You’ve gotta commit 100%.
This has been on my mind + heart a lot lately. Commitment. Persistance. Dedication. Discipline. All things that I *typically* can muster up in the moment, especially since I’m a pretty highly motivated person by nature (can ya tell? ha!), but things that can definitely need some tuning up in entering new seasons in life.
I saw this quote again recently and it hit home + solidified some of the ideas and routines I knew I needed to implement ASAP. It said, “99 percent is a b*tch. 100 percent is a breeze.” (Jack Canfield said it!). I read that and gasped – because HOW TRUE! Anytime – literally ANYtime – I find myself making an exception to a rule it somehow makes following the rule the rest of the time that much more difficult. It becomes more challenging than it needs to be, because everything is a game of “Should I or shouldn’t I? Can I or can’t I?“. That’s one thing that’s been on my heart.
After coming back from RISE Conference (I shared a bit more about it in July’s Cool Sh*t I Lovelovelove post!), I knew that I needed to implement one of Rachel’s ride-or-die tactics for increased energy + productivity into my morning routine, namely because I ~thrive~ on those two things and knew there were certain areas of my life that needed them badly. Namely, my “me” time. The things that were continually falling to the wayside were my body and my mind. (Two bad things to let go of, fosho). If/when I’d be busy, I’d let go of my workouts or let go of my journaling/mindset work – or, even worse, forget to do my daily devotional or prayer time – because “other things took priority.” And if there was ANYTHING rock solid that I took away from RISE, it was that your own self HAS to be healthy for everything ELSE in your life to be healthy, be that your work, your relationships, or really anything else. (Not exactly rocket science, but sometimes you have to hear something more than once and from a few people before it suddenly clicks + sticks…ya know?)
I came home with the solid decision to eliminate excuses, and to wake up one hour earlier everyday. Since I was already getting up at 6 pretty consistently, this meant – *gulp* – 5 am wakeup.
J actually decided to do it with me, bless his soul, so the two of us rise and shine before the sun now, to each do our own version of a “morning routine” to set the tone for the day. Sidenote – Fun game to get your partner involved: We have a bet for whoever actually lands their feet out of bed first after the alarm goes off. We keep tally, and at the end of the week, the winner gets to pick something they want the “loser” to do for them, like a back massage, an hour of uninterrupted time with a good book, etc. 🙂
The only exception I give myself is the weekend (although I’m still up around 6 because Liv wakes up between 6-7 everyday), and a “grace” day during the week if I don’t feel particularly well, if I had an unexpectedly late night, etc. (Like today – I woke up at 7 because I didn’t feel great with a bit of a scratchy throat, so I know I need to prioritize some extra zzz’s to ward off any pending cold). But for the most part, I NEED to be 100% in it, to make it easier in my brain and to make it a habit. (Quick note here – this is NOT something for, say, new mamas. Someone told me when I first had Liv that it takes nine months to make a baby and nine months after that to get back to your own best self, too, and I couldn’t agree more. Give yourself grace in your season!)
For myself, I start with a workout, since getting my body moving is the best way to get my mind changing and get all the best juices flowing for really positive growth across the board. (In the words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t shoot their husbands!” – lucky J 😉 ). After my workout, I do my Start Today journal which covers gratitude + manifesting dreams to set a good tone for the day’s productivity, as well as my daily devotional. While journaling + devotionaling, I gulp down a protein shake before breakfast, and try to really focus in on the day’s intentions.
All this being said, the one hour earlier strategy I’m doing is really just meant for YOU. So in your own morning routine, you might not be working out or doing a devotional or journal – you might be meditating on the lawn or doing the dishes or writing a novel. Literally whatever works for YOU is what this hour is meant for, and it’s meant to eliminate the excuse of the kids waking up or the day job that starts at 9 am. It’s just for YOU. Since I know you’re a selfless one who will put your own wants/needs on the backburner for everyone else and their mom, right? 😉 It’s time for you. So if it means a morning routine one hour earlier than before, that’s that.
Basically, I had the stark, albeit simple realization recently that I was allowing way too much of other people’s opinions and wants of me to dictate the direction of my day. No bueno, yo. I didn’t even really see it in the moment, but I was giving so much of my time and space, both on my calendar and in my mind, to people who didn’t truly have my own best intentions at heart, but theirs.
And while there’s obviously a time and place to help others or put others first, if it’s running your day-to-day to the point where it’s preceding your own health and wellbeing…something’s gotta give.
So, I’m starting one hour earlier.
Is it tiring? …yes and no. Yes, if I don’t get to bed by 9. 😉 Which, truth be told, hasn’t been really happening, so mama’s been a bit more exhausted than usual than she should be as of late. BUT, I AM WORKING ON IT. And no, because moving your body truly does give you MORE energy instead of leave you with less (a common misconception).
In this whole process, it also got me remembering this sorta cheesy but all-too-true YouTube video I saw back in high school at a leadership conference for student council (#nerd heaven, let me tell you). I ended up showing it at an assembly to the whole student body, so you can bet your bottom buck I’m sharing it with you, too. 😉 The gist? ONE DEGREE.
The difference is just one degree.
One degree takes water from hot to boiling…and while hot water might just burn, boiling water can cook an egg or power a steam engine. It makes things happen.
One percent takes you from struggling to make decisions or fully committing to being in it to win it, no questions asked.
One hour earlier takes you from waking up feeling behind before you’ve even gotten out of bed, to feeling in control, taking better care of your mind, body, + spirit with intentional, dedicated YOU time.
Sometimes we fall into a trap of thinking that our dreams + goals are SO FAR AWAY that they’re simply unachievable – that our current routines are comfortable enough, and there’s just too much complication that sits between where we are and where we want to be.
But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Sure – there’s bound to be some discomfort in the process. But the best things in life? They’re not in your comfort zone. They live in a place beyond that, so it’s time to get comfortable being UNcomfortable and push past any excuse that’s keeping you somewhere limiting. If your mind, body, heart, and/or soul isn’t fulfilled in your current space, then your current space isn’t the place for you.
One hour earlier is working for me. Maybe it’ll work for you, too?
Would you consider getting up one hour earlier than you are right now to be intentional about starting your day?
Would lovelovelove to hear your thoughts – let’s chat in the comments below.