Happy weekend, friends! We’re home from the beach and enjoying our ONE free weekend of the rest of the summer – #insanity. Hope you had the BEST 4th of July holiday this past week with friends + fam (if you’re from the good ol’ USA – otherwise, hope y’all just had a great week pointblankperiod!). Enjoy this week’s Weekend Reading – there are ~goodies~ down below, so grab yo’ coffee + let’s get started! (P.S. ICYMI, catch last week’s Weekend Reading right here!)

Weekend Reading, Vol. 2 on Coming Up Roses - Bookmark these links to read now AND later!

  1. The 25 most popular Ted talks of all time.
  2. Honey, I blew up the kids. (AKA How to blow up photo prints the right way, according to engineers).
  3. The best brownies on the internet. (Probably well-accompanied by my favorite brownie pan!)
  4. I already own in 5 colors (seriously)…but it comes in 8 MORE! The *ultimate* staple. A total must.
  5. How women at the top can renew their mental energy.
  6. 10 unexpected places to travel this summer.
  7. 16 Trader Joe’s secrets that will change the way you shop. (P.S. ICYMI, here’s what’s in my Trader Joe’s cart every time…)
  8. A colorful guide to Paris.
  9. American Eagle’s HUUUUUUGE is bombdotcom. In my cart: , , + .
  10. 10 signs you may be in a toxic friendship.
  11. Making lemonade outta lemons in …
  12. Why we want things we don’t need – and what the heck to do about it.
  13. Just got in the mail – lovelovelove. Comes in so many colors! (Tip: size DOWN.) Also perf for nursing mamas in da house!
  14. Goods words from one of my fave bloggers on staying content.
  15. If ya need a beach bag, takes the cake.

Happy weekend reading!

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