BLOOPERS of 2017

Y’all…I’ve been waiting all year for this. This is by far my FAVORITE post of the whole stinkin’ shebang. Because…BLOOPERS. It doesn’t get much better than this, folks. Last year’s bloopers were a smash hit, and I can totally see why – I looked absurd. Simply absurd. And that’s hilarious, so bring it on, #CantStopWontStop, let’s just have a laugh at E’s expense ’cause WHY NOT, YO. For any OG CUR readers in da house (you rock), you miiiiiight remember a time when every single “style” post was also accompanied by its own blooper roll. But that had to stop, ’cause I needed SOMEONE to take me seriously. HA. 😉 But that doesn’t make those outtakes any less necessary on the internet, so it turned into me creating my own little blackmail blog post to end the year on the highest possible note.

Hope you LOL + hope you feel inspired to never take yourself too seriously in the new year. 😉

Without further adieu…

You like Krabby Patties, don’t you Squidward….

Original post: 7 Ways to Style Black Leggings


Ballet in the garden.

Original Post: Phoenix Travel Guide, Part 2

Auditioning for ass modeling. Failing miserably.

Original Post: The Best After Christmas Sales

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying AYO!

Original Post: on Instagram

GET IT GIRL. #crushedit

Original Post: #AskE – October in San Antonio, making money blogging, + more

Just horsin’ around on a boob.

Not America’s Next Top Model

…Still Not America’s Next Top Model

Original Post: 5 Wardrobe Essentials to buy right now

Being a model is hard work so let’s just take a nap mid-pose aiiiiiight

Original Post: Trend to Try – Pleated Skirts

Cause of death: Hung by her own hair


Original Post: 17 Ways to up your Good Luck in Life

GIMME A T! Gimme new arms and legs ’cause mine disappeared!

Original post: 7 Ways to Style Black Leggings

*Cue the start of pure ART – a true series.


Original Post: #AskE

Original post: 7 Ways to Style Black Leggings

Original Post: Trend to Try – Pleated Skirts

And the Queen of all Drunk Eyes:

Original Post: Two Holiday Looks with Physicians Formula

Not drinking, just possessed. #casual

Original Post: #AskE – October in San Antonio, making money blogging, + more

Can we just acknowledge that my knees are changing color? Kthnx.

Original Post: Christmas Two Ways

When you’re spotted by a driver and things get awkward.

Does this make my butt look good?

Original Post: #AskE


Original post: How to feel Confident in a Red Dress

…ate another bug.

Original Post: on Instagram

School picture day. Nailed it.

Original Post: 12 Powerful Things to Remind Yourself Today

How the f*** do I tie a blanket scarf.

Original Post: 10 Ways to Wear a Blanket Scarf

When the wind does not work in your favor. Ever.

How I will land my first deodorant commercial.

Original post: How to feel Confident in a Red Dress

You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!

Original Post: 12 Powerful Things to Remind Yourself Today

She is beauty, she is grace.

Original Post: on Instagram


Sorry bae, onion rings are the real bae.

Original Post: 51 things to do instead of checking your phone

Apparently I can dance the jig. V talented.

(PSA: Scroll back-and-forth between these 3 pics and it’s a real good time)

Original Post: Phoenix Travel Guide, Part 2

32, 58, 17 HIKE.

Original Post: on Instagram

Am I the fiesta girl emoji yet?

Original post: How to feel Confident in a Red Dress



Original Post: 5 Wardrobe Essentials to buy right now


Now let’s play “caption this” in the comments section…if you can re-caption any of the bloopers above, you win a grand prize. 😉 Spending the rest of the day pondering my actual IRL bloopers of the year, and doing some intense goal-setting + analysis. Send help. And coffee.

Really tho, I really value the gift of being able to laugh at yourself. So hopefully me making a fool outta myself on the internet is somewhat motivating to help you do the same. Errr – to just laugh at your own bloopers more, and not take life too seriously. 🙂

What were your biggest “bloopers” of 2017, and what excites you most about 2018?

Let’s make it happen in 2018.

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