Today is a SUPER special day. It’s my mom’s birthday – hollah! She’s turning 39 (again), and it’s cause for major celebration. My mom is (and always has been) my best friend. Honestly, I don’t know what the heck I did or was expected to do to get so lucky – she’s really truly incredible. Never have I met someone more Superwoman-esque in nature, from the number of things she can conquer at one time to the way she is with people. I don’t throw it around lightly – she’s bombdotcom at its core and the real MVP.
Since my mom is my BFF, we text all all day every day and talk on the phone all the time, too – QUITE a bit of back and forth. She’s my #1 source of inspiration and a HUB of pithy sayings and sound advice that’s gotten me through many a tough day. And really, I owe any semblance of sanity to her – she keeps me grounded and with it when it feels like life is too craycray too handle. In honor of her and her big day, I’m sharing some of the best of the best life lessons I’ve learned from her through the years.
- Not everyone is going to like you – and that’s okay. We weren’t put on this earth to please everyone. We were put here on purpose, with purpose, FOR a purpose beyond any one human being anyways.
- “Not now” doesn’t mean “never.” Stay persistent. Stay gritty.
- God first, family second, everything else after that.
- You don’t have to have a million bucks to look like it. And with that, real style has nothing to do with how much money you spend.
- Some things are more important than always having a clean house. Things like being there for your family and making time to take care of yourself, mind, body, and spirit.
- When faced with something you don’t really in a million years wanna do, stop trying to figure out how to get out of it. Just figure out how to make it doable, and do the damn thing already.
- Complaining just wastes time.
- Life is more fun when you’re the first one on the dance floor.
- Some people never grow out of their bullying, immature ways. Say a prayer for them and move on – they’re not worth your energy.
- Sometimes you have to spend waaaaaaay more time than you want doing something. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.
- A glass of red wine every night is healthy. Keep it to one.
- You can actually be Superwoman. It’s just all about prioritizing. My mom went back to school for multiple degrees while running a household, working full time, and still managing to workout every day. She’d also make time to answer my texts or calls on the spot, when I have 52 things to talk about. That’s pretty darn super.
- Be the bold one who goes for it. From men to jobs to the last top on the clearance rack – go for it.
- You CAN make time to workout everyday. Just figure out what works for you + your schedule and embrace that. If that means lifting free weights on a core ball in your basement while catching up on The Bachelor, you know what you’ve gotta do…
- You’re never done learning.
- True friends stay by your side WHENEVER, no matter how it might personally affect them. Like the night before my wedding, when I was so nervous and excited I couldn’t sleep. She’s mother of the bride, and she was sitting on the living room couch with me at 3 am, refusing to go back to bed until I was asleep. Offering to sleep on the recliner until I was out. Talk about friendship and love.
- Give yourself grace. It’s okay. You don’t have to do it all at once. It’s not healthy to expect #AllTheThings to have happened yesterday already.
- Joy is a choice. Choose joy.
- Everything in moderation. From OREOs to catching up on TV.
- If you can live life always appreciating the little things, you’ll realize that they were the big things – and you’ll always be happy.
- Ask for the big stuff, ’cause God can deliver. He’s infinite.
- Never forget that “thank you” is the most powerful prayer.
22 mantras for February 22nd. I needed somewhere to stop, or the list would go on eternally – ha! Really, the life lessons from this woman just keep a-comin’. She’s a mom, sister, and friend to whoever wants and/or needs one, so really, the fact that I’m her daughter makes me all sortsa warm n’ fuzzy inside. 🙂
What life lessons have you learned from your own mom?
Whether from your mom, mom figure, or other female powerhouse in life, drop some life lessons + mantras below…because it’s hump day and it’s mid-February and WE CAN DO THIS.
P.S. ICYMI, you can win $500 to Target right here, a Gucci bag right here, and something really fun really soon right here (so make sure you’re following!). 😉