2017 Reflections + 2018 New Year Goals (+ Reader Survey!)

Happy New Year! It feels like it’s been a year since we last chatted. 😉 I’m SO FRIGGIN’ EXCITED for 2018, y’all. Especially here with you guys, on CUR. I’ve been neck-deep in reflecting, analyzing, + planning my new year goals for quite a few days now, and it’s leaving me feelin’ all sortsa inspired. I’m SO READY to dive right in together, and I’m hoping to really kick it up a notch across the board to bring you content that you really want/need/can get hardcore value from.

SO. All that to say – I’m stoked for 2018. I hope you’re stoked, too. 🙂

Kicking off the new year now with a lil’ recap of 2017, with highlights + reflections, lessons learned, as well as a reader survey (!!!), + new year goals for the next 365 days. It’s been a hot sec since I did a reader survey, but I value them OH SO MUCH. Namely, because it gives reaaaaally valuable insight into what YOU think. Many Q’s are just multiple choice Q’s to click, so the whole survey should take no more than 5 minutes. So, especially if you’ve been a longtime CUR reader, if you wouldn’t mind pleasepleaseplease filling that out, that’d be GREAT + really helps me plan the best of the best for ya down the road!

The Best After Christmas Sales - and Casual Winter Outfit on Sale - 2017 Reflections + 2018 New Year Goals (+ Reader Survey!) by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses



  • Went to a biz mastermind in Austin, TX


  • Turned 23!
  • Hired a new intern – Crystal! Forever grateful for her – SUCH a gem.


  • Spoke on a panel at a local blog conference about working with brands


  • Re-launched !


  • Collaborated with one of my all-time favorite brands, Shutterfly
  • Around this time, started going to Corepower Yoga – totally revamped my own fitness routine, and it felt AMAZE.


  • Spoke on the Business of Blogging panel at Her Conference 2017
  • Adopted Purrcy!


  • Surprised my parents with a trip to Mexico. They had never left the country before (ever), so it was a total dream trip for all!
  • Went to the Blog Societies conference in Chicago, where it was so stinkin’ cool to meet friends IRL that had been longtime internet besties


  • Attended my first New York Fashion Week with Taylor (Recap posts here, here)
  • Went to the Lady Gaga concert (also with Taylor) – and we were magically upgraded from the absolute nosebleed section, to near front-row. Absolute dream.
  • One of my longtime besties, Christina, and her hubby Pai stayed with us for Labor Day weekend
  • Celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary AND 5 year dating anniversary!



  • Press trip to Phoenix, Arizona – took a hot air balloon ride, rode a horse in the desert, and did all sortsa “bucket list-able” items, all with my mama! (Day 1 here, Day 2 here, + Day 3 coming soon! 😉 )
  • Hosted my first official event, at a South Moon Under store
  • Hit a HUGE goal I had had since starting my business – earned myself a Gucci bag. 😉
  • Hosted our second annual Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a BIG deal in our household, so being able to host all of our family + friends and have this tradition that everyone can look forward to together all year – it’s hella special.


$13 striped peplum top - #AskE Q&A - 2017 Reflections + 2018 New Year Goals (+ Reader Survey!) by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses



(You can fill out + scroll through everything and submit directly on this form – THANK YOU in advance, friends!)


5 Cleaning Hacks using Bleach (for Millennials with no time!) - with Clorox, on Coming Up Roses - 2017 Reflections + 2018 New Year Goals (+ Reader Survey!) by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses


  • You can focus on the 5% who don’t like you, or you can focus on the 95% who do.
  • Alternatively, you can focus on 100% of the people who said no, or you can focus on 100% of the people who said yes. One will be a whole heckuvah lot happier + inspiring.
  • “Life is what happens to you while you are busy comparing yours to someone else’s through a screen.” – Carly, carlytheprepster.com
  • “When you pick up your phone, ask yourself if you have a purpose. If the answer is no, put it down.” – Katey, chroniclesoffrivolity.com
  • “Me” time can be just as productive – if not moreso – than “productive” time. It’s all about that balance.
  • Also, balance is a unicorn. 😉
  • If you want it badly enough, you’ll make it happen.

2018 New Year goals - 2017 Reflections + 2018 New Year Goals (+ Reader Survey!) by popular Philadelphia style blogger Coming Up Roses


  • Incorporate video more! I really loveloveLOVE creating videos. I love brainstorming them out, and I love the actual creation process – also love being on camera. Guess that’s the musical theater girl in me still. 😉 And I think you guys seem to like video, because I always get such a positive validation of that whenever I’m being more intentional about Instastories content – connecting that way feels more personal all the way around!
  • Bring you into more moments. I went on a quasi-rant on this not too long ago on Instastories, and I was really encouraged by the response. Long story short, for the longest time, I was essentially stifling myself in my own creation + connection with y’all justbecause I was so caught up in my own head. Comparing myself to others, stuck in consumption cycles versus creation – too focused on analyzing what everyone else is doing and not enough time focusing on what I’m doing or what I can do to really further my whole purpose with the CUR community anyways! I realized I was just totally overthinking things like Instastories, thinking it needed to be this whole planned out, filtered thing so to speak, instead of just sharing. When I started CUR, I always wanted it (slash me) to really feel like a friend. Like your best girlfriend who you can’t wait to catch up with over coffee (or Cabernet). NOT the girlfriend who you only catch up with once every three months and it’s that awkward “So what’s new with your life?” where you get the highlight reel and afterthoughts. SO, that means really diving into treating + thinking of y’all like my own girlfriends. Because friendship is a two way street. 😉
  • Actively + intentionally nix comparisons every moment of every day. Stay in your own lane, + do what YOU do best!
  • Actively + intentionally focus on those of YOU who so amazingly choose to hang out around CUR in some capacity every single day, be that by reading the blog, leaving a comment, following along on social media etc., instead of worrying at ALL about reaching new people. Yes, it’s important to always strive for growth, and to always want to expand your reach – especially in an industry where it’s sometimes directly correlated to your paycheck. But that is by no means a fruitful way to live, nor is it the only way to live – or the only way to make money!
  • The -ING’s of 2018: drinking water religiously (at least 1L daily), fostering hobbies intentionally, learning continuously, working out regularly (daily!), reading avidly (2 books/month), praying unceasingly.


What did you learn in 2017, + what are your new year goals for 2018?

I’d lovelovelove to hear – lemme know in a comment below!

And I know I said it before, but THANK YOU.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou to each + every one of ya who has hung out at CUR at some point or another in 2017. I am so stinkin’ grateful to all of you, and I am so stoked to serve you better in the new year + beyond.

Cheers to the new year!

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