The 2021 Blooper Reel

It’s safe to say the past 2ish years or so have felt like one big inside joke that none of us really got. So, whether you’re ending one year or starting a new one, I think it’s best to do it with laughter and a heart of not taking life (or yourself) too seriously. 

So without further adieu, it’s blooper time, baby.

2020 Bloopers

2019 Bloopers

2018 Bloopers

GO GET…a new face

Original post: This Instagram

Is butter a carb?

Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon

Not ready to thrive. Need a minute. Maybe an hour. See you tomorrow.

Original post: This Instagram


Original post: This Instagram (a brand campaign LOL)

When the barista “leaves space” in your $6 coffee drink

Original post: $17 Amazon jumpsuit – Floral prints into fall!

Officer, I swear to drunk I’m not God

Just bend…and snap!

Original post: $20 Amazon top + Sequin Leggings

At least the wine looks good.

Original post: This Instagram (a brand campaign)

If you’ve ever wondered what a triple chin looks like…

Original post: Pleated Midi Skirt Look for your next Holiday Party

Drunk eyes part 246

Original post: Cool Sh*t I Lovelovelove 

For today’s dramatic shadow finger puppet show…

Original post: This Instagram!

Paulette and I share a Botox guy. IYKYK.

Original post: #AskE – Valentine’s Day Outfit

My actual look to a catcalling a$$hat.

Original post: 20 Amazon Wedding Guest Dresses under $40

Someday I’ll be normal but today is not someday.

Original post: 7 Ways to Wear the THRIVING Tee

When your roses are coming up but also a beetle

Original post: This Instagram

Settle down purse, the power of Christ compels you

Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon

So is it my tongue or Jabba the Hut leaving his cave

Drunk eyes part 87324

Original post:  Transitional Fall Date Night Outfit


If I tap my heels three times can it be 80 degrees, sunny, and 2019 again

Original post: Pleated Midi Skirt Look for your next Holiday Party

When you toot and blame it on Carl

Original post: This Instagram!

Do I have anything on my teeth? Am I good?

Preparing for takeoff

Original post: This Instagram (a brand campaign LOL)

Worked out *this much* the past three months

Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon

Is that a snake.

Original post: $20 Amazon top + Sequin Leggings

Just let me screw my head back on…

Original post: $29 Little Black Dress on Amazon

I am woman, hear me roar

Original post: This Instagram

When you did not, in fact, get em.

Original post: This Instagram

Now let’s play “caption this” in the comments section, and re-caption any of the above bloopers. 😉

Friends…don’t take life too seriously. Care about the important stuff – never stop caring.

But also never stop laughing.

And never stop celebrating the “bloopers” in your own life that help make you into who you are today. 🙂

Cheers to 2022!