Heyyyyooooo! Happy Tuesday! It’s beginning to feel a lot like…Easter? Christmas? Who the heck knows – we woke up to 4 inches of snow yesterday, but then by 5 pm it had all melted and it was 50 degrees outside. So the jury’s still out on whether or not spring will actually spring up anytime soon. But I, for one, cannot wait. Besides the fact that I’m ready AF for a lighter wardrobe, I’m also ready AF to feel all of the good feels that come with spring cleaning, which is my favorite kind of cleaning. Because there really is no better feeling than that ahhhhhh that comes when you deep dive your entire place, and it comes out all shiny n’ new and ready for open windows + fresh flowers. AHHHHHH. Luckily, spring cleaning doesn’t have to wait until Mother Nature gets her act together, or we might be here until June, folks. And actually, if you’re someone who has a lotta, *ahem*, stuff waiting around for spring cleaning season, now’s your time – you’ve got a hot sec to get your act together before it’s truly time to let the springy breezes blow through. Bless up for that, amiright?
SO…it’s spring cleaning week at CUR! Because you know we lovelovelove a.) getting organized across the board, b.) living our best lives, and c.) putting fresh flowers all over the damn place. We started yesterday with a lil’ mental spring cleaning : the BRAIN DUMP. Today, our spring cleaning transitions to a BIGGIE for me : the CLOSET.
Spring cleaning a closet is no easy feat, especially if your closet is anything like mine. Namely in that it’s still got some things hidden in the depths from, like, the 8th grade. No bueno, E. These 9 Q’s slash points of consideration are what I use anytime I’m spring cleaning (or any-season-cleaning) to haul ish OUT + start anew!
(LoveloveLOVE this! I needed a black bodysuit, and I wanted a black bodysuit that was super soft + wearable often. This one fits the bill! Size up, tho – I sized up to a Medium, which fits me perfectly. Also super affordable option – only $8! has a TON of bodysuit options also (like, 144 available in black alone)) // Levi’s wedgie jeans (LOVELOVELOVE these, too!! If ya follow me on Instagram – specifically, Instagram Stories – you might’ve caught these recently. They’re just perfect for spring, I think. They’re super flattering, + also super wearable with lighter colors as we transition seasons. They also look super good with fun shoes, since they hit slightly above the ankle! They run TTS. Available at Nordstrom, Shopbop, + Anthropologie) // (shade: Snitch – a gorgeous, slightly sheer, bright coral for spring!)
2-year rule
Anything that’s been in your closet for 2 years+ has GOTTA GO. The only exception: If it’s a truly high-quality piece, designer, and/or something that truly withstands the tests of time…AND you consistently reach for it. Example: A fabulous cashmere sweater, or classic trench coat. Things that don’t go out of style, are typically made well (especially if you’re investing in them), etc. But anything that’s trendier, or that’s just been literally sitting there for a few seasons without getting any lovelovelove – time to pull it out!
That’s like that awkward moment when I found a dress from the 7th grade in my closet…and then I wore it on a date with my husband. Like, WHY E. WHY.
Would you buy it today?
Once you’ve gotten ride of the no-brainer pieces that have been sitting there for literally years, it’s time to hit the more arbitrary things. My #1 code of closet conduct: If you wouldn’t reach for it in a store and BUY it today, get rid of it. If you wouldn’t buy it today, chances are, there’s something about it that’s no longer really you. Or, you just don’t lovelovelove it anymore! Which is perfectly fine – it just means it’s had it’s time, and it’s time to go. If you know you wouldn’t reach for it in a store and #AddToCart, chances are, you won’t be reaching for it in your closet anytime soon, either. They say shopping your own closet is a great way to mix things up + make new outfits, so if you don’t see yourself shopping it…#bye.
Do you feel like your best self in it?
If it doesn’t make you feel fantastic, it’s gotta go. Pointblankperiod. Life is short – there is no room or time for mediocre clothes. If it makes you feel meh about yourself, if it highlights your not-favorite feature, if it makes you feel too fat or too skinny or too anything that isn’t too much of your best self, take it out!
Sometimes, my weird tendency is to grab my non-favorites to wear, and instead “save” my very best. Lord only knows what I’m saving it FOR…probably for the grave, as they say. HA. Life is short – ain’t nobody got time to wait around to wear the best dress! Stop saving your favorite heels and your favorite dress and your favorite perfume for some special occasion that may or may not come. LIFE is a special occasion. Dress to feel like your best self all of the time, and nix anything that makes ya feel less than.
Do you have multiple things like it?
I did this exercise myself and found 3 of the near-exact-same black-and-white striped tee in my closet. And then I found 3 more that were similar, with slight variations. Unless it’s something that you legit need multiple of because you wear it that frequently and/or you know you wear it hard (ie. white tees, jeans, underwear 😉 ), you probably don’t need ALL of them.
Go through to pick out the best-fitting, best-wearing of the bunch to keep, and put the rest on the donate pile.
Is it showing obvious signs of wear?
Of those 3 back-and-white tees, one was CLEARLY the oldest…the armpits were done. Gross, but #RealTalk. Usually the pits are one of the first things to go – they get the most serious wear n’ tear everyday, from sweat to deodorant to rubbing up against other fabrics. If someone would look at you and be able to TELL that you’ve had it since the 10th grade, no bueno.
If the fabric is pilled, if there is any discoloration, if it requires any alterations at all while wearing to make it doable…just ditch it. It ain’t worth it!
In with the new, out with the old
Everytime you add something new to your closet…you have to take something out. This is a rule my mom passed down to me after YEARS of using it herself. If a pair of pants is added, a pair of pants gotta go. It’s a good way to force yourself to be choosier about not only what you buy, but what you keep, too. AND, if you already know that your wardrobe feels complete and you couldn’t bear to part with anything in it right now…do you *really* need that random dress from the sale rack justbecause? This principle in general will make ya think twice + be intentional about what you wear ANY buy.
Try it on.
As you spring clean your closet, try things on! It’s happened to me so many times lately where I’ve passed something over per usual for what feels like *months* and then fiiiiiinally picked it out and figured I may as well try it on and get a better read. Turns out…it didn’t even fit anymore. Or it fit terribly, or it was falling apart, yadda yadda yadda. It took up too much space for too long and would’ve been out when it should’ve been had I just TRIED THE DANG THING ON in the first place! Oy, E. If you brush over it and at all think “meh” or aren’t sure, pull it out for a test run.
Set it aside once you’ve worn it, to go through your entire closet
Especially if you’ve got quite the closet, it might be hard to tell what you wear or have worn frequently/recently, versus what gets lost in the depths. If you can manage the space for a hot sec, consider separating things not by color or sleeve length, but by when you’ve worn it last. Once you wear something, but it on the other side of the rack…and don’t touch it again. You have to get through the *entire* clothes lineup before being allowed to hit repeat. This ensures that you’re definitely touching every. single. piece and making decisions accordingly…and it puts into major perspective the things that you reach for regularly, versus those things that don’t see the light of day!
Does it bring you joy?
The ol’ Marie Kondo ‘ism that swears to be life-changing. And it is! At the end of the day, yes, clothes might be a totally frivolous thing to many. But we’ve gotta wear SOMETHING, and it’s better to wear something that brings you more joy in life than the alternative. So all of the above should lead to this one Q…does it bring you joy? Do you feel HAPPY about the piece? Are you excited to wear it? Are you jazzed about styling it? If there’s no joy, there’s no worth. Keep only that which brings you true joy, and let the rest peacefully go. It might feel difficult in the moment, but it’ll feel oh so GOOD once you realize that that weight was just sitting there unnecessarily to begin with!
Have you tackled spring cleaning your closet yet?
I’m in the mood to just clean #AllTheThings lately…time to just make things NEW. Ya feel?