How to Layer in Winter without Looking Bulky (CHIC Winter Layering 101!)

Although we’ve had a few weird – and albeit brief – days of 50+ weather in Philly this week, winter is typically coooooold. Brutal cold. Like, heck-no-I’m-not-leaving-my-house! cold. And while we’ve all been reveling in the week’s heat wave, it’s not going to last; next week we’re back down to 12. #Cool #ActuallyCold. Something anyone who experiences true *winter* knows all too well is the real struggle of looking halfway cute while keeping warm. This post was actually requested in the CUR Reader Survey, and I think for good reason – it can be so friggin’ hard to look presentable + fashionable in the thick of winter, when we’re tempted to just throw on the thickest of layers and bundle up head-to-toe. (Or just stay indoors altogether in your favorite COZY AF pants 😉 ). We end up lookin’ like the Michelin man, but HEY we’re warm! But we don’t have to give up all semblance of style for the sake of practical warmth this time of year. (Really!) Let’s chat chic winter layering 101 – how to layer in winter without looking bulky.

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

 CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky! by popular Philadelphia fashion blogger Coming Up Roses

Fur vest (OBSESSED, YO. First off, the color. Second, the price – it’s only $30!!! Third, it comes in this pretty lavender, but also a light oatmeal color, grey, + black. I’m getting it in every color!!!) // Black tee (Only $19 – a suuuuuper good basic long-sleeve tee to have on hand for anytime. Comes in a buncha colors + patterns, too!) // Black denim (Under $40 – my FAVORITE! Super comfy – they’re softer than usual denim – and come in tall, regular, AND petite sizing. Runs TTS!) // (On super sale!!! I have in black AND taupe – 100% recommend. They don’t slip down at all, which is KEY.) // Bag (Near-perfect lookalike for the $2,000 Chloe Faye bag!) // (Shade: “Rebel”)



  • Go thinnest to thickest

To eliminate bulk, always start with a form fitting underlayer. A thicker tee, thermal, or turtleneck are all great options here! The key is for the bottommost layer to be basically flush against your skin. It adds to the slimming illusion, whereas adding on top of a bulkier piece right off the bat does the opposite and just makes your look even more marshmallow-ish. Start with everything right on your skin and work your way up/out with added bulk.

  • Monochrome or bust

Choosing one color palette from head-to-toe is always a safe bet to slim down. Black is known for being a slimming color to begin with, AND it’s chic, AND it’s a good winter color when everyone is thinking ugh please be spring. While any monochromatic palette will do, all black is perfect for chic winter layering when you’re really striving to eliminate any extra, unnecessary weight.

  • Thick leggings

In line with point numero uno, make as many bottommost layers as thin as possible. Except…when they’re layers that can LOOK thin while being actually thick n’ warm, do that in a heartbeat! Here, leggings (or just really slim fitting pants) will give you that snugger look since they hug your leg, but they’ll also provided added warmth if they’re a legit warm pair of leggings – and because they’re flush to your skin, no cold air can sneak up your pantleg and give ya the chills. Bless up.

  • Point your toes!

OK, don’t actually point your toes…just pick up some pointier toed shoes. 😉 A pointed toe (versus a rounded toe) is more much slimming, visually narrowing your foot and streamlining up your leg! Fun little style science trick right there. 😉 Seriously, try it out! Put one pointier toed shoe on one foot and a very round toe on the other, and SEE the difference – one is slimming, while the other actually makes your foot look wider. Cray cray! If you can simply swap out your rounded boots for a pointier toe, you’ll still get the same warmth factor while adding a little somethinsomethin that works to keep things chic.

  • Play with proportions!

Bulky oversized sweater on top? Snugger skinny jeans on bottom. The WORST thing you could do is pair bulk with bulk when you’re trying to – yannno – NOT be bulky! Anything flowier on top should always be paired with something snugger on bottom; this goes for chic winter layering and really any layering. Two oversized things on top AND bottom is more unflattering, since your figure can just get kinda lost underneath it all. If you’ve got strong legs or are proud of your booty…don’t be afraid to show it off, girlfriend! If you lovelovelove your shoulders or chest, similarly show ’em off by choosing something on top that’s more form-fitting and feel free to try something like a looser skirt with tights on bottom instead. (These tights are my favorite!)

  • Work with proportions, too.

If you know you’ve got a bulkier sweater on up top and you’re aptly playing proportions to have something snugger on bottom, follow the above tip on thicker leggings to be warm yet slim, and work with the proportional balance to LAYER more up top then, too. You’ve already got bulk in the form of an oversized sweater – layering something else underneath will just add more bulk, which isn’t a problem if the proportion you’re playing with here is to have something bigger up top, slimmer on bottom. Capiche? SO, if you’ve chosen to be bulkier up top proportionally-speaking, you could go 1.) Long-sleeve tee or thermal, 2.) Button-down shirt, 3.) Oversized sweater, pulling the button-down’s collar out accordingly. ALL THE LAYERS, YO. You’ll be super warm up top without looking like a marshmallow, since you’ve played with your proportions AND worked with ’em, too. 😉

  • When in doubt, belt it out.

Always a viable option! Belting is a fabulous way to accentuate figure + add shape without losing warmth. Also…yannno those more oversized tunic-y tops and dresses that are super pretty + flowy…but ALL air goes straight up??? No bueno in winter, folks. Unless freezing your hoohah is your thing. 😉 Easy way to remedy some of that is by belting the tunic and adding thick leggings or tights underneath. While the tights or leggings would obviously fix the bottom half of ya without a belt, cold air could still blow up and wreak havoc on your top half. And ain’t nobody got time for that. (Or am I the only one with these problems??? HA). Belting at least cuts off airflow halfway! 😉

CHIC Winter Layering 101 - How to Layer in Winter without looking Bulky!

How can you incorporate more chic winter layering into your winter wardrobe?

Do any of the above winter layering tips resonate/help ya out in your own day-to-day dressing? Also, what’s the temperature where you live??? I think it’s SO friggin’ cool that we’re a community of gals from all over the world – and I’m sure some of y’all are #blessed to have winters that aren’t sub-zero. HA. Let us know where you’re from in a comment down below, too!

P.S. There’s a happening right now that I had to share with y’all – shop it ! Use code LOVEIT to get 40% off full-price styles, and then get free shipping on $50+ orders + save 60% off winter faves! I’ll pull some personal favorites + recommendations for y’all during the day today and will put ’em under the “SHOP” tab, so keep your eyes peeled!

P.P.S. Who wants a shopping spree???? (THIS GIRL). One lucky reader will go home with $350 to Nordstrom – bless up. Use the widget below to enter – the more “tasks” you complete, the more entries you receive. Open internationally, winner will be announced on the widget when it’s done!


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