HEYO! We’re BACK with another CURowd roundup of reader recommendations, and this might just be my personal favorite yet. 😉 We’re talking what to buy at Trader Joe’s, and I guarantee by the end of this post you’ll be buckling up in the car for a TJ’s run, because the CURowd came and brought the FIRE. There is so much Trader Joe’s goodness in this post, I almost can’t even handle it. Of course, I’ve blogged my own Trader Joe’s shopping list before – and since then, even though it’s been a hot sec, not much has changed. With the exception of new additions since TJ’s is always adding + subtracting from shelves based on customer requests, local availability, etc. I’ll drop a few refreshed musts from my own list before diving into all of your favorites!
- Chicken fried rice. Listen, I know this is no new news around these rosy parts. But it’s worth repeating since I have at present 7 bags (YES, SEVEN) of this stuff in our freezer. You know, in case there’s a zombie apocolypse and I make it out with my wok and stovetop…HA. I eat Trader Joe’s Chicken Fried Rice for lunch at LEAST once, if not twice, a week. So easy, so delish. I just put a little bit of EVOO in my wok first; I’ve used hot chili EVOO from Arizona before and it’s SO GOOD.
- Dunkers. Dunkers are what happens if Chips Ahoy and biscottis got married, had a baby, and then dipped half the baby in dark chocolate. Ya feel? 😉
- Thomcord grapes. I thought I was being a good wife by bringing home three cartons for the house. Apparently not. Because J’s first response was, “What, only 3?” HA. Y’all, be warned: I think they lace these grapes with crack. Because there’s NO WAY that these magical grapes are just regular ol’ grapes from a vine somewhere in the sunshine. They’re a hybrid between a Thompson and Concord grape (hence the name), and they’re just unparallelled in grape world. If you’ve got a sweet tooth and/or are trying to kick a candy habit, get these!
- Unexpected Cheddar Cheese. Trader Joe’s cheese section is fabulous already, but this one in particular is a MUST. It just might be the best cheddar cheese I’ve ever had – and I eat cheese like I breathe oxygen. Also melts well, although I recommend just going for the whole block.
- Vegetable Root Chips. If you’re a snacker and/or chip lover but trying to curb the craving, these are YUM. They’re just sweet potato, taro, batata, and parsnip – I don’t even know what half of those are, but I know they’re derivatives of veggies, which is better than grabbing hot Cheeto’s. I could go to TOWN on a bag of these, because they satisfy your salty tooth without making you feel gross!
“Cashew butter, peach salsa, gluten-free oatmeal, pumpkin butter, cauliflower gnocci.” – Michelle
“The frozen macaroons! Also their mac and cheese is heavenly.” – Katie
“Everything but the bagel seasonoing, sunflower cups, cranberry apple quinoa!” – Ashliegh
“Reduced guilt mac and cheese, turkey bolognese, mini Brie bites, cookie butter, and hummus!” – Christine
“Globe artichokes, Very Green, bacon and cheddar dip, cold brew latte pops, veggie stir fry.” – Cassie
“Chai tea concentrate!” – Amanda
“The cookie butter short bread cookies!!!” – Ruth
“Pizza dough, frozen veggie fried rice!” – Catherine
“Cauliflower rice stir fry” – Dianne
“Coconut creamer. I panic whenever it goes off the shelves! And mango black tea.” – Crystal
“Napa chicken salad, apple chicken sausage, frozen gnocchi, ice cream cookie sandwiches, chicken fried rice!” – Jacqui
“Rose face mist!!!!!!!” – Kasia
“Everything but the bagel seasoning” – Bekah
“Gluten free mini cupcakes” – Kim
“Peanut butter pretzel bites!!! And cauliflower pizza crust.” – Taslima
“Ice cream cookie sandwiches!” – Gabrielle
“Their GF pumpkin bread mix is AMAZING” – Kate
“Garlic Spread & Dip – put it on and in everything!!! And Garlic Herb Pizza Dough cooked on a pizza stone with the Garlic Spread, as breadsticks!” – Sarin
“Dark chocolate covered mini pretzels!!!!” – Meg
“The beer bread (adding jalapenos and cheddar when baking) or the coconut hair oil” – Laura
“I don’t have a Trader Joe’s near me butttttt, when we have the opportunity to be near one we always stop in and get the Sriracha and Roasted Garlic BBQ sauce and Everything but the Bagel seasoning!” – Katie
“Xiao long bao soup dumplings” – Amy
“Mexican corn!!!!!” – Sarah
“Orange chicken with cauliflower rice. And their marinated Asada meats to grill!” – Lisa
“Spicy peanut vinaigrette, chicken salad, pasta, frozen fruit, sparkling water, and dog treats!” – Brianna
“OMG def the roasted garlic sriracha BBQ sauce! You read that right. 😉 ” – Jillian
“IDK if they still make them, but Trader Joe’s near me used to have these Everything but the Bagel crackers and they were amazing!” – Paige
“Right now I’m loving their Ginger Miso salad dressing!” – Allison
“GLUTEN FREE EVERYTHING BAGELS and everything bagel seasoning!!!” – Holly
“Brownie/coffee ice cream sandwiches and parmesan pigs in a blanket! Super healthy – haha!” – Lily
“Chili lime chicken burgers!! And their pepita salsa is SO GOOD.” – Meghan
What are your must-have, all-time favorite things to get from Trader Joe’s?
If you’ve got a Trader Joe’s favorite to add to the list, drop it in a comment below – we’ve got grocery shopping to do!
More CURowd roundups here – I strongly recommend revisiting favorite fall date ideas because ‘TIS THE SEASON. 🙂