Bumpdate: 28 Weeks

So apparently I’m in my Third Trimester now, which just about blows. my. MIND. Like, what? I just found out I was pregnant yesterday, I swear…

Time FLIES, yo. I find myself making these comments every time I set down for *any* sorta monthly roundup or regular update post, and I feel like every other adult and their mom who flips a switch to “life is short, cherish the moments” quotables. This week is a biggie in preggers world! It’s officially the mark of the third trimester, which is – again – mindblowing. I also had to go in for 28-week bloodwork and the infamous glucose test. Based on what folks had said before, I was expecting to choke this ish down, barely making it through without gagging or puking it back up – borderline torture. BUT Y’ALL. Fear not. It is not nearly *half* as bad as everyone says it is! My nurse said it would taste like flat 7-Up – and she was exactly on da money. Flat lemon lime soda. That’s it. I didn’t mind it one bit. Once you chug that sucker, you sit for a solid hour letting it do its thang in your system, then get your blood drawn. Which, if you’ve been following around and/or know me personally, ya know is NOT my special talent in life. Mine AND my husband’s special talent, instead, involves an intense vasovagal response with any blood test, where it looks like we’re experiencing a seizure from it (when it’s not – it’s just the type of fainting). BUT. I DID IT. My new thing is scheduling these blood tests for first thing on a Monday morning. Because mind over matter, amiright? And if I make it through, it’s a HELLA good way to start the week strong. After our mini-date at the lab for our wedding anniversary, J had hooked me up with a prenatal massage + facial (bless him), and then we did lunch at the OG – a longtime fave, the Olive Garden. And now here we are – 28 weeks in, awaiting the glucose test results, counting down the days until next appointments and all that jazz.

Our last Bumpdate was for 24 weeks, so here’s what’s up since then…

Bumpdate: 28 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG: 28 weeks!

GENDER: IT’S A…GIRL!!!! We had so much fun doing our gender reveal shoot and were *overwhelmed* by all of the absurdly sweet messages, comments, etc that came in from y’all, so THANKYOU x a million. She’s already feelin’ the lovelovelove. 🙂

BABY SIZE: She’s the size of a cauliflower – 16 inches long, 2.5 pounds.

CRAVINGS: I’d say cravings are settling down a bit, but then again, ask my husband. 😉 While I haven’t had any drop-everything-and-get-a-Frosty-immediately-or-someone-dies moments too recently, I think I’m still on a sweeter bandwagon. But I also haven’t had any cravings that are totally off for me in general! Sometimes girlfriend just needs a Yasso bar. Or a few (or more than a few) spoonfuls of Moose Tracks on the middle of a Tuesday. I’m still into fresh fruits + veggies like last Bumpdate, but I can’t decide if it’s baby girl wanting it, or just me soaking up the last of summer produce season. Ha!

AVERSIONS: While I’m still not reaching for a ton of heavier meats, the sell of bacon doesn’t totally repulse me anymore, so that makes diner dates more fun. 😉

MOVEMENT: Baby girl is moving and GROOVING now. When she’s active, she’s active. I can’t yet discern when things are punches versus kicks – except for one exceptional time, when she was fired up about SOMETHING (wonder where she gets that from…) and kicked me so hard I thought she was breaking free. And then I freaked out and said, “J, come feel this! She’s freaking out!!!” He came to feel, and when she did it again, he actually jumped back and was so freaked out because it was CLEARLY a body part. And I think no longer feeling just alien-ish taps kinda got to him a little bit. Ha! Especially if/when I’m lying on my left side, she seems to be more active and perfecting her tap dance routine. And once I finally sit or lay down for a hot sec, she revs up for action, too.

WHAT I’M WEARING: Mark my words – I’m trying to force myself to dress as cutely as possible and not revert to what I FEEL like wearing all the time, which is just J’s oversized t-shirts and . Summer was a bit easier since dresses are easy peasy, and ain’t nobody got time for putting on pants – but alas, fall requires a bit more than sundress coverage. I have one pair of traditional maternity jeans so far and was holding off on buying more until it felt more seasonally appropo so I could accurately gauge my sizing – I just grabbed , and I feel pretty good about ’em. Only beef: I hate that maternity jeans are either a big panel of elastic up top, or so low that they’re under the bump entirely. I mean, I get it – practically those are really the only options. But a few of my elastic-paneled pants just do NOT wanna stretch over my booty on the way up, and the super low stuff gives off more plumber vibes than mama-to-be, if ya catch my drift. 😉 BUT. So far, makes my favorite maternity pants slash maternity clothing in general – and a lot of if not most of their stuff comes in both maternity AND regular sizing, so you don’t feel like you’re just shopping the extra fabrics department at the cool kids’ clothing stores. 😉 I’ll be wearing all fall since I loveloveLOVE the mocha color and they fit so fabulously. (Sidenote: I did a try-on session of a few favorites from this place on my Instastories a few weeks ago, and it’s still saved under my “Try On’s” Highlight on my Instagram profile – so if you wanna see ’em on, head there!) is still a favorite (and comes in non-maternity – really great transitional piece for fall since it’s a lightweight fabric!), are SO FUN, trendy, and worked so well at NYFW, as did that I wore in my New York Fashion Week recap post. All from the same company, so I’d say it’s a winner winner chicken dinner.

BELLY BUTTON: …is now an outie.

SICKNESS: NONE. NADA. ZILCH. ZERO. I cannot believe it. The sweet Lord Baby Jesus hath #blessed me. IDK what that means about the temperament of my kid…maybe I’m getting the calm before the storm? Ha! But I haven’t been sick at ~all~.

WEIGHT GAIN: About 29 pounds so far. I’ve been honestly ~shocked~ at the amount of comments I’ve gotten from random strangers about my appearance during pregnancy – I swear being preggers just gives people a perceived free pass to share their feelings everywhere from the bus to the grocery store? Ha! But I keep having people tell me that I don’t “look” six months pregnant, or that I’m “so tiny!!!!!” Well LAWDY, I sure feel six months pregnant. Frankly, I feel like a fat penguin just waddling around now. Granted, the waddle might have more to do with the STILL HAPPENING hip pain (oy vey, make it stop), but I def *feel* it. I do feel super lucky, tho, since I think most of the weight is just around my midsection and where the baby is, which is good! So no complaints here. 🙂

PHYSICAL CHANGES: Definitely have “popped” now, so…bending ain’t really workin’ out for me. I feel pretty much all belly at this point, so I’m waaaaay more cognizant of not being able to move around per my usual self – or tie shoes, or do my own pedicures, or hang out in the same positions as before. Basically, everything needs some moderation now. Beyond just growing outward more, I’m still experiencing the same hip pains; I got a prenatal massage this week and felt AMAZEBALLS afterwards, but then the pain was right back full force the next day. So, still feelin’ the hopeless feels there and just praying that everything re-aligns and gets back to being painfree post-partum.

WORKOUT ROUTINE: Walking from my office to the kitchen and back again. 😉 Really tho, I admittedly haven’t been the greatest in the workout department. That being said, half the time I’m running around so much anyways that everyone is saying SLOW DOWN! RELAX! as if that’s something I know how to and/or can do in my life. 😉 So for now, I’m taking advantage and calling that “exercise.” I’m reaaaaaally looking forward to going back to CorePower and/or a good barre or pilates class if/when I can after giving birth, just to work those muscles again.

WHAT WE’VE PURCHASED: Our baby bedroom set has arrived, thanks to my mother-in-law – bless up! Now that the crib + dresser are set up, it feels a bit more real buying baby things. We had just gotten a lot of fun onesies and random toys/things up to this point, but now we can be a bit more intentional as time goes on and as my baby shower approaches. Some favorites so far…

This drawer organizing set was a recent Amazon find, and it fits *so well* inside the changing table dresser drawers, so I’m buying another to use for whatever other drawers need organizing! The material isn’t the sturdiest, but it gets the job done well + affordably, so I ain’t complainin’.

I just got a , which I’m excited to try since I’d lovelovelove to be able to wear her around the house when she’s a newborn, while I work or clean up or do whatever. Some other carriers we’ve picked up or looked at just felt so bulky or uncomfortable, so I’m stoked to see how easy a Solly Wrap is since I’ve a.) heard all the good things, and b.) think it just looks/feels comfy AF.

Otherwise, so far V EXCITED about the pink Adidas tracksuit I found for her at Burlington and the hot pink Vans that an absurdly sweet reader mailed our way – girlfriend’s already a pink lady like her mama. 😉

MOST EXCITED ABOUT: Meeting her + learning her personality! J + I both just keep stressing that – we’re just stoked to see the combo of the two of us come to life in another human. I think that’ll be the thing we’re anticipating most right through to when she’s born!

LEAST EXCITED ABOUT: Still labor…ha! Especially with how bad my hips have been, I’m a weeeeee bit nervous TBH. Like, will they straight up BREAK mid-push? Who the heck knows. Otherwise, I really just feel like I can’t complain – we are #blessed.

BUMPDATE: 28 Weeks Pregnant

Hope you enjoyed this 28 week bumpdate!

Per usual, pleasepleaseplease feel free to shoot me an email, DM, or comment with any Q’s/thoughts/etc – lovelovelove hearing from you chicas!

Happy HUMP.

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