If you’ve ever found yourself swearing off sweets forever or trying diet after diet, frustrated that it’s just not working…you’re not alone. And there IS a better, healthier way to live – that DOES involve eating the dang cupcake. [TW: Eating Disorder Recovery] Alana Van Der Sluys is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and the founder of Freedom with Food and Fitness, where she empowers women who want to heal their relationship with food, weight, and their bodies through intuitive eating and mindset work. She’s on THRIVE today to call out the Top 3 roadblocks stopping you from seeing results, and to shine light on a better alternative way of living that actually works so that you can get back to learning to love the beautiful body you’re in and the beautiful life you’ve been given. Fair warning, you might walk away from this episode smashing your scale – and we’re totally cool with that.
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