I can actually not believe that the end has come – another year in the books! It’s the same ol’ same ol’ around these rosy parts – getting to the monthly “cool sh*t I lovelovelove” roundup and BAM, we’re reminded of how fast time is a-flyin’. One more post is in the works to close out 2017 + kickoff 2018 right, so stay tuned for that!
Note 1: There’s no new playlist this month – I’m debating doing a big quarterly playlist for you guys instead of smaller monthly ones. Thoughts?? Leave ’em below, wouldja? I’ve got a huuuuuuge Q1 CUR playlist in the works, so I might just make that it’s own thing altogether so that y’all can follow it if ya want, and jam out to it for the next few months (it’ll be looooong, so you’ll have more than enough songs to choose from!).
Note 2: All 12 Days of Christmas giveaway winners have been announced, so make sure ya check out that blog post (it’s linked at the end of this post for ya!) to see if you won! 😉 Folks have to claim their prize, since I’ve already had it happen where a winner didn’t claim AND unfollowed before actually winning, thereby no longer winning…awk. HA. So this is really truly to give back to those of you who do regularly follow along + are a part of this rosy lil’ community, and I want YOU to feel connected + valued + happy to be here! SO…hope you won. 😉 And if you didn’t win one of the 12 Christmas gifts, NO WORRIES – I’ve got more planned for the future justbecause I absolutely loveloveLOVE pulling a treat yo’self for you guys.
OK stepping off soapbox and onto some cool sh*t I lovelovelove…
Links I Love:
- “When you’re going through a breakup.”
- 13 rules for female friendships.
- How Ashton Kutcher avoids email overload (SUCH a good tip!)
- What women would tell their 28-year-old selves
- The truth behind making a living as a fulltime blogger
Stuff on Sale:
Take an EXTRA 40% off Express Clearance
The best cozy soft cardigan on sale for under $30 – size down one, unless you want it looser fitting!
Nordstrom’s Half Yearly Sale is happening through 1/2 – 50% off!!!
My favorite over-the-knee boots for 40% off – I have in black AND taupe now, too!
More After-Christmas sales rounded up here
Get 20% off + FREE shipping on Tula skincare (one of my alltime FAVES) with code COMINGUPROSES
This fun top has me craving springtime – and it’s on clearance for just over 10 bucks.
Up to 75% off everything at Old Navy
These plush sleep leggings are 70% off right now – they’re the ones I showed in my Instastories yesterday! Getting another color today – only $12 is a STEAL for these. You won’t take ’em off!!
EXTRA 60% off all Sale Styles at LOFT!! OMG!
Things I Lovelovelove:
Hands down, my favorite thing of the month right here. This was my big Christmas gift from J – and it’s so totally gorgeous. I mean…
This is funny for a few reasons, too.
1.) We actually went into a Tiffany’s storefront in Chicago when we were dating just to look + have fun (we looked at rings together before actually getting engaged, so that he would know my taste, and to just have fun 😉 ). And at the time when we did that…neither one of us actually had any idea how much a Tiffany’s ring cost. So we waltzed up to the desk and tried something on – and asked how much it cost. Big mistake. The guy goes, “Ten.”
So needless to say…I do not have a Tiffany’s engagement ring. And that is A-OK by me. HA.
2.) J told me that when he went to get this necklace, he had found a 15% off coupon online. And it had supposedly said a % of folks who had tried it that day had success with it, so he didn’t think twice. And then…he called up Tiffany’s to ask about it. And the woman on the phone said:
“Sir, this is Tiffany’s. We do not offer discounts, coupons, or sales, as our products are of the highest quality.”
To which Jamie replied:
“Uh, I’m a dude. How would I know that.”
So yeah, got a Tiffany’s necklace for Christmas. And it was NOT on sale. 😉 But J was so excited to have put a little blue box beneath the tree, so it was so cute!
Y’all. Express’ game is EN. POINTE. THIS. SEASON.
Really, I don’t know where Express has been all my life. I discovered it most hardcore this season, and man oh man – now half my wardrobe is Express! (Like this dress + these pants from this blog post, which y’all flipped OUT over). When I was first putting together this episode of Cool Sh*t I Lovelovelove, I had “EXPRESS SOMETHING” listed because I have so many Express favorites right now and couldn’t choose just one. BUT. I went with this sweater, since I have it in 3 colors. Quantity won here, folks. 😉 So yes, this chenille sweater – from the fabric to the sleeves, to the fun color selections and the price point, it’s a TOTAL win.
The sleeves are called “balloon” sleeves, which feels very accurate – they’re snugger fitting at the wrist, but “balloon” out in the arm. I think it’s super flattering + fun, especially since your sleeves aren’t obnoxiously waving all over the place, but stay put pretty nicely!
It’s in stock 5 colors currently – hot pink, blush, ivory, maroon, + taupe (which I want badly) – and is on super sale for only $30.50!!!!!!! I repeat, on sale for just over 30 bucks – it’s on sale and then on SUPER sale with the extra 40% off that. Insanity, yo!
#AddtoCart ASAP – in every color. 😉
This stuff tho.
TBH, I had a whole ‘nother brow product lined up for this post, and then I tried this and the game changed. Granted, I still lovelovelove the other product too, and use it on the reg – but this one is a new product AND it’s from the drugstore, so I made a lil’ swap to make it happen. It’s a brow product unlike any I’ve seen before. So, I’ve had a past with brow products. For the longest time, I didn’t bother with my brows at all in terms of filling them in, mostly cos my mom always told me they ended up too dark. Thanks, Mom. HA. But then I got to experimenting, and I feel so much more put together when my brows are totally done; my triple threat before leaving the house is ALWAYS brows, lashes, lips. SO. Brows needing fixing.
This stuff in particular is cool, cos it’s a colored gel formula that you apply with the little brush to your brows – and then you can use the spooly on the other end to brush ’em out, make sure the colored pigment is applied evenly, etc. At first glance, I wasn’t sure how it would work, since I figured messy me would just get pigment errrr’where except my brows and it would require more work than it’s worth. But that wasn’t the case at all – it really just applies nicely and the spooly smoothes everything out beautifully. I also like how it dries – it’s not goopy at all, so it’s really just a nice, even finish that comes off at the end of the day with your favorite makeup remover.
And funny story – I loveloveloved it so much, I sent a tube to my best friend for Christmas, and she opened it and immediately goes THIS IS THE BEST STUFF EVER!!! And y’all, she’s a total beauty guru. So if she likes it too, you KNOW it’s #gold.
Vera Bradley all in one crossbody
I shared this gem of a bag on Instagram not too long ago, and I loveloveloved sharing some reminiscing with y’all about the good ol’ days when their wristlets were all the rage – I *distinctly* remember the phase when I was in middle school/high school. Everyone had one! They were the it bag to bring to everything from football games to the mall, cos they fit your cash, your card (if you had one – ha!), + the “in” iPhone at the time. I had a Very Berry print one that I wore to the death. May it RIP.
Now, Vera Bradley came out with what I like to think of as the all-grown-up version…and I’m obsessed.
First off, it comes in a buncha colors + patterns. #important.
Second, it’s got the same idea of functionality as the old wristlets, but with even more compartments. #alsoimportant
Third, it’s got a crossbody strap. #trifecta
The outer pocket *perfectly* fits my phone (I have an iPhone 7+), the middle has slots for your ID + cards, and the third has wallet space for cash + coins (and it fits your lip balm, too). Seriously, a perfect little bag for running around!
It’s currently on sale with over $30 off AND free shipping. Bless up.
OK guys…this is an instance of saying things out loud to make them come true by having accountability from other peeps. MK? MK. 😉 SO, I reaaaaaally wanna read more. I wanna read regularly for self-improvement + personal development, but I also wanna read more just for funzies. Because truth be told, I am quite often the actual WORST at sitting my ass down and ~relaaaaaxing~. The actual worst.
I am oftentimes the Queen of Multitasking – which is not necessarily a good thing, I know.
So to just sit my booty down and not have a phone or computer in hand is really unheard of for me – something I’m going to actively change (not even TRY to change, just CHANGE goshdarnit) in 2018.
Which brings me to this book.
Beyond things that are inspiring/motivating/somehow “productive” to read, I’m a sucker for good thrillers. I breezed through The Girl on the Train + The Woman in Cabin 10 when those went quasi-viral, and I couldn’t put ’em down, so I wanted something similar to kickstart my segue back into being an active reader. So I picked up A Stranger in the House on my last Barnes & Noble, and so far SO GOOD.
It’s very similar in suspense as the two aforementioned, so it’s a real pageturner. I think alot of that also has to do with the fact that the sentences are written to be short + quick and chapters are a few pages long only. You find yourself breezing through because you’re getting through phrases + sentences so quickly that it BECOMES a pageturner. I’m hooked – goal is to finish before 2018!
What links+ sales+ things online have you been loveloveloving lately? Have you tried any of the things I love?
For more Cool Sh*t I Lovelovelove, click here.
For the best After-Christmas Sales happening this week, click here.
For the Best of 2017 from CUR, click here.
For ideas on what to wear for New Years Eve, click here.
For the list of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways winners, click here.
For the latest #AskE Q&A post, click here.