It’s safe to say the past 2ish years or so have felt like one big inside joke that none of us really got. So, whether you’re ending one year or starting a new one, I think it’s best to do it with laughter and a heart of not taking life (or yourself) too seriously.
So without further adieu, it’s blooper time, baby.
GO GET…a new face
Original post: This Instagram
Is butter a carb?
Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon
Not ready to thrive. Need a minute. Maybe an hour. See you tomorrow.
Original post: This Instagram
Original post: This Instagram (a brand campaign LOL)
When the barista “leaves space” in your $6 coffee drink
Original post: $17 Amazon jumpsuit – Floral prints into fall!
Officer, I swear to drunk I’m not God
Just bend…and snap!
Original post: $20 Amazon top + Sequin Leggings
At least the wine looks good.
Original post: This Instagram (a brand campaign)
If you’ve ever wondered what a triple chin looks like…
Original post: Pleated Midi Skirt Look for your next Holiday Party
Drunk eyes part 246
Original post: Cool Sh*t I Lovelovelove
For today’s dramatic shadow finger puppet show…
Original post: This Instagram!
Paulette and I share a Botox guy. IYKYK.
Original post: #AskE – Valentine’s Day Outfit
My actual look to a catcalling a$$hat.
Original post: 20 Amazon Wedding Guest Dresses under $40
Someday I’ll be normal but today is not someday.
Original post: 7 Ways to Wear the THRIVING Tee
When your roses are coming up but also a beetle
Original post: This Instagram
Settle down purse, the power of Christ compels you
Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon
So is it my tongue or Jabba the Hut leaving his cave
Drunk eyes part 87324
Original post: Transitional Fall Date Night Outfit
If I tap my heels three times can it be 80 degrees, sunny, and 2019 again
Original post: Pleated Midi Skirt Look for your next Holiday Party
When you toot and blame it on Carl
Original post: This Instagram!
Do I have anything on my teeth? Am I good?
Preparing for takeoff
Original post: This Instagram (a brand campaign LOL)
Worked out *this much* the past three months
Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon
Is that a snake.
Original post: $20 Amazon top + Sequin Leggings
Just let me screw my head back on…
Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon
I am woman, hear me roar
Original post: This Instagram
When you did not, in fact, get em.
Original post: This Instagram
Now let’s play “caption this” in the comments section, and re-caption any of the above bloopers. 😉
Friends…don’t take life too seriously. Care about the important stuff – never stop caring.
But also never stop laughing.
And never stop celebrating the “bloopers” in your own life that help make you into who you are today. 🙂