AYOOOOOO, weekend! I see you! I’ve got a hardcore working weekend ahead with major undertakings on the TOP SECRET PROJECT I’ve dropped hints about on Instagram lately – any guesses what’s cookin’?! 😉 Beyond that, we’ve got some friends on our calendar, church, cleaning the house, the whole nine yards. What do you have happenin’? Anything fun? MK, onto some Weekend Reading…

WEEKEND READING, Vol. 23 - on Coming Up Roses

  1. What parents want their friends to know:
  2. A for HALF OFF?!?! Oh my sweet Lord baby Jesus, buy five.
  3. How Kelly Ripa gets it all done
  4. Thoughts on joining the “no-poo method” (we’re talkin’ shamPOO, people)
  5. Just as a reward for powering through some top secret project work – HOLLAH!
  6. Here are some ways to get next-level organized in 2019
  7. This kitchen update is INSANELY gorgeous wow.
  8. I found , so, UM, RUN.
  9. New American Girl doll alert!
  10. Here’s what time feels like when you’re improvising
  11. I wanna try this vegan pot pie – yummers!
  12. is absolutely positively ending up in my closet ASAP.
  13. Easy peasy 30-minute workout alert!
  14. Lovelovelove these DIY glitter photo frames
  15. Huzzah!

Happy weekend reading!

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