My Homemade Starbucks Pink Drink Recipe

Happy HUMP! And happy summer! Well…almost. Summer *officially* kicks off this weekend, and this girl is stoked. 🙂 I think we ALL could use a little sunshine + R&R right about now, amiright? While I lovelovelove me a classic margarita or a Truly or White Claw in the summer sun, sometimes I’m craving something refreshing sans alcohol. For that, my homemade Starbucks Pink Drink recipe takes the cake! It tastes juuuuust like the famous secret menu item (although it’s not-so-secret anymore!), but it’s got less sugar (bless up).

All you’ll need are bags of Tazo Passion tea, coconut milk, strawberries, and your choice of sweetener.

My version of the Starbucks Pink Drink recipe is a lot of eyeballing and estimations based on your cup size and personal preference, so I’m noting everything I do in addition to the regular recipe-style widget below so that you can experiment yourself! All of my measurements below are based off of one serving in a standard Mason jar, so obviously tweak it to taste. 🙂

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses


HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses


Homemade Starbucks Pink Drink Recipe

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Step 1: Brew the tea.

Tazo Passion tea is the exact tea that’s used in the original Starbucks Pink Drink recipe, and they also use coconut milk. So that combination alone already has you on a great start! I use my Keurig to brew one cup of tea, but you can alternatively boil water on a stovetop, of course. Brew and let stand until your tea has cooled before moving onto step two!

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Step 2: Chop strawberries

You’ll want to save about half of the strawberries to use as garnish on top as the final step of the Starbucks Pink Drip recipe, so keep that in mind! Chop strawberries to taste, knowing that half will be mixed closer to the bottom of the drink and the others left for the top.

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Step 3: Add ice + half chopped strawberries to your cup.

I fill my Mason jar about halfway with ice cubes, so the general rule of thumb is to just fill your choice cup halfway! Then, I like to mix half of the chopped strawberries with the ice so it’s a good fruity mix throughout!

Freeze-dried strawberries are in the original Starbucks Pink Drink recipe, but I use fresh strawberries – especially in summertime. The recipe is a *bit* tart with just the brewed tea + coconut milk, so I add one packet of Truvia (a natural sweetener) or a few swirls of honey for something sweet. Add whichever sweetener you prefer to taste!

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Step 4: Pour coconut milk over ice, then tea. Mix.

Pour coconut milk over the ice – I pour enough so that the ice is juuuuuust covered fully. One your brewed tea is steeped and cool, it’s time to mix with the coconut milk! Pour that over, then gently mix the two together.

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Step 5: Swirl honey, one packet natural sweetener.

As is it’ll be a bit tart and definitely not as sweet as the original Starbucks Pink Drink recipe, so I like to add a bit of sweetener next! In using one packet of natural sweetener, it’s got less sugar than the original recipe (bless up) but juuuuuust enough sweet. The original also calls for honey from what I’ve heard, so I add a quick swirl of honey on top for an extra kick. 🙂

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Step 6: Add strawberries on top!

Last but not least, add the rest of your chopped berries on top! Aaaaaand VOILA.

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

Homemade Starbucks Pink Drink Recipe

Lovelovelove the not-so-secret-anymore Starbucks Pink Drink? Here's how to make it at home and save yourself so much money on this refreshing treat!

Course Drinks
Prep Time 10 minutes


  • 1 Tazo Passion Tea Bag
  • 2 cups Coconut Milk
  • 1 handful Chopped Strawberries
  • 1 cup Ice
  • 1 swirl Honey


  1. Brew one bag of Tazo Passion Tea with hot water. Let cool. (Brew tea according to batch size of pink drink, and just increase other ingredients proportionally)

  2. Fill cup halfway with ice

  3. Add chopped strawberries over ice to taste

  4. Pour approximately two cups Coconut Milk over ice (again, can increase proportionally based on desired Pink Drink batch size)

  5. Pour cooled tea over Coconut Milk and ice

  6. Add one packet natural sweetener to taste (I use Truvia)

  7. Top with rest of chopped strawberries

  8. OPTIONAL: Swirl honey on top!

HOMEMADE STARBUCKS PINK DRINK RECIPE - with less sugar than the original! on Coming Up Roses

If you try my homemade Starbucks Pink Drink recipe, let me know what you think!

What other recipes should I try to copycat at home?

For more Starbucks favorites, don’t miss these 5 refreshing Starbucks drinks and these 5 cozy Starbucks fall drinks (that aren’t Pumpkin Spice Lattes 😉 ), both with *exactly* how to order them perfectly!