Fifteen Favorites

Happy Friday – TGIF! How was your week?? I can’t decide if this week flew by or dragged on…ever feel like that?

Last night we saw The Greatest Showman *again* – I swear that’s one of my top 5 movies of all time. Simply obsessed. The music, the acting, the characters, the storyline, Zac Efron, Hugh Jackman…it all is just musical magic with a cherry on top. Tonight I’m actually heading out for a little girls-only faith-based retreat with my godmother! I’m *pumped*. J wanted to go to the mens’ one as one of his Christmas presents from me, so asked and ye hath received – he ended up loveloveloving it and having some truly transformative thoughts + life-changing blessings because of it. So I’m hella ready to disconnect for once and just some solid QT with God, especially as we get closer + closer to Easter. I constantly find myself being just attached at the hip (or, thumbs) to my phone, and lacking discipline on the stuff that really matters in life (told y’all I was bad with this ol’ discipline thing…). I’m challenging myself to keep the phone away as much as possible and focus on JESUS. Can I get an amen?

Today, popping in with Fifteen Favorites! Y’all seem to dig this series, so I’ll keep it goin’ accordingly. 🙂 Also sharing a few sneak peeks at a fun shoot I did right before my big hair transformation, which will be debuting here soon I swear! 😉 This full shot will actually be up on the blog soon, but I needed a few fun pics for this post and figured it would do the trick. Ha!

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

(also comes in the PRETTIEST yellow – really perfect cardigan to transition to spring, since it’s still warm enough for those of us facing Noreaster storms, but the colors screams springtime! SO SOFT, too. #important.) /White bodysuit (only $8 – size up if you have a long torso like me!) // High-waisted Wrangler jeans (c/o) // (on clearance for $32.28!) // // // All makeup is Neutrogena as seen here //


  1. Favorite Mean Girls Quote – Is it possible to just pick ONE favorite Mean Girls quote?!? (No, no it does not – the limit does not exist 😉 ). “Is butter a carb?” “That’s why her hair is so big – it’s full of secrets.” “Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries.” “I’m not like a regular mom – I’m a cool mom.” “Four for you Glen Coco, You go Glen Coco!”
  2. Favorite Place to Get Swimsuits –  + Amazon! I’ve also gotten swimsuits from before, but they are definitely a bit more hit-or-miss in terms of swimsuits sizing since you can’t mix/match tops + bottoms. (Note: I shop there all of the time for other clothes and have RARELY had any issues with sizing, so long as ya read the measurements closely! It’s just swim that’s more hit-or-miss). ASOS typically has reaaaaaally cute swimsuits at more affordable prices. And Amazon has just about everything under the sun – and they have everything from brands like Kate Spade (how stinkin’ cute is this one-piece?!), to no name brands of SUPER CUTE less than $20 bikinis that do the trick. Then I’ll also find some random outliers, like this ADORBS one-piece from American Eagle on sale for $30. is always a safe swim bet, too!
  3. Favorite Pizza Topping – Hawaiian (pineapple + Canadian bacon). But it HAS to be from Jamie’s mom’s pizza place. Their pizza is the *best* pizza in the whole world because they’ve got a sweet sauce (which my brother-in-law concocted at, like, age 13 and it still lives on to this day). And this sweet sauce, combined with all of the other goodness, is sheer bliss. If you’re ever up near the Scranton-WilkesBarre area in PA and want the recommendation, shoot me an email! 😉
  4. Favorite Thing to Splurge on – Shoes, bags, jeans. I’m just a total SUCKAH for shoes, if my collection is at all indicative of that. I’m a full blown addict and I ain’t even ashamed of it. 😉 My sweet hubby already knows that any future home of ours needs full “cloffice” space for my closet-office, including a wall that’s entirely usable for shoes. My heart sings just thinking about it – ha! Shoes I can always justify because they’re a direct investment in my happiness. Bags have also made their way to that list. A good quality bag can go a long way. A.) They last longer. B.) They hold up better. C.) They can elevate an entire look immediately! For bigger bag splurges, I’ve got goals attached to ’em. 😉 But for others, they’re just on the splurge list if/when I need to pull a treat yo’self! And then denim – I learned after waytoomany years of being in meh jeans that value in spending a little more to get the right cut + shape for your body type. I’d always have too much wiggle room, or itchy fabric, or just generally unflatting cuts because I was spending, like, $20 max on jeans. No bueno. Granted, I’ve definitely found some unicorn gems in there that were super affordable + still super flattering and wonderful. But I’ve definitely noticed that the higher quality jeans I buy, the better they fit, the better they feel, and the better they last through wears + washes. All important things! Some favorites include a few you’ve seen around these rosy parts QUITE a bit… (on SUPER sale right now – I think they’re going out of stock!), this distressed pair, + this everyday pair. For an affordable unicorn gem, 100% buy these. They’re under $40, currently BOGO 50% off, + utterly fabulous.
  5. Favorite Skincare Product – Picking just one favorite skincare product is like asking me to pick a favorite cat. Buuuuut, if I have to at least narrow it DOWN a bit… Tula’s pH Resurfacing gel is probably my all-time favorite product for eliminating texture – my code COMINGUPROSES gets you 20% off everything from ! Micellar water is one of my must-haves for always; I use it every single day without fail. It’s great for quick cleansing, so I typically use it before applying any makeup, or right when I wake up. I’m not suuuupuer brand-specific or loyal there – I’ve used both + and both do the trick! I also lovelovelove traveling with mini sizes of it for freshening up! One of my musts for cleansing is my Dew Puff – more on that fun lil’ sponge + other favorites as seen here. It’s a really gentle exfoliant, so I use it in the shower everyday.
  6. Favorite Bible Verse – Again, this is the favorite cat conundrum. No can do. So a few: PROVERBS 16:3 {Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans}. ROMANS 8:28 {And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.}. PHILIPPIANS 4:13 {I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.}
  7. Favorite Ted Talk – AGAIN. You’d think I would’ve thought this through better on a post about favorites…yannno, like picking actual favorites? HA. This list is actually meant for a future Link I Love, cos it’s bombdotcom – it’s the most popular Ted Talks of all time. I still have a bunch to watch on that list specifically, but a few favorites: for insight into your own actionsfor a laugh, for your next big interview, presentation, or first date.
  8. Favorite Thing to Order at Chick-Fil-A – The #4 (spicy chicken meal) with my waffle fries crispy (ask for “well done”). I’m not a soda drinker (typically at ALL), but on the off-chance I’m craving one, I’ll get a Diet Coke or a diet Dr. Pepper to share with J. Or a sweet tea – cos Lawdy their sweet tea is of the gods.
  9. Favorite Find this Week – I’m cheating a little – this was a find from a few weeks ago. But I posted them to the BLOG this week, so that counts amiright? 😉 These Dr. Scholl’s slides. YO. SO. FRIGGIN’. GOOD. The color I have, grey, is on sale for under $40 right now – I found them elsewhere for over $80. They’re definitely one of the most comfortable mules I’ve ever owned – I could *easily* wear ’em all day long. They’d be great for work AND play, look cute dressed up OR down, work with everything from jeans to your favorite floral frock, to your work pants (like my fave ponte pants? 😉 ) or shorts. Could not recommend more!
  10. Favorite Celebrity Crushes – Chris Pine, Jared Leto, Andrew Garfield, Zac Efron, and Blake Lively. If you say you don’t also have a crush on Blake Lively, you’re lying.
  11. Favorite Fiction Book – I’ve been trying to read more, especially since it was one of my main goals for the new year! Sadly, I’ve been sucking at it. WOMP. But I’m vowing to get back on track – hold me accountable? 😉 My goal has been to focus moreso on the library of self-help-ish sorta reads in my office, but I’ve been throwing in some fiction here and there cos girlfriend loveloveloves me some thrillers! I just finished The Couple Next Door (it’s the unrelated precursor to A Stranger in the House, but I read ’em backwards – ha). BUT I think one of my favorites of all time has been The Girl on the Train. I know everyone and their mom has read it by now, but that’s one that I legit read in 2 days tops because I could. not. stop.
  12. Favorite Color – For YEARS I was a purple girl. But now I think it depends on favorite color for WHAT! Pink totally grew on me because of CUR. 😉
  13. Favorite Taylor Swift song – I’ve got random Swiftie songs on my favorites list – Out of the Woods is one I can have on repeat forever for Lord only knows why. I Know Places + End Game are newer faves. And other go-to’s are old school! Speak Now + You Belong with Me for the win.
  14. Favorite ride at Disney World – Easy peasy. That’s a tie between Stars Wars THE VOID at Disney Springs, and the Flight of Passage Avatar ride in Pandora at Animal Kingdom. If we’re talkin’ straight up RIDE, Flight of Passage. Star Wars is a hyper-reality experience that you walk through, so it’s not technically “riding” on anything – ha! ICYMI, I went to Disney World…and I’ve got a WHOPPER of a blog post recapping the entire thing, with 4 days worth o’ things to do, things to wear, things to eat, etc. SOMEONE TAKE ME BACK.
  15. Favorite Jolly Rancher flavor – Blue raspberry. But I actually don’t hate the cherry one, either. TBH, any Jolly Rancher will do, pleaseandthankyou. 😉

Fifteen Favorites - Featuring Seventies Spring Style

What are some of your favorites lately?

For past Fifteen Favorites posts, click here.

To get lucky on purpose, click here.

For 7 sring shoes your closet needs now, click here.

For 12 ways to become a more outgoing person, click here.

Thanks for hanging out, friends! Happy happy happy FriYAY. ?

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