If there’s one thing the world needs more of, it’s action.
Action, and ice cream sandwiches.
At the end of the day – especially at the end of a Sunday night as we brace for the week ahead, or at the end of a week like last full of sadness + tragedy – it can become too easy to feel defeated, overwhelmed, and all sortsa other Negative Nelly feels. Personally, Sunday nights give me so much anxiety. It used to be crippling, but now it can be motivating (if I brace myself for it). I’m always completely slapped in the face with approximately 32 different ideas, to-do’s, + tidbits of inspiration…right before bedtime. If I tried to get #AllTheThings tackled + conquered right then and there…that might not work out too well. Chances are I won’t finish everything, and I’ll just end up exhausted + overwhelmed to start the week…no bueno. But at the same time, sitting there just thinking of #AllTheThings without acting on any of them could be just as overwhelming – and even more unproductive.
Also at the end of the day, the most motivating Monday motivation on the planet isn’t the Hallmark-card quote that makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy for a hot sec without really doing much more than that. It might make ya think, “Wow, that’s nice,” but if it doesn’t inspire you to DO something about it…then I don’t really know how motivating it was in the first place. The most motivation Monday motivation makes ya act on it.
We always say around these rosy parts, you’ve gotta make it happen. If you want something…make it happen. I like to think that the ultimate Monday Mantra – the ultimate piece of Monday motivation – gets you truly ~jazzed~ to get yo’ tushy off the couch and doing something.
Acting on it.
You know that really big, totally scary, kinda intimidating but really powerful dream you have in your heart?
…Yeah, that one.
What are you gonna do about it?
The sad truth: Approximately not-nearly-enough-percent of people are action takers. There are dreamers and there are doers. The folks who dream and let their dreams stay up in dreamland, and the folks who dream and then DO – the folks who act on dreams to bring them down from dreamland to reality. But girlfriend, if you don’t DO something about your dream…what the heck do you think is gonna happen to it?
The hard truth: Your dream will never come true if you don’t MAKE it come true. Too often, we depend on other people to make OUR dreams happen. But that ain’t gonna work. Other people have other dreams, wants, desires, needs that aren’t our dreams – they’re THEIRS. We can’t expect and/or depend on any sorta help with OURS. Own your dream, and act on it accordingly.
This extends beyond those dreamy sorta dreams we all have and beelines for everyday life.
- Have an itch to hit the gym? Act on it. (Work it girl!)
- Missing your grandparents’ voices? Act on it. (Call them!)
- Feeling frumpy in your closet? Act on it. (Treat yo’self to something new!)
- Uninspired in your day job? Act on it. (Challenge yourself to make it better in the interim!)
- Wanting a date on Friday night? Act on it. (Ask him out! Just do it!)
- Feel the urge to pay for the stranger’s coffee behind you? Act on it. (It’ll make their day.)
Stop looking for the “perfect moment” to make something happen, and start making moments more perfect. Nothing is perfect – most things are far from perfection. It might not feel conventional, easy, comfortable, or ideal. It might feel downright awkward or weird. But until you act on it – and keep acting on it – nothing will change. And nothing will feel easier unless you act on it over + over again.
When something downright awful happens in the world – like what happened in Vegas last week – everyone jumps to “thoughts + prayers.” And don’t get me wrong – “thoughts + prayers” are good. But, I mean, they’re about as effective as “thinking + praying” about how much you’d like a raise, or how badly you want a date with the cute guy at the coffee shop. I 100% believe in the power of prayer, but I believe in prayer coupled with ACTION. God did not make us to sit in a secluded corner of solitude, just praying. He made us to be prayer warriors, praying for our needs and the needs of others, and then listening to Him + His guidance to get the inspiration we need to ACT ON IT. Warriors don’t just sit around “hoping” the enemy is defeated. They take a personal hand in making it happen. Lightning bolts from heaven aren’t going to come down to make sh*t happen. WE are going to make sh*t happen, with His help. Reach out to those affected. Donate blood (if you can/are local/etc). Talk to your government about the laws that allowed a weapon that deadly – strike that, 47 weapons that deadly – into a deranged terrorist’s hands.
Act on it.
Y’all, stop searching for “the right time.”
The right time is today. The right time is now. There will be no better time. No lightning bolt from above that tells you IT IS TIME!
Whatever “IT” is on your heart…now’s the time to act on it.
What will you act on TODAY?
May this Monday Mantra be just the sorta Monday motivation you need to stop making excuses, stop playing it safe, and start acting on it.
P.S. Didja catch these Fifteen Favorites?
P.P.S. Didja also catch this $725 Nordstrom giveaway???