WUDDUP, WEEKEND! Also, Happy May! Even though all I want right now is the weekend to last approximately forever, I’ve got a feeling this one will flyyyy by. Today J is in full-blown garden mode (it’s his baby right now), so Liv and I are spending some time hanging with my parents and helping organize a few things in their house. We’ve got a first Holy Communion party on Sunday, too, so it’s going to be a quick two days together, I’m sure! What’s on your agenda?
- Thumbs up to this pep talk/sermon: “You don’t have to be just like her”
- Three fast breakfasts to add to the rotation… (yum!)
- Wearing this $30 Amazon dress to a first Holy Communion party this weekend – a spring fave!
- This just in: Americans check their phones 96 times per day
- I will never NOT trust my friend Meg’s makeup recommendations – here are affordable concealers!
- ICYMI, . She’s my hair’s new BFF (and apparently yours, too!)
- If you’re looking to donate some children’s clothing to a needy cause, check this out!
- Is it Bloody Mary time yet?
- BIG Mother’s Day sale (code: MOM15) – ends this weekend!!! (get her !)
- Effective tips for parenting a strong-willed child – found this last week for Liv and thought A+!
- “How I stopped being everything to everyone”
- Freaked the freak out when I found for Liv for ONE FREAKING DOLLAR?!?!
- Do you suffer from task switching? (Guilty as charged…)
- This roundup of reader fertility stories was incredible (+ tear-jerking) to read – you’re not alone!
- is BOMB DOT COM – with some of my favorite formulas of all time!