine(s):

I’ve been using the Queen Bee collection! You can get Venofye products in a specific collection/set or individually, and there are different sets for different skin needs, as well as with different kinda bees!


  • Milk Cleanser
  • Skin Toner
  • Queen Bee Day Moisturizer


  • OPTIONAL: Queen Bee Facial Peeling
  • Clarifying Cream Cleanser
  • Skin Toner
  • Queen Bee Vitamin C Serum
  • Queen Bee Neck Lift
  • Queen Bee Overnight Therapy

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Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses

Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses

VENOFYE REVIEW – My personal favorites:

  1. Numeru uno is hands down the Queen Bee Vitamin C Serum. This stuff is like liquid GOLD. So much so that when I was shooting this post, I wanted to pump out a drop to show ya what it looks like…but I couldn’t bear to waste it at all, so I put it right back in the bottle! I mean, this stuff is PRICEY, but it legit WORKS. It is so smooth + soft upon application, and you really feel like you’re *glowing* after a few uses.
  2. The Cleansing Duo. This is the Milk Cleanser + Skin Toner. Super gentle yet effective formulas – they’ve got this infusion of anti-aging ingredients, including the bee venom, vitamin B3, + Hyaluronic Acid. The Toner does NOT feel stripping in the slightest, so I think it’s good for all skin types – it’s toning while being hydrating, too.

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Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses

Bee Venom Skincare - Venofye Review on Coming Up Roses - Bee Venom Skincare by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses

PHEW. My head is buzzing! 😉

Which bee venom skincare product would you be most curious to try yourself? What did you think of this Venofye review?

Have you ever used a bee venom skincare product before? Have you tried incorporating honey into your routine as of yet?

This is all SO cool + scientific to me…it’s *fascinating*. If you’ve got any Q’s at all, leave ’em in the comments below – I’ll do my best to answer them, and/or I’ll talk to the right people who CAN!

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**Thanks to Venofye for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions + thoughts presented are entirely my own. Thank YOU for supporting the brands that support Coming Up Roses!